Saturday, May 26, 2012

Cori: Butter knives!

I cut myself on a butter knife today. Now, I know what you're thinking - nobody has ever cut themselves on a butter knife before. Well...I did. More like I stabbed myself, but either way there was a lot of blood haha. I might have gone into shock, too; my memory of those few minutes are kind of hazy. I can't remember whether it was my grandma or my mom who cleaned me up.
Here's how it happened:

Grandma: "Will you grab me a hill billy napkin?" (paper towel.)
Me: "Sure thing." *Goes over to grab a paper towel. A butter knife falls off the microwave. I reach for it as it falls; the bottom of it hits the counter, and my palm happens to high-five the top. Pain ensues.*

That happened at 9:30, about two hours ago. It's still bleeding. Ouch, right? xD

1 comment:

  1. Ouch!

    I like how you say you 'high-fived' the end of the knife. Here I thought only I could (and will, one day) do that. :P

