Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Heather: Just because the world is ugly, doesn't mean we have to be.

There's this website I go on called SixBillionSecrets, if you've never heard of it, then it's a place where people share their secrets, I guess.
I've been going on there every day since last... July? June? May?Anyway, I like going on there. I feel like it provides a lot of perspective- not everyone feels that way, obviously- and I really like going on there, despite the sad theme to all of them.
I think it's good that people are sharing these things- but I also feel like it's even better that people are reading them.
Lately, I've been really wanting to write something like that, I guess. To use one of their secrets as the inspiration for a book, because so many of them deserve to be told, and so many more never will be.
Personally, this is something I do feel pretty passionate about, some of the secrets may seem shallow, some may seem dumb, some may seem horrible, or tragic, but no matter what it is, someone is feeling that way, and they shouldn't have to. There are a lot of people close to me who have had to deal with a lot of those problems, and I think that's part of why I want to write about it.
I'm not really sure though, I've been thinking about it for months.
Anyway, I don't have too much else to say, I just wanted to share that with you all- the website is a really good one, if any of you care to check it out- or already have.


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