Friday, November 2, 2012

Cori is not ready for NaNoWriMo.

I'm really not. I'm still recovering from my computer virus, and still haven't gotten around to getting (most of) my books and other documents up again. My computer is kind of...empty.

Halloween was great. I wasn't actually planning on trick or treating, because none of my friends wanted to go with me, but I went with my dad and little brother and got lots of candy. I didn't have a costume so I did a ten minute makeup job and went as a vampire: the first thing I could think of. It actually didn't look all that bad. I did break out a day later though...ick.

Some lady thought I dressed up as Justin Bieber. My hair has grown a few inches since my last trim a month ago, and it's kind of made a bowl-type look on my head...and I was flipping it out of my eyes when she opened the door...I don't know why she didn't see the trails of "blood" on my face. She just assumed I was Justin Bieber.

I just thought I might share that bit of awkwardness with you. I have to go now...I still haven't finished my word count for today and I need to get a move on xD!

1 comment:

  1. That's a shame about Nano, but you could do it in December or January if you wanted. I know it wouldn't be the same or as exciting, but the intention would still be there. Love the Biebs.

    (please know that is sarcastic I am not a Belieber no no)
