Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Hey :P

Computer crashed a long while back and I had to get a new one. That's why I haven't been on in ages, lol. Sorry if you thought I was dead or something. Well, since this is a blog about writing...I've decided to change the name of my novel xD!!! Instead of Escape of the Thief, it is now titled Between the Lines. I've also pretty much killed the entire thing, because I'm writing it over again (for the fifth time. I'm insane) and everything has changed.
Even the charries are different, lol. So basically, I've missed this blog! lol. What's up?

1 comment:

  1. I've missed you too! Hahhaha. You forgot to put your name Cori... Hahaah

    Good to have you back though. :)

