Sunday, May 1, 2011

Heather: Life is like a mirror, we get the best results when we smile at it.

Hey there, ladies.
So, what's going on with all of you guys?
And Sarah, I hope everything that you were worried about in your super long English-teacher-shaming run on sentence works out well.
My sister is coming home from university next week to stay with us for a little while, and I'm really excited to see her, despite the reasons for her visit.
Kas and I haven't worked on Silver in ages, which is not good, but I, at least, am hoping we can kick-start our progress again soon.
Otherwise, I really have nothing to say, aside from the fact that I'm really happy you seem to like the new header and the blue. :D
Well, that's it, I just figured I'd try to post more... hence the lack of a point in this post.
And by the way- I think Nicole has died. :O She's vanished off the face of SAAWAKM! AHHHHH! OH NOO! D:


1 comment:

  1. Yeah, I hope everything is okay with everyone!
