Saturday, November 6, 2010

Kas: I've decided,

To start a new thing... guess what its called?

"Those crazy things Kas and Heather talk about on Yahoo! Messenger..."

Sounds inneresting huh?

Its gonna be really big over in Canada...

I thought you guys could probably use this hilarity now that we're getting into the hardest part of NaNoWriMo. So, enjoy!

kasdeek: Hahaha. Yes, but i have to know what is supposed to go next... or they'll all end up riding some awkward hybrid of an elephant and chimpansee through the forest while its snowing gumdrops...
Heather Norman: wow..
kasdeek: which, while it sounds amazing, actually turns out rather sticky...
kasdeek: Trust me, i knwo.
Heather Norman: hahahahahaha
kasdeek: Well, give me back my Mojo. I know you stole it.
Heather Norman: NEVER!
kasdeek: I just told facebook all about it.
kasdeek: GIVE IT BACK!!!!
Heather Norman: I'LL SHANK YOU FIRST,!
kasdeek: OHHHHH NO!
Heather Norman: OHHHH YES
Heather Norman: NEVER!
kasdeek: *angry face
Heather Norman: hahaha
kasdeek: Hey! I know you!
Heather Norman: Are you sure!?
kasdeek: Oh wait... sorry wrong number.
kasdeek: Hangs up*
Heather Norman: Ohhh....

kasdeek: Hahahaha. Its okay, i still semi-love you!
kasdeek: Jkjk
kasdeek: I love you lots like tater tots...
kasdeek: and your pretty much equal with vodka shots...
Heather Norman: hahahahahah

Heather Norman: so, what did you do today?
kasdeek: I took my little sister to incredible pizza
Heather Norman: hahaahahah,
Heather Norman: was the pizza incredible?
kasdeek: of course!
Heather Norman: I've never been to incredible pizza.... DOES THIS MEAN I'VE NOT TASTED THE INCREDIBLE-NESS OF PIZZA?!??!?
kasdeek: Yes. Tis a shame...

kasdeek: Why hello there... *Sexy man voice*
Heather Norman: Look at your man, then back at me, *sexier man voice.*
kasdeek: Sadly he's not me.
kasdeek: Im the man your man could smell like.
Heather Norman: "I'm on boat!"
kasdeek: See this pearl... its now diamonds!
Heather Norman: I'm on a horse!
kasdeek: Hahahaha.
Heather Norman: I love us.

kasdeek: wazzzzuuuppp!?
Heather Norman: da roof, da roof, da roof is on fi-aaah.
Heather Norman: you?
kasdeek: we dont need no water!
kasdeek: Not much, trying to plot
Heather Norman: LET IT BURN, LET IT BURN,
Heather Norman: yo.
kasdeek: hahahaha
Heather Norman: I think I love us.
kasdeek: I think i love us more.
Heather Norman: I think that's impossible.

Heather Norman: Sometimes, I pull on my cowboy hat, and act like a pirate; crowd pleaser...

kasdeek: He owns like.... EVERY COLOR OF SNUGGIE!
kasdeek: Even aquamarine...

Heather Norman: I'm awsome.
Heather Norman: awesome*
kasdeek: no your not, dude dont lie.
Heather Norman: You're right...
Heather Norman: I'M AWESOMER!
kasdeek: your AMAZEBALLS!
Heather Norman: hahaahahahhahahahahahaah

kasdeek: Skank
Heather Norman: Meanie bo beanie
kasdeek: Banana fanna fo feenie.
Heather Norman: Ice cream-y
kasdeek: Terripeeni
Heather Norman: Margaritee
kasdeek: NO!

kasdeek: Heather!
Heather Norman: Kass!
kasdeek: Bloody Brilliant!
Heather Norman: huh?
kasdeek: Idk, i just have really wanted to say that all day... so i did.
Heather Norman: ...
Heather Norman: okay.

Heather Norman: oh im just talking to kas on chatzy, what about you, kas?
kasdeek: Well, i just got done talking to heather, Haha. But now im talking to you, heather.

kasdeek: So, funny story. I just stood up to go get a drink, only to discover my foot was asleep. I fell on my face.
Heather Norman: HAHAHAAHAH!

Alright... i think thats enough for now. Hahahaa.

Well, i hope you laughed, cause if you didn't that means you have no soul... so, good luck with that. :P



  1. I think we should get married. :)


  2. It will be a marriage the world will never forget!


  3. I just want you both to know that I pretty much love you. And I am coming to the wedding.

  4. Dibs on being a bridesmaid, or best man... any would be fine(;
