Saturday, December 17, 2011

Nat: P4A!

Hello ladies, it's December 17th. And you know what that means...actually you probably don't know what that means.

Well, I'll tell you. It means that it's Project for Awesome day on YouTube!

The Project for Awesome (P4A) was started a few years ago by John and Hank Green (the vlogbrothers on YouTube) and it's a day where YouTubers make videos promoting charities. Anyone can make a video, you can promote the charity of your choice, and it's a great way to raise awareness and raise some money for some of your favourite charities. If you go to, you can donate money there, and all the money goes into a big pot. At the end of the Project, people can vote on which charity they think the money should go to, and all the money gets split up and donated.

If you don't want to make a video or donate money, there's one other thing you can do, and that is comment, like, and favourite P4A videos on YouTube to raise more awareness and get the videos to the front page of YouTube.

I already made my video. You can see it here:

Thanks for reading this, and DFTBA! (Don't forget to be awesome).

1 comment:

  1. Awesome! I've never actually heard of P4A haha. But now I have. xD

