Sunday, September 12, 2010

Cori: WB

First of all, I'm just putting WB for writing buddies, because I'm lazy and don't feel like putting down the whole words...XD! So just bear with me here, all right?
Anyway, I guess that we'll pretty much have to tell our WB's what's going on in our stories, like Maiah said, so they can help us. How do we do this? Like, in a chat room or something? Because I for one, don't exactly feel like posting and having them answer a few hours later or something, lol. Things like that usually drive me nuts. And you can never tell if they're online or not...
Just wanted to know about that.
And then, MUAHAHAHA! I got rejected from the last agent I queried, and now I'm going to query a different one!! Yay!
Now I need to go bother my daddy into taking me to a bookstore so I can spend thirty bucks on books and read the day away. Hahaha, Cori out XD!


  1. Well, its easiest to just send emails between you two. because you'll most likely not be on at the same time all the time. So, thats the way me and maiah used to do it. Lol


  2. I'll make a contact page - that way you can put your e-mail up for your partner. :)
