Saturday, November 20, 2010

Nicole: Question timeee.

1. If I was a zombie, would you still talk to me?
Yes! You could eat my brains and we could be zombie buddies :D My new life goal.

2. What is your favorite form of chocolate?
I actually don't like chocolate that much, but I do love peppermint. It's all green and gooey inside, yummy!

3. Do you have any pets?
I have a puppy. Well, she's not actually a puppy, she's six years old :P. She's a Chihuahua though so she's tiny, maybe I'll post a picture one day(:

4. How often do you check Facebook?
I actually don't have Facebook, and I'm not ashamed of it. Everyone at school keeps telling me to get it, but I just don't really care about socialising over the internet. Obviously I don't mean I don't like socialising with you guys, but it's different because I can actually speak to these people in person. Why would I want to be "friends" on Facebook with people that I secretly hate at my school, or people I hardly know?

Now, tell me what you want for Christmas?
A DLSR camera :D! It's a few thousand dollars, and that's why I'm working my butt off at my Uncle's pizza shop now. With my birthday six days before Christmas, I'll have money from that and Christmas, too! And my Dad's side of the family does KK, so hopefully I'll get a portrait lens from that too!

That's all bros and hoes(:.

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