Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Cori: Achoo!

Gah, SPRING FEVER!!! lol. It had better turn warm soon, or else I'm kicking winter's ass all the way to Fucking, Austria! (There really is such a place. I'm going on vacation there someday, heh heh. Though it's pronounced "fooking.") I've been editing BTL (Between the Lines) a lot lately, and I'm super happy with it. Right now, instead of my 65,000 goal, it's 70,000 xD!!! I wonder how many pages that is...? I have Open Office, and it messes up the pages bigtime, so heh whatever. If anyone has Microsoft Word, could you please find out how many pages 70,000 words is? :3 Other than that, nothing else is really going on lately. I'm on spring break, RP-ing a ton with my technical sisters, and sleeping as much as possible before I go back to school on monday. So what's up with you guys lately?


  1. 70,000 words is about 280 pages (from what I could find out.) =)


  2. Yay, thanks!!! Wow. So my novel is about 280 pages. o:

