Sunday, November 25, 2012

Kamie: Rise of the Guardians...

Is one of the most AMAZING movies ever! I saw it twice in one day. I have also decided Jack Frost will become my future husband... sigh. Oh well! I love the voice actors too! Hugh Jackman played Bunny and Chris Pine played Jack Frost! It was AWESOMMMMMME! Also on other...erm... incidences? Also, I have deduced that I will never... ever buy from Best Buy again. I'm just saying. I'm having terrible drama right now with it. I also do not want to start talking about it at the second. Let's see. I have school tomorrow. School sucks, I hate every grueling moment of it. I literally feel like I live in my own person bubble of Hell while I am in it... anyways off of depressing matters. My mom gave me an early Christmas present because she knew how much I've wanted one, she got me the Japanese Rosetta Stone... It is AH-MAAAAZING! I really love it. It's a lot of fun! :D Um... anything else? No... I don't think so off the top of my head. I guess I'll end this post for now.

-Kamiella Maze