Sunday, August 12, 2012


First of all, let me just say that I am so sorry that I haven't posted anything in so long! It has to have been WEEKS. You probably all thought that I was dead, but, fortunately, I was just really, really busy for a long time. I finally have some time to basically do whatever I want, which is to post on SAAWAKM for the first time in about an eternity. I won't write a ridiculously long post catching you up on what I've been up to lately, mostly because what I've been doing isn't remarkably interesting. Instead of going on about it for paragraphs, I will tell you what's been up in list-form:
1. Went to a two-week classical music camp.
2. Went camping.

The end. So that's what has been taking up all of my time. Again, sorry that I haven't been posting in a long time, but I hope that serves as a good enough excuse, haha.

Anyway, the reason I thought of posting in the first place is because I have been quite inspired lately and I have been doing a lot of writing. I've mostly been working on Death List, which is mainly what I have to blabber about sort of, but I've also been going back and forth between my other books. I'm one of those lame people who goes back and forth between a lot of other books. I don't know why. I'll spend a bunch of time on one of them and then I'll randomly get inspired to work on a different one so I will. I just kind of shift back and forth between my different books. Sorry, I'm babbling a little. I forgot to warn you at the beginning of this post that I have gotten four hours of sleep two nights in a row, which doesn't sound like that big of a deal, but I don't function well AT ALL without sleep. My epilepsy gets a lot worse and I keep forgetting what I'm doing, which is why a lot of these sentences probably seem like they are going nowhere. Just keep in mind that right now I barely know what I'm talking about, and that my future posts will be much more coherent.

Anyway, so I've been doing a lot of writing. I've been working mostly on Death List, but I have been planning a lot with my other books. But I don't feel like talking about that right now. I don't know why I mentioned it. Probably because I am tired and insane. ANYWAY, so Death List. I'm really liking where it's going so far, and I plan to catch you up on all the details once I have my wits about me more. In fact, I might do that later today, even, but not right now. In fact, I have to wrap it up; something just came up. So sorry for this weird and pointless post. I just wanted to put something up here for the first time in a long time. Hopefully I'll be on here later!


1 comment:

  1. Keep working on Death List. Glad to see that not everyone has abandoned the blog.

    Sorry, I'm just in an extremely negative mood right now.

