Sunday, July 31, 2011

Nat: Hello, ladies.

So, my night is consisting of basically 3 things:

-catching up on all the YouTube videos/SAAWAKM posts I've missed while on vacation and out of range of the Internet
-frequently refreshing the Pottermore page (I will gain early access!)
-typing up the 22 handwritten pages I wrote over the past 4 days to find out how many words it is


[Edit]: It's 1:45 in the morning here, and I just finished typing up all my writing. In total: 5,862 words. That's more in 4 days than I've written in the past month. :)
And still no Pottermore. :(

[Edit 2]: Early access to Pottermore. Ohhh yeeaaahh! A very stressful half an hour, but I did it. XD SO EXCITED!!

Ned. Anyone Find the Quill?

Well, I didn't. I got there to late. So I'm staying up till midnight and finding it tomorrow.

Can't wait!

(Pottermore... but I'm sure you knew that.)


EDIT: Yes. I'm sad. I was hoping somebody would update it RIGHT at midnight, but no such luck. Looks like poor ol' Ned is gonna have to sleep and hope the riddle comes soon.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Nicole: I'm so sorry!

I seem to be apologising on here a lot lately for not staying active. I've been really sick lately and stressed about school, so I haven't had time to write or come on here. I'm all better now and on track with school, and I've finally got some time to think about writing!

I have a new idea that I'll hopefully have a post about tonight. I have a lot of little aspects to think of for it though so we'll see(:

I'm off to look at all of your posts now, byeeee!

Cori: Owww...

For the first time ever, I have broken a bone. o:
I broke my pinky toe! It hurts really bad xD! I stubbed it really hard, and it went sideways and now I can't move it because it went all stiff and black and blue over night, and it swelled up to half its size...
And now, about ten minutes ago, I was leaving my room and hit my hand so hard against my doorknob that part of the skin on my middle finger got ripped off. OWWW!!! Currently, my middle finger is enjoying itself by bleeding profusely. Lovely.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Heather: NOOOOO!

I can't believe I almost missed it!
And next time you BETTER tell me when it is.
I won't be late. :D
I hope it was amazing, and I hope tomorrow, and the next day, and the next and so on and so forth are all amazing, just because.
That is all.


Ned. Out of Potatoes

I'm out of Potatoes! AAHHHH!

That is all.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Kas & Heather: We know you've just been waiting for another one of these....

Kas & Heather.

Hello, lovely ladies. So, Heather and I were jsut talking about the lack of posting going on on SAAWAKM. Hopefully, its just because everyone's busy having lives during the summer, but if not, something is really wrong.

I decided to be creative and write my part in italics! <----- Easily amused much? Anyway, so we were thinking we would introduce a challenge, to do in partners.

Psshhh^ and she got mad at me for only writing 3 sentences. YOU ONLY WROTE 3 TOO! :D

Anyways, so, unlike everything else i tend to propose to you guys, this hasn't really been all that well planned out. (Who else caught my awesome little self-compliment in there? Anybody? :D)
So, to get SAAWAKM rolling again, we thought we would do a challenge where everyone was paired up, and then we have different challenges every week. We only thought as far as the first week, cause we're lazy. the first weeks challenge would be to write a short story with your partner, and the post it on SAAWAKM anonymously, without either of your names on it. And then everyone would also anonymously comment on the story they liked best, and the winners get a point. Whenever the contest ends, the team with the most points gets some sort of prize.

So, you can't actually POST anonymously, and also, let's just enjoy all of Kas's little self-compliments, I mean please... We all know I'm way less awesome. ;)

Anyway, the short story can be about anything. It needs to be between 1000 and 3000 words, and that's it. The reason we want to do it in partners is because, as we seem to work together on everything now, we both know that it's a way that will help you get it done. Because maybe it's just us, but all of you will probably work on it, just for the sake of not letting your partner down. Which is good, because it means more SAAWAKM ACTION! Bam.

Though, I suppose you don't NEED a partner... it's just funner [totally a word, now back off] that way. And I think all short stories should be posted on the same day, and everyone needs to comment, anonymously, mind you, on them. And we can set the day later.

What do you think?

Comment on this post if you want to do it, so that i can put the teams together.Since its Tuesday, i'll give you guys the rest of the week to decide if you want to do it. Comment if you aren't going to do it as well, so i at least know you saw it. I'll post the teams on Sunday night. :P

- K&H

That is all. 


EDIT 2- So, When I re-published, it kind of over took Ned's two posts... and I'm not sure why, since that never happens, but just know they're still there, and I didn't just do that to hound you all to comment... :) 


Ned. 50 Things the Marauders are not allowed to do:

Padfoot is not allowed to propose to Professor ‘Minnie’ McGonagall on a daily basis.

Even if she looks ravishing that day.

The Marauders are not allowed to turn Professor Slughorn into a pig, no matter how much he looks like one.

Nor can we blame it on Severus ‘Snivellus’ Snape.

Or Peter.

Padfoot and Prongs may not tell any Professor that Snivellus is a drug addict and needs counseling.

But they are allowed to tell Professor Dumbledore.

Because he will believe them.

Prongs, Padfoot, and Wormtail may not tease Moony about his ‘time of the month’ in public.

But they may do so in private.

Because he needs to get those hormone-induced emotions out.

If you ever see Moony with chocolate, a wand, and it’s his time of the month, Prongs, Padfoot, and Wormtail may not steal said chocolate.

We are not allowed to call Minnie ‘Mum.’

Nor may we refer to Professor Dumbledore as ‘Santa Claus’ (that Muggle bloke that breaks into houses).

The Giant Squid is our friend, not food (that means you, Wormtail).

We are not allowed to hide other students in strange, yet obvious places and blame it on You-Know-Who.

Nor may we blame Wormtail.

Or Moony.

Or Snivellus.

Or Professor Dumbledore.

No crying; macho blokes dont do that. coughwormtailcough

The contents of our book bags should not scare Snivellus into owling his mum.

But they can make him wet his trousers.

Just because Wormtail has not hit puberty does not give the others the right to make fun of him.

Or his girlish-man voice.

Students do not get butterbeer/Firewhiskey breaks during class.

Even if we offer some to the Professors.

We are not allowed to attempt to dissect Snivellus to make sure he has a heart.

No forgetting Wormtail.

Ever again.

No reading sappy love stories. coughmoonycough

Moony must share healthy portions of his chocolate.

‘Healthy’ as in ‘large.’

No ‘sleepwalking’ to the prefects’ bathroom.

No giving swirlies (a Muggle torture tactic involving a toilet and a person’s head).

No dumping pumpkin juice down Snivellus’ robes.

No claiming that Snivellus’ real name is Sarah.

No turning the Slytherin Common Room into a swimming pool.

Even if you can learn about Muggles and/or magical creatures.

No acting corny around Lily Evans coughprongscough

No Vanishing Wormtail’s food.

Or Moony’s

Even if it’s funny.

No telling ‘your mum’ jokes to Snivellus.

She is actually quite a fox and impossible to insult.

‘Your dad’ jokes are fine.

No running through the Great Hall starkers, even if the ladies appreciate it. coughpadfootcough

No ‘bestowing a gift’ into someone’s cauldron.

We are not allowed to attempt to give Snivellus a bath using a Dungbomb.

Even if he will smell better.

Ned. Working on Writing Little Miss Hero


So today I'm basically devoting to finishing the first chapter of Hero.

I hope that goes well... <3

Also, I'm planning on posting a lot more. <3 Hopefully you guys are too?

Heather and Kas. I love the challenge ideas and I REALLY missed them. I was looking back at our first posts and love it. <3 A lot. I wrote this poem, which I absolutely loved I thought it was so cute. So, I'm looking forward to it.

I commented on the actual post to, so thats all I have to say for now. <3

Love you all.

Kas: Silver.

So, I figured I would give you guys an update, since no one is posting anymore.

Silver is still going well. We haven't written too much since our record setting day, because we just haven't had much time. Every time she logs on, im logging off, and vice versa. But today we're both free, pretty much, I have class at 5:30, but other than that, we should be working on it most of the day.

The word count is now at 46,209 which isn't too much of a change from the last update, but as I said, we haven't been writing much.

Today, however, I found out that I go back to school on the 11th. Which is only 16days away. And, as you guys know, our goal is to finish writing all 3 parts by the time i go back. I think we can do it, but we have to really work at it.

After I go back to school, our writing time is going to be shortened a lot. I don't think I'll even be home until around 5:30 everyday, with my college classes and everything. So tha'ts why we really want to get it written before school starts.

Wish us luck. We're going to need it. :P


Saturday, July 23, 2011

Cori: A Small Update

First off, my mom says hi. She's standing behind me to make sure you guys aren't creepy stalkers. ^^
Now that that's over...I have absolutely no idea how to start the sixth rewrite of Between the Lines (BTL for short). I have Starter's Curse.
Well, yes, I do know how to start it...I just can't. Do you get what I mean? It just feels really wrong, and I want to change stuff, but I know it's right and don't want to change anything.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Kas: update.

Yay! You all posted!

Now... lets continue this trend. :D

So, yesterday was a very big writing day for Heather and I, as we did end up finishing a full color and in about 7 hours we wrote like 5,300 + words. (I don't have the exact word count because its a new day and my little writing program just tells me how many I've written today, not yesterday..) So, yeah, that's a new record for us! :P

Silver is very close to being half way written. The editing of course has still not been done. Haha. That will be the last, and hardest, thing we do. We're still planning on getting it completely written before I go back to school. So you guys will be hearing a lot more about this in the weeks to come.

Heather, you're not online right now, so im going to the gym, and then im going to class... so, I guess i'll talk to you tonight if you're on when I get home? Do you have work tomorrow!? Because Green is just calling our names... :D

Also, just a fun fact for you guys, if we wrote 1 color everyday, like we did yesterday, we would completely finish writing Silver in 9 more days. :O But, sadly, I think thats a bit too extremely, but, I wouldn't be surprised if it ends up being done in about 3 weeks. :P

Oh, and as for the youtube channel we started, I think we might kind of hold off on that until Silver is finished, since it does take up a lot of time (more for me, since i have to edit. :P) But, yeah, we have our first video filmed, but my editing system is being angry, so i dont know when that will be up. :P


Heather: Update.

You posted!
... I think I almost went into shock.
So, Silver is 5746 words and approximately four scenes from being half complete. And it is 5753 words from beating my all time record on one story, so I'm really excited.
How's your guys' writing going? :)
I've missed you all! Haha.


EDIT-- It's 5746 words from meeting halfway with our desired word count. :D Fail..

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Sage: A New Holiday

Okay, so Ned knows that I'm a lifeguard this summer, but that might be news for some of you. In Toronto for the next three days there is an extreme heat warning, aka the humidex is going to be over 45 degrees Celsius (over 113 degrees F for you Americans). So my co-worker and I have come up with a new "holiday" for these days. It's called : Soak The Lifeguard Day. The kids love it. And I'm soaking wet :)

Cori: I really do hate life sometimes.

I'm sorry I haven't been posting in a while. :\ I don't have an excuse, either.
My birthday is 7 days, and I've been working on a Harry Potter fanfiction called Not My Idea. A lot of people seem to like it, so I'm glad about that.
Saw Harry Potter 7 part 2 three days ago...I BAWLED WHEN SNAPE DIED!!! I love Snape. He's my favorite. x)
Also went canoeing with my dad and brothers, and older brother's girlfriend. Boy's day out, I guess you could call it, but with two girls involved.
I also need to get my haircut. It's almost halfway down my back already; my hair grows freakishly fast. ^^
And...the reason I really do hate my life at times.
Thus begins the sixth rewrite of my novel, Between the Lines.
I really do hate myself.

Ned: No excuse...

So I don't really have an excuse for not posting as much as some of you... Oh... wait, I have been. lol. Cause no ones else has been posting either.

Though, I am real happy! I got my cast off! <3

I was out of the house all day. It was awesome!

excited to read Silver in its entirety. Sure its going to be amazing! <3

Love y'all. -Ned.

Yeah. I said Y'all.

Kas: Silver

Hey guys, so I know I haven't posted in the last few days, but neither have any of you! :(

So, me and Heather have been writing like crazy lately, and in the last week or so, we've gotten the word count on Silver up to 40,000 words! :D

40,636 to be exact. And the day has only begun.

We're hoping to get a full color done today, which is around 8 scenes. We've only finish one so far, and we're working on number 2. :D

Our goal is to have the entire thing written, not edited, before my summer is over. Which is around mid-august. I think we can do it, especially if we keep going at this rate.

Anyways, i'll update again, or Heather will, by the end of the day to tell you guys how much we get done.


Monday, July 18, 2011

Nat: I am not dead!

Hi! Sorry I haven't posted, I've been on vacation. (Roadtrip, baby, oh yeah!)
But I'm home.
Heather/Kas: I need to read more of Silver ASAP and also see your new YouTube channel as soon as it's ready!!
Everyone else: Come back and make posts!!


Heather: Since You're All Obviously Dead...

I figured I'd inform you of what Kas and I are up to. Or rather, were up to, before she murdered her internet three hours ago...
For one, we're trying to finish Silver before Kas goes back to school, and we're going to have a 'writing marathon' tomorrow, to try and reach 50 007 words, in order to beat my all time high on one story- so go ahead and wish us luck. :D
We're also starting a youtube channel, and I'm not really sure if Kas wants to tell you what it's for or not, since it was her idea, and she is currently- hopefully- putting together our first video.... So I'll just leave it at that.
It's going to be great. I hope.
So, since you're all dead, I think you need to post and revive yourselves.

... - H

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Heather: So Much For Posting More in July...

Where have you all gone?
I at least expected some posts about Harry Potter... or something.
I do realize I am equally to blame in this, but really ladies, let's get posting!
I think we need to do something to liven this place up, and give us all the motivation to keep posting.
Any ideas?

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Kas: Who wants to see my T-shirt!?

My awesome, hand-painted, pain-in-the-ass-that-took-me-a-week-to-make-tshirt!


The front
The banner says Ron Weasley, but the lighting in the picture sucks.

This banner says Severus Snape, which you can kind of see...

Right Sleeve
turn your head 90 degrees to the right

Left Sleeve
Golden snitch!


Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Kas: Update

So I'm feeling a bit... scared out of my freaking mind.

There is something like 22 hrs and 40 minutes until the premiere of DH part 2. And I'm trying really hard not to think about it.

I'm still not sure i'm okay with the idea that this is the last one. So, to cope, I've pretty much just submerged myself in projects all week.

These projects are:
Re-designing my room. (More on that in a minute)
Writing several papers and taking an at home test for my class (Which took me like 16 hours. Just the test, that is. The paper isn't done yet. :P)
Reading Incarceron by Catherine Fisher in like... 8 hours? Haha.
Thoroughly cleaning my entire house.
And painstakingly hand painting my t-shirt for the HP premiere. (I'll post pictures of it when im finished.)

So... yeah. This method has, I think, been the only thing keeping me from breaking down. I have been randomly bursting out in tears, though.

I didn't end up finishing that HP video... because i would go to cut clips from it, and end up watching the movies...

So, back to the room thing. I decided about two weeks ago that i wanted to re-design my room before HP and the start of my senior year. My room was a deep-ish pink color from back when it was my older sisters room before she went off to college. I just felt like I needed to change it and make it more... me? So, I painted the walls and took my old childish things down... including my several Harry Potter things. (A movie theatre poster of OOTP, a bag from the Wizarding world of HP, an Emma Watson poster and several of my midnight premiere tickets from the past few years.) It was hard, but I think it was something I needed to do. I bought a few new pictures, and I ended up choosing white for the walls, as white is a color that makes me think of new beginnings. Fresh and clean and brand new.

Which is what is sort of happening in my life right now. As Harry Potter ends, i'm realizing that my childhood is ending as well. Harry Potter meant so much to me when I was younger, and I still don't know what will happen tonight, but I think that the reason this premiere is hitting me so hard is because it is truly an Ending.

For some people, it may be their 18th birthday, their high school graduation, or maybe their first day of college, but for me i think that this will be it. Everyone has a moment when they realize that they're no longer a child, and when I think of my childhood, Harry Potter is always there in the background.

And when it ends tonight, truly, I know that my childhood will as well. And while I feel like I might explode any second, this is something that has been coming on for a long time.

Even though I know it is not the end of Harry Potter, it still feels as though as old friend is about to die. I've done my best to come to terms with it, but im not sure that i ever really will. I can't wait to get my tattoo in February, the idea of adding something permanent and everlasting to my body somehow makes me feel a little better.

Anyways, you may hear from me after the movie, you may not. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.


Saturday, July 9, 2011

Kas: Shmeather!

I miss you!

Where you be?!

Haha. So... I'm kind of bored, so I decided to go back through some of the older SAAWAKM posts, and I came across the couple of episodes of 'Those crazy things Kas & Heather say on Y!M' And I was laughing so hard it was ridiculous. I love us.

I kind of forgot how awesome we are...

Which, then, of course, led me to go and read a bunch of our Silver writing. Which, by the way, is not as terrible as I remember it to be... Haha.

And now I really, really, really really, really want to start working on it again. I know we tried to start back up on it back in like April or May and it didn't really work, but i think that its time we tried again.

We managed to get like 35,000 words into it, and that's not something we should give up on. :P

This is what made me really want to start again...

So, yeah, Heather we need to get to work. Haha. Not only because I miss Silver, but because I miss you! We used to talk every single day... multiple times. And now I feel like I talk to you barely a few times a week. Not cool. So, long lost best friend, get your butt on Yahoo!Messenger! :D

Also, Heather go read these...

You know that made you laugh. :P

And then there's this...

There's no way I've only known you for 1 year 2 months and 25 days... Its just not possible.


Friday, July 8, 2011

Ned. Little Miss Hero

Soooo, my story is still called Hero, but the blog I made for it is called Little Miss Hero. I actually am thinking of changing it to that. Cause I think it's cute. :)

^^ There's the link if you wish to go see the blog. :D Tell me what you think. :)

EDIT: I've changed the title of my story to Little Miss Hero. :) Cause like I said before, it's cute.
Also, I made a new cover and I like it WAY more than the others! Its more... bloody... >:-) Hehehe.

Here it isss.

Ned: Harry Potter? AH!

Alright, well my plans for the week have been somewhat... canceled. Seeing as I now have a cast on my left leg... so I'll probably be online way more than usual. XD

Sooo everyone's talking about Harry, and I must say, Harry Potter is what I grew up on! My mother read me the first book when I was six! I've loved them ever since.
I can't stop thinking about the next one, and I can't help but think that I too, am terrified.

Pottermore is intriguing, and I'm definetly going to re-read the series as soon as I finish Moking Jay. Sooooo basically, I agree witth all of you, but I don't think we should be scared, or sad, I think we should be happy. We got something many generations didn't get. An amazing adventure in the safety of our own homes. XD

Love you.

Heather: Pottermore.

I think I really feel the exact same as all of you, at least, Kas and Ash.
I had calenders designated to counting down for Harry Potter- book and movie releases, and it's had a big part in me as well.
I'm not going to get too much into it, because you've both already summed up my feelings so completely.
But I was wondering, have either of you heard of Pottermore?
I admit, maybe it is the end of the Harry Potter era, but maybe it's also the start of a new one.

Also, on another note, I recently got my idea a little more defined, and have been trying to plot. Anyway, I'll be gone from here for a while with no internet. So, talk to you all later! :)


Thursday, July 7, 2011

Nat: Harry Potter.

First off: Names for Ned
-Main Character: The first name I thought of was Ariana. And after that - Briyana.
-Brother: Max, Oliver, or Jordan. (Sorry, those were just what first came to mind.)

And now I also need to talk about the thing Kas brought up: Harry Potter.
I also have tickets to the midnight premiere, and I am also going to bawl my eyes out. It's absolutely terrifying and heartwrenching and strange to know that it's going to be over. No more new movies or books, no more seeing Dan, Rupert, and Emma and all the characters we've grown to love. I have grown up with these characters, and they have honestly shaped my life and personality more than anything else. Jo Rowling is the reason I make YouTube videos and the reason I just spent the night in a Harry Potter movie marathon. Harry Potter makes up most of my memories from the time I was 7 years old, dressing up as Hermione and Rita Skeeter and attending every possible premiere/release I could find. I don't want to ramble because I've been crying over this for the last few months, but I'm slowly having to accept that it's going to end. And Kas - strangely enough, I already created a video to that song, and I've been waiting to upload it closer to the date of the release. I have to come to terms with the fact that my childhood is slowly coming to a close, and while I have to say goodbye, it's never really going to end.

Nicole: For The Love of Joanna Jones

I haven't been writing the passed week or so, and that's why I haven't really been on here because I haven't had anything new to tell you guys. (I'm off to go check all of your posts after I write this though) So, I was watching TV today and looking through the guide-thingy and I just saw "The Loves of Joanna Godden", and it gave me an idea when I went to the shower afterwards (I always seem to get my ideas in the shower :P)

Here's the synopsis that I've just come up with (it's nothing special at the moment), and the name I stole from the movie:
Joanna Jones was completely invisible. Her drab appearance of bangs, braces and a bad fashion sense didn't help with anyone noticing her, and especially didn't assist in the romance department. She was plain-Jane to everyone, except for her two best friends.

However, when a mysterious and thrilling opportunity arises for Joanna to change all of that, she takes it without a second thought.

With a fresh appearance, a charismatic personality and a new nickname, Joanna soon forgets all about her old life of only two friends. Now, boys are fawning over her, girls are envying her and she's become one of the most popular girls in school. Joanna soon learns though, that all of her newfound happiness comes at a hefty price.

Joanna will have a journey of self-discovery, magic and living it up. Will she learn what really matters though, or lose everything that isn't an illusion in her life along the way?

Kas: *Sob*

Before you read this, go listen to this:

I know I haven't been posting this past week, and the reason is because not only am i not writing at all, im also trying to come to grips with the fact that next week will most likely be the end of my life... Literally.

As you all im sure already know, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2 comes out next week, and im extremely terrified. I know a lot of you have mentioned it in your posts, but i really couldn't bring myself to comment on them... Because I know that i can never honestly express my love for these books.

Harry Potter has been such a huge part of my life, i have no idea how to cope with the idea that the story is over. And yes, i know that the story will never die and everything, but the fact that this is the last new Harry Potter film ever, is terrifying me.

I never realized how big a part of my life Harry Potter has been until now. I think i've told all of you, by now, that i used to make Harry Potter videos, but I don't think any of you really realized how much of my life it truly was.

I can remember spending everyday, all night working on those videos. and I loved every second of it. Then, writing happened and i kind of stopped my videos. But, in light of the premiere, im going to try and make a new video to that song^ before the premiere.

Harry Potter is what made me decide I wanted to try writing. Without it, this blog would never have been created, and I would never have met any of you. J.K. Rowling is the biggest inspiration I have.

Harry Potter has taught me so many, many things. I can't imagine my life, or what kind of person I might have turned out to be, without it. I only just realized that, up until about two weeks ago, I had been going out of my way not to acknowledge that this was the final movie. But, its definitely hitting me hard now.

I know that Harry Potter will never truly end, but something very big and very scary is definitely happening now... and im still not sure how to deal with it.

But, Im trying my best to make this final premiere the best of them all, (I've been to three, this will be my fourth.) I've made t-shirts and ordered feather hair extensions in the house colors, bought Dark-Mark tattoos, and my cousin and I are making butter beer.

Something I know will help me cope with the premiere next week, is the fact that i am getting my HP tattoo on my 18th birthday. Exactly 221 days away. Im still unsure as to what im going to get, and i have a feeling ill end up getting more than one eventually, but this first one I want to mean so much. I have a few picked out, but i think it will take me a while to really choose...

Anyways, i guess this post was just a way for me to get out everything I'm feeling.

So, even though it may seem like the world is crashing down, and I know that in exactly 1 week and 41 minutes I'll be sobbing, I can still see that even after this movie is over, Harry Potter will never die. Generations to come will read and love these books just as much as we have, but I feel so privileged to have been here for the premieres and book releases, the excitement and anticipation, and the fact that we are the only ones who can ever honestly call themselves the Harry Potter generation. It is truly the end of an era...


Ned: I seem to be the only member alive right now.

So, apparently, you all died

Yesterday, I went to wonderland. It was fun and I had a great time right up until I fell and sprained my ankle REALLY badly.
Soo here's the story.
We were on this ride, and we asked if we could just go again. There was noone in the line, so that seemed fair right?
The girl was all "Just run around. You'll make it if you run." Which was great advice, seeing as I'm a total klutz and running is not my strong suit.
So we're running, and obviously, I fall.
And my ankle twist and then I'm all.
"Owwwwww." And trying not to cry because It REALLY hurts.
So than this random guy is all. "Are you okay?"
And I'm all thinking "Uhhh NO. Obviously not!" But instead I say, "Yeah, I just fell."
But obviously he can tell I'm in pain cause he gets the ride operator to call first aid and than helps me back to my aunt.
When first aid arrived they were all, "What's your name, what happened blahblahblah,"
But then they were like, "Alright we're just gonna get the stretcher, and blah blah blah." That blah blah blah I didn't hear over the sound of my thoughts going, "Stretcher, uh HELL NO."
What I said was, "Is there another option?"
And he was all, "Can you not walk at all?"
and so I was all, "No."
SO he was all "Well I guess we could get a wheelchair..."
And I was like. "Well... its better than a stretcher..."
So I rode out of Wonderland on a wheel chair, the proud owner of an ankle the size of a large orange.

Soooo.., yeah. Bye!

I didn't sprain it, I broke my growth plate and pulled a few ligaments. Greeeeeeaaat.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Ned: Random Update that you probably don't care about, lol.

My prologue is done, it's short, but I like it, and the chapters will be much longer. :D

Wanna read it?
It doesn't have names yet for MC or her brother. so... here's a legend.

inserbrothername- Brother

insertnamehere- MC

pretty straight forward. XD

© Emilie Cavin.


A loud bang pulled Elizabeth Hero from her sleep. She sat up in a rush, her fists tightening around the blankets surrounding her.

“John,” She whispered. Grabbing for the comfort of someone who was no longer there and coming up with a handful of empty sheets.

She longed for the comfort she would never again receive. Ached for his warmth, for his calm steady voice to pull her from the bed.

“Come on Liz,” He would say, “We have to get the children down to the basement.”

But the room was silent, and no one was here to help her survive the fires.

Another bang sent her scrambling for the nursery. The hardwood floors were cold against Elizabeth’s bare feet.

The hallway was long and the dark made it seem like an eternity to get to her children. Shadows danced along the walls as Elizabeth quickened her pace down the hall. Her wispy golden hair falling over her grey eyes. Her white grey night gown pulling at her ankles.

insertbrothername was already up, his eyes wide and worried. His feet were socked and on tip toe. He stood beside his sister’s crib. Chubby childlike fingers wrapped around the bars, squeezing tightly. He was wearing star pajamas. Dark, navy blue with white and yellow stars. When she entered, he turned around.

“Fire,” the four year old whispered, eyes glancing out the windows. Once his mother was reaching for his sister he went to closing the curtains. This is how his father had said he could help. Take care of his sister, listen to his mother, and pull all the curtains tightly closed.

“The basement.” Elizabeth said and insertbrothername nodded. He led them out of the room, closing curtains as they went.

At the top of the basement stairs, insertbrothername turned to wait for his mother. Elizabeth was cradling insertnamehere. Her short blond hair peaked out over the blankets. insertnamehere arms were wrapped tightly around her mother’s neck.

A huge bang, closer to the house than Elizabeth had ever heard sent her running to her child.

“Mommy!” insertbrothername cried. Throwing his hands over his ears. She grabbed him with her free arm pulling him as close to her as possible. He felt safe in his mother’s arms, nothing could reach him there. insertbrothername wrapped a tight arm around his mother to keep him up as she descended the stairs. The other he placed protectively over insertnamehere. She was safe with him around.

© Emilie Cavin. Wednesday July 6th 2011

Ned: A Cover and Title.

So I made like five covers and I love them all, so I can't decide. Right now, I'm leaning towards number four, or two... lol. I am in need of serious help.
I still can't think of names, or a title for my work in progress. Soooo I dunno. Right now, I'm thinking Hero.

Tell me what you think. Oh, and which cover I should use.
Oh, and one last thing before I show you the covers, if you like one, but like the font of another. That's totally, cool. Tell me! please! lol.


P.s Love interest has a name.
He's Sparrow Huntley. XD
*Smiles Sweetly* Thank you Kas. XD


Today seems to be the day of breakthroughs.
I woke up today and realized I knew exactly what was going to happen in my story. Word for word. (Well... maybe chapter for chapter. lol)

I have a synopsis for you gals. Yay! XD Unfortunetly all I have is a main character's last name, so my synopsis is full of
insertnamehere -main character.
insertbrothername- brother.
I was right before, when I said it has to do with zombies. It's a... you know, "shoot dem mean old zombies before they bite" books.

(Insertnamehere) Hero was born during the time of fire. She spent most of her first nights underground, hiding from the flames that took her father. Fifteen years later she is one of the sole survivors. Her, her brother, (insertbrothername) and her mother live in the small town of Nova. Little does humanity know, the time of fire did more than just kill, it created the Silentes. When (Insertnamehere)'s mother returns from a trip to the market with a sudden urge to kill and eat flesh, (insertnamehere) and (insertbrothername) are forced to run for their lives. Looking for a place uninhabited by Silentes, or as (Ins
ertnamehere) refers to them, Zombies.

A rustle of leaves behind me made me jump, arm going out ready to shoot. He came from the trees, arms raised high. A smug look on his face. A grin that said. "Cute, she thinks I'm half dead."
For a long minute I just stood there staring into his dark eyes. Not bloodshot, but normal human eyes. Not hungry, killer's eyes but the eyes of someone who's seen enough violence for a lifetime but isn't letting it get to him. His teeth, normal white
teeth. No blood or flesh staining them. His clothing, dirty and tattered but intact without a layer of dying flesh. His hair, dark and messy, but not tangled, or blood splattered. His skin, clear, no green tint or open wounds, yes a little dirty, but alive and healthy.
His voice pulled me from my thoughts.
"Do you mind?" He asked, gesturing towards my gun. Seeing it was still pointed at his chest I dropped my arm and that's when I realized that he looked happy to see me. Happy to see a face that isn't half dead.
"Are... are you alone?" I asked. He nodded and a sad look flashed across his face.
"My father... didn't make it." His eyes flickered with the fires of bad memories.
"I'm so sorry," I said and I meant it.

Soo.... thats that. lol.
Now the problems arrive.

My only dilemma lies here.

I don't have proper names yet. So if you guys wanna suggest the PERFECT names, here are the characters in need of them.

(Insert Name Here) Hero < Main Character.
Hero is her last name.
Age: 15

(Insert Name Here) Has long golden hair that is tinted copper. Her eyes are big and light. They are a cloudy sky blue, with dark navy rings around them. Her lips are a soft pink. She isn't tall, or short but stands at a very average height. Just underneath her left eye is a small scar. It's not extremely noticeable, but it isn't invisible either. Personality wise she tries to be a nice as she can be, but is often annoyed by people. If you're vain, she probably wont like you. If you're extremely pessimistic, she'll be annoyed out of her wits until she is forced to slap you. If you are who you are, you can live. (Insert Name Here) is somewhat of a rule breaker. Meaning if she thinks a rule is stupid, or unnecessary, she will go out of her way to break it, but important rules, rules that make sense she'll probably follow. (Insert Name Here) loves to run, and she is strongest with a knife or handgun. (You know, for killing zombies with.)

(Insert Name Here) Hero. < Brother.
Hero is his last name.
Age: 17

(Insert Name Here) has short spiked blond hair. The tips of his hair are golden blond, and his roots, not getting as much sun are a dirty blond. His eyes are a stormy grey. He's tall with some muscle. Personality wise he's the over protective big brother. He's sweet and caring. He takes care of his sister and always has. They are the best of friends. He, unlike his sister is less rebellious. He's always followed the rules and done what ever was asked or expected of him. (Insert Name Here) loves to sing and fights best with any type of gun.

And of course, what I know you've all been waiting for.

(Insert Name Here) Huntley. < Love Interest.
Huntley is the last name.
Age: 16

(Insert Name Here) Has dark brown eyes that show most of his emotions. His eye brows are extremely expressive, as are most of his features. His hair is dark and falls loosely in every direction. He is at a pretty average height, and has visible muscles.
(Insert Name Here) Tries to keep all his emotions hidden, but he's somewhat of an open book. His facial features give away every emotion as he has them. This has led him to be somewhat of an easy going guy. He doesn't stay sad or angry long and can usually be found smiling. (Insert Name Here) Has a sword that he uses when fighting and a handgun.

Alright, thanks in advance guys! Love you!

Heather: Why On Earth Have I Been So Stupid?

It was literally staring me right in the face.
For my idea, I mean. :)
I'm pretty much in love with Darcy...
And just so you know, yes, he is a Pride and Prejudice reference. But really, even the meaning of the name was perfect.
I am so happy.
And, I've been struggling through ideas, interviews, heat, and boring driver's ed., for the last five days.

Nat: Seriously guys?

I haven't checked SAAWAKM in 5 days, and there are no new posts?
What's up with everyone? I miss you!


Friday, July 1, 2011

Sage: Sunburns that make me giggle

I started work yesterday for the first day. Im a lifeguard at a wading pool by my house... I work for nine hours a day at a pool with no shade. Considering this fact I actually didn't get too badly burned. I got a burn right by where my tshirt meets my arm and on my shoulder where my bathing suit was exposed cause my shirt slipped. Wonderful. Anyways. I love you all.