Sunday, June 5, 2011

Nicole: The Mortal Instruments movie

Did you guys here about the casting for Jace?! At first I was horrified when I heard Jamie Campbell Bower had been cast because he was nothing like I'd imagined Jace whatsoever, the photos I saw when I Googled him actually looked kind of feminine (not that that's a bad thing). I was pretty shocked too because I'd kind of just accepted that because of Alex Pettyfer being so popular he would without a doubt play him.

Then I read this interview with Cassandra Clare talking about him. It calmed me down because I trust her judgement and I guess I won't really be able to criticise until the movie comes out... (:


  1. I can't wait for this movie to come out. :)

    But I get what you mean.

    I guess we'll just have to wait and see. :)


  2. I still don't really like Jamie Campbell Bower...


  3. Jamie Campbell Bower needs to GTFO. Sorry, but he's in EVERYTHING! He plays Caius in Twilight, Gellert Grindelwald in Harry Potter, He was the main character, Arthur, in the U.S. show Camelot, and now he's going to be Jace? Ugh.

    Can they please stop recycling actors for everything? There has to be an unknown actor out there that could play him...

    The same thing goes for the Hunger Games cast. Im okay with who they picked for Katniss, but Josh Hutcherson and Liam Hemsworth? Gag.

