Monday, May 23, 2011


Im bored, so im starting something new here on SAAWAKM. Whats it called? QOTD (Question of the day)

I'm sure the concept is probably understood, but i'll explain anyways.

There are a lot of times when i want to ask you guys questions, but i feel weird making an entire post just for it, so, now, we have QOTD, where you make a post with 'yourname: QOTD' and then post your question. Everyone answers through the comments. There can be more than one question per day.

I got this idea because i was going through the SAAWAKM Vol 1. posts 1-500, and i realized how in all of the letters in the back, someone mentioned not knowing someone else as well as they would like to. And what better way to get to know people than by asking them questions?

These questions don't have to be about writing, they can be about anything really.

But, there is one rule, when you ask a question, you have to answer it too. You can either comment on the post, or just put your answer underneath the question.

Okay, well, I'll start.

My QOTD is, "What is your favorite song of all time?"

My answer: Protége Mo, by Placebo
Most of the song is in French, which is why i love it so much, because i can imagine him saying anything i want. I've been in love with this song since i was like 14. Haha.



  1. I really like this idea. :)

    My (current, and likly to change)answer would have to be: Hey Molly by Mike Lombardo. I love how adorable this song is. :)

  2. Errr.
    I listen to way too much music to pick one song... :(
    So, I think I'll go with Little Lion Man by Mumford & Sons, because I've been obsessing over it for a while.


  3. Ha. Heather stole mine. lol. So I'll just give you number 2. The Cave by Mumford and Sons. (It changes ALL THE TIME.)

    Oh, and Winter Winds... And every other Mumford & Sons song, while we're at it.

