Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Nicole: I. Am. Obsessed.

The title about sums it up. I am officially obsessed with Vampire Diaries. I'm following so many people on Tumblr that are addicted to VD as well, and Australia is an episode behind. So many spoilers, but it's so goood. I'm also making heaps (and heaps, and heaps) of Damon and Elena backgrounds and little things. I don't know if any of you watch it, but if you do, the last episode made me cry :(

And guess who I met yesterday! Somebody in real life, at my school, that's doing NaNoWriMo :D! I have no close friends in my English Lit class, and I sat down next to one girl yesterday that has a locker above mine. And she was talking to another girl about it, and I'm like "are you doing NaNoWriMo?' And she's like "Yeah, I don't think I've met anybody else that knows what it is!" And I was like "Yay, bonding." She's a little quirky, but really nice and I was so excited I had to tell you guys about it.

That's all for now.(:

1 comment:

  1. I've never watched it...
    And yay for real life people doing NaNo. :)
