Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Cori: Pink salt!

We got to mess with toxic, and highly corrosive, chemicals in science class today. Because we're making salt.
Pink salt.
It was actually pretty boring, my group managed to completely ruin ours until Mr. Darling dumped a bunch of acid into it to neutralize the base (Jac isn't allowed to touch the chemicals anymore), and I fell asleep. I also almost fell off of my stool.

We also spent at least ten minutes convincing a girl in our class that the salt was not safe to eat.

Tessa: "So you can't...eat it?"
Mr. Darling: "Nope."
Tessa: "So like...you can't eat it?"
Mr. Darling: "Well...It's poisonous, and you would die..."
Tessa: "I don't get it."
Mr. Darling: "It's toxic. Harmful. If you ate it, you would die. You would stop breathing. Your heart would stop. You wouldn't exist anymore."
Tessa: "So you can't eat it?"
The girl next to me: "I wish she would just eat the salt already..."

I had an interesting day. I also had to sit in the cafeteria/auditorium for about three hours, with my friend Jennifer. (The sophmores were having their OGT testings today.) We had fun, pretending that we were the hosts of nature TV shows and going, "There is Shelby, in her natural habitat...Oh? What is this? She is sucking her thumb!"
Me: "Of course she is, you silly little American! When a Shelby sucks her thumb, it means that she is attracting mates to imitate the movements on!"
Jennifer: "Ew."

Heh. =D

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