Thursday, July 7, 2011

Ned: I seem to be the only member alive right now.

So, apparently, you all died

Yesterday, I went to wonderland. It was fun and I had a great time right up until I fell and sprained my ankle REALLY badly.
Soo here's the story.
We were on this ride, and we asked if we could just go again. There was noone in the line, so that seemed fair right?
The girl was all "Just run around. You'll make it if you run." Which was great advice, seeing as I'm a total klutz and running is not my strong suit.
So we're running, and obviously, I fall.
And my ankle twist and then I'm all.
"Owwwwww." And trying not to cry because It REALLY hurts.
So than this random guy is all. "Are you okay?"
And I'm all thinking "Uhhh NO. Obviously not!" But instead I say, "Yeah, I just fell."
But obviously he can tell I'm in pain cause he gets the ride operator to call first aid and than helps me back to my aunt.
When first aid arrived they were all, "What's your name, what happened blahblahblah,"
But then they were like, "Alright we're just gonna get the stretcher, and blah blah blah." That blah blah blah I didn't hear over the sound of my thoughts going, "Stretcher, uh HELL NO."
What I said was, "Is there another option?"
And he was all, "Can you not walk at all?"
and so I was all, "No."
SO he was all "Well I guess we could get a wheelchair..."
And I was like. "Well... its better than a stretcher..."
So I rode out of Wonderland on a wheel chair, the proud owner of an ankle the size of a large orange.

Soooo.., yeah. Bye!

I didn't sprain it, I broke my growth plate and pulled a few ligaments. Greeeeeeaaat.

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