Saturday, September 29, 2012

Heather: I Won't Give Up.

On us, even when the skies get rough. I love Jason Mraz.

But ladies, my last post was something of a goodbye, this one, this is something of a hello. Maybe it was Rachel's enthusiasm, Cori's persistence, or Nicole's, our resident missing person (and I mean that in the funniest and nicest way possible), post.

I was almost afraid to check back here today, but I'm glad I did.

Maybe, maybe some of us are done with this blog, or maybe this blog is done with some of us, but it's certainly not done with me, and I am absolutely not  finished with this blog. You have all (just about) been a part of my family for the last three years, and while some might let that go to waste, I've realized something lately. I won't.

In fact, I flat out refuse.

I challenge everyone that still follows this blog to comment on my post: whether cynical or otherwise, to let me know you're still here.

And even if I'm alone (and I already know I'm not) I'll still do my best to keep this place alive, because you all mean way too much to me to fall to waste.

I'll be posting again tomorrow night, when I'm not so tired.



  1. I'm still here! I have no idea how to use this website now either, I'm so lost hahah

  2. Glad to see you're staying :D :D Now you'll have to read my long, rambling posts about my imaginary worlds forever, BUWAHAHAHAHA!

  3. Heather, you're the best. :)
    I knew we wouldn't let SAAWAKM die. :D

  4. P.S. That was me. ^^

