Friday, September 17, 2010

Nicole: Nanowrimo?

I know I'm posting a lot today, but I'm genuinely curious about this. Is anybody considering doing Nanwriomo on here? If you're not sure what it is, it's National Novel Writing Month (November) this is their website:

I remember Kas, Maiah and I tried it last year, and I failed dismally, but I'm thinking of trying it again. Even though I was way off 50,000 words, it still made me get a few thousand out.

Are any of you doing it this year? I just worked out that it's 1,666 words a day, so what if we made it a challenge thing for November? I know it's not for another few months though(: Let me know what you guys think.


  1. I think I'm going to try it. Actually, what I'm going to try and do is write half my novel (around 50,000 words) in November. Then, I hope to write the rest in December and January.


  2. Sounds like fun. I don't really like the concept of Nanowrimo, because you write a full book and it ends up like crap cuz you write so much every day and are so rushed. But I like the idea of trying to write 1,666 words every day.


    [It's Nat.]

  3. I've been doing it for about three years XD! I love NaNoWriMo, actually. Had to make a new account recently though, since I hated my old screen name, and wanted it to be my character name. So, yeah. Third year doing it, etc.

  4. 1,666 Words a day? Rough draft 'ere we come xD
