Sunday, March 27, 2011

Heather: Procrastination Station.

Lazy, lazy, lazy, oh, woe is me.
Hello ladies.
I got a hair cut.
I don't like it.
I need to stop doing things to my hair...
Well, at least the bangs are nice.
Anyway, I've been pretty busy lately. You know, at my school there's (supposedly<- key word there...) a white board in the office where teachers write out the big assignments/tests due for their classes so it doesn't pile up for the students.
I now know that that, my friends, is bullshit.
Of course, with homework, two projects (one worth a whomping 30% of my grade) and three tests to study for- I left it until now.
6:07 pm, on Sunday.
Can you hear that? No?
That, my friends, is the sound of my idiocy.
And Nat- what's this I hear about a boy?
Cori- I hope your hair looks awesome!
And Kas- why is it I haven't heard about this buisness? D:
Well, that all for now- I'm off to spend the next seven hours studying, and wave goodbye to any thoughts of sleep tonight... (Sorry for the venting, by the way- I'm just an idiot. Haha.)

1 comment:

  1. *Clicks Fail button...

    and, Heather, My guess would be because I haven't had a proper conversation with you in 5649203392173 Years!!!!!!!!

    Which, is mostly my fault, I know. :(

    I'll tell you about it next time we tallkkk... :)

