Sunday, August 19, 2012

Kas: I Love College.

Seriously, college is amazing. Also, this will most likely be a super long post about dorm life, just to warn you. :)

I'm sorry I haven't been on lately, my life is extremely hectic right now. I just realized that I never told you guys when I moved into college. It was three days ago, on the 16th. I'm on a co-ed dorm floor, but my roommate and suite mates are girls.

I know i told you guys i was a little worried about how my roommate and I would get along, because she is really reserved and shy. But, i'm happy to say that we're alright. We're never going to be best friends, but we'll be okay living together. Honestly, she is a huge push over so I just do whatever I like and shes fine with it.

So, Thursday we moved in and spent the entire night getting our room situated. I didn't have time to really meet anyone else other than my suite mates that night. So, as i was going to bed i was really home sick and kind of worried that I would hate OU. But, the next day I took my roommate around campus and showed her where her classes are, since i know all the buildings from spending so much time her with my sister. I was still kind of bummed, because i didn't really like my roommate and she was the only person I knew.

Anyways, we went back to our dorms and Kassandra, which is her name, got on her computer and did her whole "I'm socially awkward and I'm just gonna sit here in our room all day" thing that she tends to do. So I decided to go hang out with one of my suite mates in her room. We talked for a while before deciding to go around and meet all of our floor mates.

It was going okay, I liked the people but didn't really think I would hang out with many of them. Then, we meet two guys about three doors down from us named James and Andrew. I'll just start by saying, I Love Them. I've only known them for about two and a half days, but i've spent every hour, except for the 8 or so that i've slept, with them. They're my new best friends. My roommate tried to come hang out with us yesterday, but she just kind of sat there and watched us all talk, so that was a bust. I'm pretty sure she thinks i'm a sleeping with them because i'm in there room until three or four A.M. every night... she's judgy like that.

I've met pretty much all of the people on my side of the floor, which is Walker 5 East, for future reference. I'm so happy I picked the co-ed floor, because I get along so much better with guys.  There are a few girls who are nice, like my suite mate, but I don't spend much time with them.

Anyways, I love Walker 5 East, and I love College. Classes start tomorrow, which is why i had any time to write this. The boys went to bed early cause they have early classes. I'm getting up to eat breakfast with them, though, so I should go to bed too, i guess... Haha.

Well, this was just an update on whats going on with me. Heather, I'm sorry, you're going have to give me about a week to get everything figured out to see when I'll be able to get on...

Night, guys!

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