Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Nat: 4 Things To Tell You. :)

#1: I fail. I'm sorry I haven't posted in so long...I kept thinking about it, and then I just...didn't...
But at least I'm posting now, so those of you who haven't posted yet, you fail more than me. ;p

December 17th. Do it.
(If you don't know what it is: here.)

#3: My play!!!
Some of you may have seen my picture on Facebook, but I'm gonna post some pictures here anyway. Ready, set, go.

The set that I assistant designed and helped to build. :) (Bad quality picture, I'm sorry...)

My BFF Frances, who played Nana in the show, and also designed the set.

Me as Timothy the lion, and Allister, who played Alex.

Cassandra as one of the dancers in the show.
Yep, so my play is done now, and you don't have to listen to me ramble on about theatre anymore...until next semester! YAY!

#4: This! <---- Click it, trust me!

Okay, that's all for now. Bye ladies, I miss you!!


  1. Nice!!! I like the set a lot. Looks great, Nat! ^^


  2. Aww thanks Cor!

