Friday, August 17, 2012

Cori: Car wreck.

So my dad and brother got in a car wreck yesterday morning. My dad was dropping Max off at the King's Island amusement park so Max could go to work, when some idiot came speeding down the 45-speed-limit road at about 70 mph. He slammed into my mom's brand new car (with heated seats) and completely crushed the back, flinging our car about 40 meters across the road and into the grass.

Then the bastard spun, hit someone else head-on, spun again, and hit someone else.

Max and my dad are okay. Max has some pretty bad muscle bruising in his right leg, which is pretty skinned up, and his elbow is all cut up. My dad was hit in the gut by the steering wheel, bruising some organs, and his elbow is also cut up. He has a big gash on the back of his head and a bruise on his forehead. They're okay though, and miraculously Max's brand new $400 cell phone survived with nothing more but a streak of paint across it from where his seatbelt holder snapped off and dragged across the back.

No one died in the crash, which is actually kind of a miracle. They were all taken to the hospital and my dad had to get a CAT scan to check for internal bleeding, but he has a clean bill of health and now they're both home and very sore. Max is now terrified of driving.

Thankfully, the idiot who hit them has insurance, which is going to be paying for a new car, new cars for the other two people who were hit, and the hospital bills of everyone he hit. While out in the hallway, I heard the bastard refuse a drug test, quite violently. He was talking in a very...slurred voice. Obviously, he had been under the influence of something. A police officer forced him to take a drug test, but I didn't hear the results...we'll see.

So now we're hiring a lawyer; everyone who was hit is going to sue the guy for all he's got. I'm rather looking forward to a trip to Florida - er, I mean, a new car.

My dad says that he looked up a split second before the car hit them and saw a flash of silver in the mirror, before there was a really loud smashing noise and everything went white for a moment. Then all he could hear was Max screaming.

Max says they were both screaming. He told me that when they both calmed down, he got his phone out and called 911 as a worker at King's Island came running to see if they were all okay. As soon as Max was done calling 911, he went ahead and took a couple pictures of the crash for the rest of the family to see, and as 'evidence.'

If someone had been in the back, they would be dead now. The back seats are crushed against the front seats...the entire back of the car is destroyed. All my baby brother Preston had to say was "Can I come?" and he wouldn't be here anymore. Here's another one.

You can see my dad there, in a neck brace. There's some blood on the seat but not as much as there was on his pillow in the hospital. You can also see Preston's car seat there. He would be dead now if he had come.

And there's what it looks like from the side. And to think that it had been a really nice car just a few minutes before that was taken...

And this is what it looks like from where Max had been sitting. Pretty freaky, eh?

But everyone is okay. Everything is going to be fine, the idiot who hit them might to go jail, he's going to lose a lot of money soon, and we're going to get another car. But my grandma says that the real tragedy is my dad's attire while he was in the hospital. He was wearing a hospital gown, Batman underwear, and dress shoes. I have recovered from the horror of seeing my dad in those clothes.


  1. Wow, that's really...intense, for lack of a better word. I'm so glad that they're both fine and that that moron is getting what's coming to him. I hope this doesn't sound insensitive, but those are some neat pictures your brother took. I said "damn" out loud when I saw the first one--hard to believe that was a perfectly fine vehicle just moments before that was taken.

  2. Yeah, it's pretty crazy. I'm glad the moron is going to get in trouble too.'s not insensitive at all! I was actually pretty awed by the pictures too; they're actually kind of cool.

