Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Cori: Is anyone alive?

Like, honestly? I'm one of the only people updating regularly. I've posted a ton this month. =P
Why can't you guys do the same?! Dx! I feel like SAAWAKM is dying and it makes me pretty upset, since I've been on here for a super long time and we used to post every five seconds. Remember when we would each post like, three times in a day?


  1. I'm on for a second and I saw your comment. I'm not on anymore right now because of finals. My finals and last minute cram sessions are extremely hard. Last week I was piled up on homework and my mom is running the only UPS Store in our town alone with only me for help. So my time is pretty full. After this week I should be able to get on a lot more often. Sorry!

  2. YES. I remember back forever ago when people posted all of the time. I just whipped out 1500 words after a LONG time without writing and thought of SAAWAKM. So hi Cori. Nice to see you again. :)

  3. That's okay, Jamie. :) I know how finals are - I hate them!

    RACHEL!!! Dude, we haven't heard from you in forever!


  4. I know... I kind of fell off of the face of the planet. :P How have you been? :)
