Sunday, May 29, 2011

Kas: Silver.. again.

So, Heather and I have both failed at writing our own stories... So we have decided to go back to Silver.

We have another story that we started a few weeks ago, but we have so much done with Silver already, that we've decided to finish it, before moving on to anything else. Right now, Silver is 34,977 words long, basically 1/3 of the way done... We're outlining part 2 as I write this, and we're hoping to get all the writing (Not editing) done by the end of June. And then take a few months to edit to perfection...

Which, if all goes as planned, is 2031 words a day... Which is something we can totally do, since we don't have lives and can stay up all night on Weekends... :P

So, as for our other story, i do still want to do that one, but I think we should complete Silver first, before we jump into something completely new... Even though we do have a few thousand words of that one written already... Haha.

So, that story, is just going to have to sit and collect dust for a while. :D


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