Monday, August 6, 2012

Cori: NaNo ideas

Last night while watching Fullmetal Alchemist, I got an idea for the next NaNo. Which makes no sense, because the idea has absolutely nothing to do with FMA...but whatever! It inspired me and that makes me happy!

I have a bit of a habit taking overused and cliche ideas and twisting them around, warping them until they're really unique and original. Like in Caged--I've read countless books about prophecies surrounding the main character, who has to save the world. I've also read books and seen movies where the main character is secretly related to someone (cough, Star Wars, cough). So I took both ideas and made them my plot. At first it was just like every other book with that plot, until I started corrupting it so that it was totally creepy and really complex. So I'm going to do the same thing with my NaNo novel.

You know the books/movies/animes/etc where the main character is hunting down someone who did something bad to them? Or the ones where they're searching for the elusive person that stole their heart? You know what I'm talking about.

I'm going to take the idea and switch it around. The main character won't be the one hunting someone down, fueled by a lust for revenge. Instead, the main character will be the one who is being hunted down by someone they wronged horribly. It's going to be much more complex than that, but that's the rough idea.

What do you think? The idea might change, because I've already become slightly bored of it. Haha. But we'll see!

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