Saturday, November 10, 2012

Nat: I don't have a witty title for this post...

Hi ladies!

Ready for a rapid-fire rundown of my life?

A. I'm doing NaNoWrimo, and so far it's going really well. I'm at 15, 961 words, which means that I still have to write 705 words today, but I've hit my daily word count every day so far. :D

B. I've been posting a lot on my personal blog lately, so if you're interested in reading that you can go here. If not, that's okay too haha.

C. I really like the idea of Tumblr, because I'm a bit of a Tumblr-addict, though I'm not sure how you link up all those accounts. But I'm sure someone tech-y can figure it out. :) I also think we should bring back the vlogs. [also if any of you have personal Tumblr accounts, you should tell me so that I can follow you.]

D. I'm going to this party next weekend and I'm so excited because this really hot guy that I like is going. XD My apologies for the girly-ness of that sentence. [sometimes I'm grateful that it's only girls on this blog haha...]

E. Congrats to the US ladies on the reelection of Mr. Obama. (I guess maybe not congrats, depending how you feel?) I got super involved in the US election, it was very stressful and I don't even live there haha.

F. We had a crazy snow day here on Wednesday and all the buses were delayed by at least 3 and a half hours. It was ridiculous. And then my bus stopped running altogether, leaving me stranded on my uni campus.

Alright, that's all from me. I've gotta go write 705 more words to get caught up. ;)

Until next time,

P.S. If any of you are also doing NaNo, let me know how you're doing, and here's a song for some inspiration:   

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