Monday, February 21, 2011

Cori: La la la...

You guys never post anymore!!! o: it makes me sad. Does Kas ever get on, even? I hope she hasn't deserted us, like I deserted you guys for a while DX!!! Anyhoo, I named my laptop =D! It's now named Chester. I've also named my cell phone Jasper, my Nook Stanley, my PSP Johnny Boy, and my DS Bob.
I like naming things xD!!! So like...what's up? I expect you all to answer this, or Chester will get his ass kicked >:O!!! (He likes to freeze.)


  1. I'm writing a story with my sister, its about the loch ness monster. It gave me an idea for another story, but I wanna write it with someone, so I have to find someone to write with. lol.
    That is what is up.
    oh and....


  2. Awesome!!! The loch ness monster is epic...

