Friday, March 9, 2012

Kas & Heather: Part 2.

Heather & Kas

 Hey folks, it's been awhile, huh? Well... I'll definitely be posting more, ande Kas likely will too... because, drum roll please, Part 2 of Silver is finally complete. And unedited, but, you know. Complete. Complete. Complete. Yeah. And PART THREE IS SO FLIPPING EXCITING I CANNOT WAIT ! AHHHHHH !

Yep. what she said. We actually finished part 2 a few days ago... but we just got around to color coding part 3 and everything so we thought we'd post. :) Part three has the most scenes out of all our parts, so we're not that close to being done, but this is really exciting because this means we only have one part left to write before we're done! We'll except for editing, of course, but i'm choosing to not notice that part until i have to. :D

Kas's thoughts on editing have left me absolutely terrified, and I know if I think about it I will end up in a very, very, very dark place, so I've chosen to overlook it as long as possible. That is to say, until Kas forces it down my throat. Part 2 was our smallest section, but also the dullest (not to call it dull, but it doesn't have kidnappings, [as many] dudes that are more than just hateful, and no massive battles), section. But part three is all, 'Yay-go-me-I-have-action-action-action-yeah-yeah-yeah!'

So, we've decided to edit the shit out of our mutual favourite scene in part 2 (whenever we manage to pick one...) edit the crap out of it tonight, and then post it for you to all bask is it's never-ending glory. Not to toot my own horn, but... toot toot?

Haha. Yeah, i have some plans for editing. Big plans. Plans that might be a little extreme... Oh well. Lets just say we mihgt be in very grumpy moods throughout the editing process. :D

Well, Heather has gone to dinner now, so I guess I'll have to wait for her to come back so we can pick the scene and edit it for you guys. :)

Anyways, Part 3 looks to be like the most fun part yet, and we're planning on working on it a lot more this time. Part 2 took us a while to make it through. Hopefully we can be into the editing process by the start of  summer!

Well, I guess we'll talk to you guys later!

-Kas & Heather


1 comment:

  1. Ha! We posted at the exact same time (well, maybe mine was a few seconds before yours).
    Anyway...That's really good! I'm glad that you too are doing so well.

