Thursday, June 14, 2012

Heather: Na na na na na na na na na na na na!


I'm jealous of just about every single one of you right now. I think the vast majority of you are on summer break. And I'm here drowning in projects and upcoming exams, and stress headaches, and the list goes on, but frankly I'm sounding awful whiny.

I'm working on a project right now, and I need red pen and I have six red pens in front of me currently, and every single one has stopped working. I mean, I've always known that the pens of this world are out to get me (pencils rock!), but really? Six pens, and none of them work past a sentence? Can't they wait a day to take out their vendetta against me? (I think I've chewed on a few too many pens in my day. Old bad habit. I don't use pens anymore. It's a mutual distrust.)

So, in order to avoid working on that project and my other one, I'm going to make a post about something fun! I'm just not sure what that is yet.

I think I'll try to re-format the blog soon, unless anyone else wants to? (Cough, Kas, cough). I like fiddling with it. Not because I don't love Ash's style, but because I think it needs a re-vamp that fits our newbies.

I'm drinking chocolate-y chai herbal tea, and it's delicious. And smells even better. Yum!

Rachel, you're awesome. Your ideas are awesome. That is all.

Well, no, it's really not all. I haven't introduced myself yet! Though I'm sure by this point in the post you've managed to deduce that my name is Heather. I'm seventeen. I've been on this blog since the start of the may of my freshman year (of this I am fairly certain.) I'm a senior next year, err, once next week ends, rather (of this I am positive).

I'm Canadian, eh?

That 'eh' was mainly for Kas's benefit as she thinks I do not act Canadian enough.

Speaking of Kas, we wrote a novel together, and it is called Silver. I'm a shit-tastic co-writer and haven't been online in, oh, a couple weeks, (school, I tell you, school!) but we are supposed to be editing now.

Also, Kas, introduce yourself! Come on woman, post! You too Ash!

You (Rachel/Iridian) might have noticed that not too many of us have been posting lately: it seems a number of our members have given up (not posted for say, 3 months) on the blog. So, hopefully you'll be able to help us revive it! And...I can't think of anything else to add anymore, so, later ladies!



  1. Oh no, you're not the only one - I am also in the midst of exams. :(
    2 more weeks until I'm done high school!!


  2. Heather, you are AWESOME! Just thought that I would let you know that, at the risk of sounding like a creeper! I enjoy this delightfully rambling post, and hope that I will, indeed, help to revive this blog :p Also, if you think my ideas are awesome, I'm afraid that I must ask you to marry me.......XP


  3. NAT!

    I think we're the only two Canadians left that still post. WE MUST UNITE.

    Rachel/Iridian (I hardly remember pen names, so don't be offended if I switch back and forth very often) -- No creep-age. I've called you awesome like five times, it's nice to have it reciprocated.

    I'm afraid you must ask a great number of people to marry you if it's just because your ideas are awesome. :D


  4. LOL! When I clicked on your post, the very first thing my eyes landed on was 'Red pens.' For a split second I thought it said 'Red penis' instead!
    But don't worry, Heather. I'm at home too...though I've been out of school for about two weeks now. But that doesn't matter! What counts is that I'm not on vacation.

