Monday, October 1, 2012

Nat: We're bringing sexy back...

Them other blogs don't know how to act. :)
[to steal Heather's idea and begin with a song hehe]

But any who - the future is looking up once more for SAAWAKM. Hooray!

Quick update-y type stuff, since I haven't told you much in quite a long time - since, like, July.

I got a new job!! I'm working at a daycare with the kids in grade 1-6 and I absolutely LOVE it. I also work in the preschool for part of the day and the kids are just so adorable. :)

School: definitely not easy or breezy or cover girl (to steal from Heather once more - what can I say, Heather? You're brilliant). It's so much work...I have 2 midterms tomorrow and a paper due...yet I'm sitting here writing a post on SAAWAKM...Priorities, eh?

Family type stuff: My sister's having her 2nd baby, so I'll be an auntie to another little rugrat in May!!! ;P

Writing: has been a little scarce lately, what with the whole school thing. But I've been working on it whenever I get a chance.

Books: I'm reading The Perks of Being A Wallflower right now. So good, if you haven't read it, READ IT! also I can't wait for the movie.
A Casual Vacancy by JK Rowling is also sitting on my shelf waiting for me. So excited! No spoilers please if you've already started it.

Other than that, not really much to say.
Nicole, I'm super glad you're back, and nice to hear from everyone else.

Til next time,


  1. Woooo! That's great about your jobs, I don't know if I could deal with little kids, especially two jobs involving them hahah. They normally all comment on how they're almost or if not as tall as me and I wanna punch them, but ya kno I don't because I swear I'm not a sadistic person!

    I really want to read The Perks of Being a Wallflower before it comes out! I think I will, but I might wait until our Summer holidays which will be in about a month and a half. I really wanna read Les Miserables by Victor Hugo before that comes out too. I'm getting so excited for school to hurry up and finish, it sounds like it's a bugger for all of us at the moment.

    And tell us how JK Rowling's new book is! I've seen it all over the place, but I really don't have time to read at the moment. I have so many things to still read for school my head's gonna end up exploding.

    Anyway, I'm so happy to talk to you ladies again!

  2. Why thank you. I really am brilliant, aren't I? ;)

    Hahaha, your jobs sound super great and I want both of those books!

