Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Nat: Not in a good mood.

I'm sorry if this post is bitchy or whiney or full of complaints - but I don't care, because I'm in a terrible mood right now.

I'm not even going to bother explaining it all, but I had an awful day full of people that I can't deal with. When people don't show up 2 days in a row to present a drama project, I get pissed off. When I find out that I have a second drama project that I have to prepare and present tomorrow, I get a little more angry. When I spend TWO AND A HALF FREAKING HOURS in a room full of people I hate and that love to hear themselves talk, it just tops off the day.

Now, it's almost 9 o'clock, I just got home. I still have to study for an English and Chem final tomorrow, do my Physics homework, prepare/practice a full mime drama project, make a cover page for my sketch book, plus get to bed at a decent hour so that I can wake up extra early tomorrow morning for Student Council. I also got two really awful pieces of news today. I feel like dying - I'm getting sick and I have a stomachache. Plus, my dad is mad at me. Again.

Yes, it has been an awful day. Thanks for listening.


  1. Aw..I'm sorry, writing buddy. I'll help you with anything you need help on, if you want! But I know exactly how you feel; I get days like that a lot. Just make some tea or something, take a few deep breaths, and relax for about five minutes. Then, like, just maybe, it would be the best time to get to work. Sounds like you have a lot to do.
    Hope your day gets better really soon!!
