Sunday, September 2, 2012

Cori: Three weeks.

A few days ago I made the decision to quit SAAWAKM. As in, see ya, au revior, buh-bye. But Heather (just a few minutes ago, actually) convinced me to stay for three more weeks and see if it gets any better before then. If not, I'm out of here; because this is just ridiculous. I know you all have lives and things to do, but it's not that hard to get onto the computer for five minutes and type out a quick post, unless you don't have internet. I'm not all that innocent either, but at least I'm checking the blog every day to see if anyone has posted, commented...anything. It's like you're all dead.

So I'm either leaving SAAWAKM in three weeks, or I'm staying. No offense but I'm inclined to believe that I'll be gone in three weeks.

And if you guys haven't noticed yet (I doubt it), I delete every post I make when I'm in anything but a neutral mood (which is most of the time). I'm in a neutral mood right now but I'm sort of leaning toward pissedoffedness. So this post will probably be deleted in a few hours. And then you'll have absolutely no warning when three weeks go by and suddenly I'm gone. Sorry 'bout that.

Okay...well, seeing as this is a writing blog, I might as well talk about writing. I've been working on Skin Deep lately - my gay romance novel. I've fixed it up a lot; it's quite a bit different than what it used to be. What was one a cute romance between two high school boys in a modern setting is now a disturbing love-hate relationship between a young demon/serial killer and his target, in a Victorian Era type setting.

I finally figured out the ending to Skin Deep. From the very beginning it's obvious that my main character Ciaran (the serial killer who eats the souls of his targets) is going to die. I just had no idea how I was going to pull it off.

The reason Ciaran dies is because in order to keep most of his powers locked up, he made a deal with the devil and used Blood Magic to create tattoos on his body. The tattoos keep his powers under lock and key, giving him the freedom to do what he wants. Unfortunately the price for the Blood Magic is death.

In the end when he dies, Ciaran tells Riven (his target and lover) that he'll eventually see him again, seeing as it's only his body that will die. His soul will go to Hell and he'll reside there as a demon. Earlier on in the book Ciaran offered to make a contract with Riven, who refused. But at the very end Riven goes to Ciaran's grave and accepts the contract, and Ciaran wakes up again. Then the book ends on what's actually kind of a cliffhanger.

...Kinda like the movie Avatar. Jake wakes up and it's like, "Ooh, wonder what's gonna happen ne--DAMMIT THE MOVIE ENDED!"

In other words, I enjoy pissing off my readers.

1 comment:

  1. I'm with you Core. I'll give it three weeks also. I have had nothing to say, but I'm not innocent either. I'll try and post today. But if it ends up just being us two posting, I think I'm going to quit also. Sorry y'all... I want to keep in touch with you guys though.

