Thursday, July 21, 2011

Heather: Update.

You posted!
... I think I almost went into shock.
So, Silver is 5746 words and approximately four scenes from being half complete. And it is 5753 words from beating my all time record on one story, so I'm really excited.
How's your guys' writing going? :)
I've missed you all! Haha.


EDIT-- It's 5746 words from meeting halfway with our desired word count. :D Fail..


  1. So... when did you cut the other 38,508 words? Hahahaah. "Silver is 5746 words." FAIL.


    For those of you who don't want to add that ^ up, Silver is now 44,254 words long.


  2. Ohh, I meant 5746 words from being halfway... :D



  3. LOL! I was thinking the same, like, "What the hell did you do with the rest of the words that you had...?"
    Sounds like it's going great, though! Can't wait to read it. :)
