Saturday, March 26, 2011

Cori: Lovin' the buttons xD!!!

LMAO!!! I only just got on and I was like, WTF HAPPENED?! WHAT ARE THESE THINGS?! Then I read Kas's post. Absolutely genius, girl! =D!!! They need to do something like that on Youtube, lol. A like, fail, and awesome button lmao. Everyone would love it I'm sure.
Hmmm...what else...
Ooh, right! I got the cops called on me the other day, lmao. I was on a walk with my friend Joey, and I got the crazy idea to go ding-dong ditching. Well...we nearly got away with it, on the twelfth house. But then some guy behind us, on his porch, saw us and called the police hahaha. We didn't get in trouble thankfully, since we ran as soon as we realized what was going on, but yeah...
I think that's the end of my ding-dong ditching fun.
Let's see...oh! It's also Spring Break now! We got out on Friday, and guess what we saw? It was snowing. Ohio, your weather patterns are so unpredictable...on Thursday, the high is 75F. On Friday, the high is 32F lmao. Talk about random!!!
Everybody knows of me as "That Crazy Scene Kid" now at school, since I beat up the toughest guy in my grade. But I HAD to! He took the awesome notebook I won in a contest, threw it down on the ground for no good reason, and started stepping on it. So I picked it up and beat him up with it, yelling, "LEAVE MY STUFF ALONE, ASSHOLE!!!"
And now I'm pretty famous. xD!!!
I've been busy lately, lmao. So what's up with you guys?