Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Cori: I really do hate life sometimes.

I'm sorry I haven't been posting in a while. :\ I don't have an excuse, either.
My birthday is 7 days, and I've been working on a Harry Potter fanfiction called Not My Idea. A lot of people seem to like it, so I'm glad about that.
Saw Harry Potter 7 part 2 three days ago...I BAWLED WHEN SNAPE DIED!!! I love Snape. He's my favorite. x)
Also went canoeing with my dad and brothers, and older brother's girlfriend. Boy's day out, I guess you could call it, but with two girls involved.
I also need to get my haircut. It's almost halfway down my back already; my hair grows freakishly fast. ^^
And...the reason I really do hate my life at times.
Thus begins the sixth rewrite of my novel, Between the Lines.
I really do hate myself.


  1. I'm sure this rewrite will be the best yet. :)
    And just think - you could be like me and not even have draft 1 complete. ;)


  2. lol! Very true.
    And yes, so do I. I took away four characters and destroyed an entire world, changed main characters, and fixed my plot up completely lol. I'm now working on carving out an entire book based on more than 50 notes. =D

  3. Well good luck! Can't wait to see it published and on a shelf at the book store. :)

