Sunday, May 27, 2012

Kamie: Finally past the working on it stage...

... and am now doing it stage! Woot! So yeah, I'm posting for the first time in quite awhile now, and it makes me happy! So yeah I've been trying to post for awhile now, as I keep commenting but was quite literally thrown into a vat of homework, for end of the school year work! I get out of school for the summer on June 8th, and am quite happy for summer to be honest! It's been a long year with a lot that happened, but hey it's over! Now only one more year of high school and then I'm off for college! I can't wait! Right now Mule's Days is ending which is an annual celebration where I live... the mule capital of the world. So yeah, it's memorial day... tomorrow and I hope all the veterans are in our mind!

So in recent news, I have gotten my first boyfriend, named Cody, I got through both APs alive, our band got superior in the Disneyland competition and won all around, and yeah! I think that's a pretty good chunk of information so far. I'm hoping to tour UNT over the summer and am still planning on going to Kin-Yoobi Con in August. I hope I get to see my family down in So. Cal. this summer, and I am planning on visiting and capturing my friend Bailee and Brittany over the summer too.

As for writing my friend Rachel and I are working on a book which has not been named yet but we have come up with a pretty good outline so far. Speaking of outlines, hey Kas and Heather any advice, since your outline worked out so well! So yeah, I'm hoping to do something on my own again soon, I really am inspired but am not quite sure what to do as of yet; however, hopefully soon I will have an idea strike me from above! I am also hoping that soon, Cori and I will be able to work on TTC, I've missed it dearly. So yeah!

That's all I have to say now, and the fact that I'm disappointed that many people haven't been posting! I miss hearing from ya'll even though I'm still relatively new on the blog. When you say looking for newbies, how exactly do you recruit may I ask? Is it somebody you know like friend-wise or is it random people nobody knows? Just wondering! So yeah, hope I get more comments than I normally do, and I hope to see more posts than I normally do. For now, peace out!

-Kamiella Maze


  1. Well, when I was recruited I was picked almost randomly. Kas and I met on Worthy of Publishing - which turned out to be a total scam of a website - and she asked me to join. So like...I said yes. And now here I am. xD!


  2. Your Junior year is the hardest, Senior is easyyy. Haha. Unless you're me and insist on taking college courses... Haha. :)

    For the outline thing, heather and I used a unique method that I came up with a long time ago. We wrote our entire book out in a detailed outline going scene by scene and literally numbering them scene 1, scene 2, etc. And then we color coded them using about seven different colors, in a pattern. For an example, say Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink.

    And then we went through that pattern of colors and put them in a different order so that none of the colors were near the ones they were near in the first pattern. Say, blue, yellow, pink, red, purple, orange, green.

    And then we started with blue and wrote every scene that was in blue. Then we went to yellow and wrote all of the scenes in yellow.

    We did it like that so that we wouldn't get bored, as we tend to do when we write it from the beginning to the end. And we skipped all over the book. In that first color we wrote a scene from every section of the book, so we didn't have to wait. Also, this way what we wrote was always a surprise. I sat down to write everyday not knowing which scenes we would get. Which made it extremely exciting at times, when we would come across a particularly awesome scene.

    Also, keep in mind that we did this three different times. We split the book into parts, and did each part completely before moving to the next. So that we didn't overwhelm ourselves.

    Also, if we had done the entire book through in one take, each color would have had close to 20 scenes in it. So, by splitting it, we had more of an instant gratification.

    You can feel free to use this method if you want. Haha. I feel like i haven't explained it very well, though...


  3. UGH. I just typed out this super long comment and it didn't even post. UGH. And yes, It was different from the other super long comment i just posted on this post.

    So, to start again.

    To answer your recruiting question...

    Maiah and I met on Y!A, int he books and authors section, and talked about our writing through email for about six months. Int hat time, i also found Nicole's personal writing blog, which inspired Maiah and I to make our own blogs.

    We had those blogs for a few months before we had the idea for SAAWAKM. We asked Nicole first, because we knew her from blogger.

    We both had our Worthy of Publishing and Y!A accounts, which we followed several writers on. So, we asked our favorites, Ned, Ashton, Sarah(Who i don't know if you ever met?), and, eventually, Heather, to join this crazy blog we had just created.

    Sage is Ned's cousin, so that's where we found her. Haha.

    And then came the crazy summer of 2010 when we decided we needed some fresh faces and promptly added like 6 people all at once, including two guys. They ll came form writing sites as well. That, as I'm sure you can see, went terribly. Every new member, except Cori, quit in the few months that followed. They all still have posting rights, but none have ever posted again. Cori was the only good thing that came from that mess, Haha.

    So, yeah, we pretty much just choose at random the people we invite. However, if you want to invite someone there is a rule that you must make a post telling the group who the person is first. And then we sort of vote on if we think it's a good idea to have them join. ..

