Sunday, May 22, 2011

Heather: Inspiration.

I'm not sure if any of you ever have this problem, but having read so many different books, I'm always uber aware when any of my ideas seem even remotely similar to anything that I have read. It bothers me the entire time I write it, and I spend more time figuring out how to avoid seeming like I just ripped off another author than I do focusing on my own story.
And it always really bothers me. But yesterday, I went to the beach with my sister (it's really warm here) and spent the entire time writing. It cleared my head, and I came up with something, that quite frankly I don't think is like anything else that I have written, or read. And I really, really like it.
It's medieval and no, Kas, there is not a rebellion. (I know you're shocked.) But I'm going to keep the rest of it to myself for now.
It has no name as of yet, and I'm thinking I'll just let it come to me.
I've noticed that recently, I've had huge issues sticking to one idea, so I will have to force myself not work on anything else except for this, (unless it's with Kas, haha.)
On that note, meet Audra:

I just thought this was the best picture possible for her character.


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