Thursday, November 8, 2012

Heather: MIA... Oops.

Hey ladies!

I'm sorry I've been gone so long! (Again).

I was just sitting in front of my computer when a new idea struck me. And so, now I'm trying to figure it out... But I'm also finding I need a name. Because I don't like the one I've got. Any ideas for a girls name so I don't go and spend hours pouring over like usual? The need to know: I really have barely anything on her... But she's strong willed, because I clearly am incapable of writing about anything but a strong willed MC, but I was also thinking I'd like to make her less typical, you know? Not the usual bad-ass-that-acts-like-she's-not-afraid-of-anything type that I often end up writing about. Though, I don't know how possible that is, considering it might involve aliens, and a day of... taking. And frankly, a really pissed off MC. And my god, this idea is already sounding like every other teenage sci-fi novel in the world. SOMEBODY HELP ME BEFORE I PULL OUT ALL MY HAIR. AHHH. Hehe, oh boy...

It's so exciting to write again, since I haven't really since we finished Silver. :)

And, Nicole, if you want to make a really awesome looking tumblr (because frankly, I'm totally inept) I say go for it, and we can use it too. Maybe not give up the blog completely, but I'm up for a tumblr. And vlogs. Those are fun, even though all I ever really do is show off how I'm such a socially awkward being on film. But, you know, it happens.

:D I promise to post soon!



  1. I like the name Milly. It's uncommon, but not so strange that you have to read over it a few times to get used to it.


  2. Thank you! I like that too. :D

