Monday, May 31, 2010

Nat: Smile :)

Wow, it seems like I haven't talked to you guys in FOREVER! But I gues it hasn't actually been that long.

I've been know how we all kind of know each other, but we don't really 'know' each other? Okay, that made no sense at all. Let me re-word that. We know a bit about each other and our stories and stuff, but isn't SAAWAKM supposed to be a bit about making friends too? I think we should start some kind of challenge or something to get to know each other better.

I don't have a specific idea in mind (so comment if you like this idea or have other ideas), but maybe we could have a different partner each week and write or something to learn about each other. It's still just a rough idea, but please let me know what you think.

In other news: I got my license on Saturday! I'm very excited.
Writing hasn't been going very well, because final exams are coming up. But I had a random story idea today in English class. I really shouldn't be starting a new story, so it will probably just sit in my brain for a while.

And to clear things up regarding Glee:

Personally, I would most want to date Puck.
But I think that Jesse is best for Rachel.
And I don't know where Finn fits in to that...

Talk to you girls later. <3


Sunday, May 30, 2010

Sage- Saying

Hey guys. This is kind of random, but I saw this on my friend's fridge and I believe it to be really inspirational. Thought I would share it with you.

I still believe in the sun, even though I can not see it.
I still believe in love, even though I can not feel it.
And I still believe someone is listening, even when I can not hear them.

It made me smile, and I hope you all keep this in your hearts when you're feeling down and out :)


Right now, my beloved computer is being a real bitch. It's probably gonna die soon. And by die, I mean I'm gonna kill it and hide the remains in a very, very good hiding place.


Sorry to all of you guys, but for now I won't be updating. Not until it stops being dumb or it gets replaced. This means no posting or chapter updates on jnkpop. :(

I'll miss you guys! But...(sniff) I'll just have to survive!

Sage- Summer Time

Hey Everyone!

Summer is here, I am DARK...-er.
And I have a new story to add coming up soon. Keep those eyes open... will post within the week :)
Let me know what you think!

Ned- Summer

Hey guys! I haven't posted in SO long. That is about to change. I have 22 days left of school and then I get to have mt very deserved summer break. :P So excited! Anywho. In the summer, writing is going to be my top priority, along with roller skating, and taking care of my sister.
So, I'll be writing a lot more.
I write a lot. As you probably know. We all do... I think...
I went to Ottawa for my grad trip last week, it was fun, but I spent most of my time writing.
I think I said this before, but I don't really plan out my story like other people do. I get the beggining, the main stuff, the plots the twists, the way charaters are, and put them all together, then I visuallize the end, and start writing but sometimes characters will change and stuff.

Well, if you've read my book, Unwanted, you'll know what I'm talking about.

Nick Bolton is royally anyoying my.
Yeah. So now, I don't know how it happened but he's gay.


Yeah. so, I wrote out the chapter where he figures it out, but I have to re-write it cause I don't like it, it should be up tonight. :)

Random insight, if you go on WOP- Sci-Fi, then click sort by Most Read, Unwanted is the number one most read sci-fi. Then Click sort by Highest Rated on Sci-Fi, Unwanted is again, number ONE!



Nicole: Tallon Evans!

I've been posting a lot lately, but things have been going great with my writing. I'm so keen to write this second chapter, I have 353 words so far but I'll have to stop soon because I need to do homework. I've been putting it off all day, ;\ I hate To Kill a Mockingbird...

Another reason I'm updating is because I've found the perfect appearance for my sexy bad boy :D! I nearly died when I found this picture, it's just perfect for Tallon and it looks like his twin sister as well:

Mmm, everything seems to be falling into place with this book(:!


Saturday, May 29, 2010

Nicole: First chapter = complete (almost)

I've just finished the rough-sh draft of my first chapter(:! It's exactly 1985 words long, which is kind of perfect for me since I don't want super long chapters. It's up on WoP, and I really would love to know what you think.

My day is complete (:


Friday, May 28, 2010


You are all big poos. No really, the biggest poos EVER. (That's pretty big, btw.) I don't get summer holidays (which are five weeks long) until about another six months :(! We get a two week break, but even that's not until another month. I'm so over school, I was even thinking of dropping out a little while ago, but I've gotten this far it'd be stupid to throw it all away when there's only another two and a half years left. Sighhh.

Anyway, well, I've got 1493 words on my first chapter (which might not seem like too much, but for me it's an accomplishment), and it should be finished soon(:

I also saw the remake of A Nightmare on Elm Street last night. I was actually pretty disappointed, a little because Kellan Lutz died like straight away, >:l But I think I liked it more than the original. That's alllll, again, poo on all of you(:


Sarah: Summer Goals and Spies

Alrighty ladies,

We all just need to agree that Puck (from Glee) is the best. :) Okay, now that that's solved...

How is everyone's summer so far? Mine is good, what with the sleeping in and parties and such... haha to those of you still in school. Suckas!

But really.

My Summer Goals this year (I don't do New Year's resolutions, I do Summer Goals. Because, really, who has time for goals during SCHOOL?)
1. Finish The Misadventures. It really should be done by now, but for some reason it isn't. It may have something to do with the fact that, oh, I don't know, I still have to write it.
2. Have a kick-@$$ time in FRANCE! That's right ladies, I'll be gone from June 9th to the 18th and I'll be in FRANCE. Me, three friends, and a teacher are going through the school. Meep, I can't wait!
3. Start a new book. I have the idea and everything. (see below)
4. Enjoy summer time! This means I need to get a tan and go swimming. Go swimming a lot. :)

What are your Summer Goals? Let me know!


So, I've been doing a lot of experimenting lately with different ideas, and I think I know what I want to do. I've been writing about this character for YEARS. No really, Chase Coleman has been in my head even longer than that. She's like my own friends and family, that's how real she is?

Who is Chase Coleman?

Chase Coleman has always known she was different. For as long as she can remember, Chase was bred to be a spy. Not to mention the mysterious power to send pulses of force through objects and people. That power will come in handy, though. When Chase teams up with a new partner and the CIA to stop a secret society set on killing the president, she’ll need all that training, and more.


I freaking love spies, like this much! *spreads arms wide*

So, let me know what you think of my idea! :)

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Heather: Soccer is evil.

Very, very, very, evil.
As is gym class.
And gym teachers.
And geography, though that is completely irrelevant to my current perdicament.
Said perdicament being that I strained... sprained?, something like that, my wrist, and have mostly lost movement in said hand.
And now must type with one hand, very, very, slowly...
But at least I got a 'get out of gym class free' card..
When I said I wanted out of gym class, I meant a twisted ankle.
I suppose I need to be careful what I wish for, huh?

By the way, Kurt is amazing, number one all the way.
Finn's a close second though. :)

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Well, I decided to edit the other prologue I posted to see if it's any better than the original, so I did some changes and fix-upers, and I'm using it instead of my original one(: I actually really like how it's turned out, and I would to know what you guys think. It's up here:

And I just stubbed my toe and it's made me get a really bad taste in my mouth... :|?


Kas: Glee!

So, i just spent the last ten hours watching every episodes of Glee. :D
And im in love...
That show is amazing!
I love Puck,

"Are you questioning my Badass-ness?"

And Kurt,

This is my new obsession. I honestly cannot wait for the next season... :D



Monday, May 24, 2010

Heather: Painted Skies.

Okay, I've got a title. Painted Skies.
It kinda makes sense with the story, so it's good enough for now.
And Kass?
I may have changed it... just a bit.
But I like it more now, and all the stuff that applied to you is still the same too.
The new summary is (not much different..) :
List of things to do:
Find my stalker.
Save my mother.
Find out just what exactly Connor is hiding.
Have a great junior year.
Yeah, right.
Kassady finally has a good feeling about school. It's the start of her junior year, and she's determined to make it great.
The new boy, Connor? He just makes everything better. But Kass knows he hiding something. Something big. And she wants to know what.
And then there's her stalker. The one that stands out like a sore thumb in her small town, and no one seems to notice.
Add in her AP schedule and a depressed mother, and, well, whoever said high school was easy?
Let the games begin.
The first chapter, is insanely short, but it was the perfect place to cut off.... The rest is much longer.
And the first chapter is now posted on WoP.
Check it out?
Bleeeeh. Goodbye for now.

Nicole: A new prologue?

Well, I haven't really been working on too much for BSF lately, but yesterday (or maybe the day before...) I started a new prologue(:! It has almost the same dialogue as my original one, but I'd love to know what you think compared to my other one.

The boy hit the cement hard; he was motionless on the floor of the dark alley out of fear that if he moved just slightly, the raw hot pain up his shoulder blades would intensify. The rain that heavily felt hit his bareback, the droplets stinging his gashes. If it were a human falling that distance, they would’ve been dead. However, this boy was no mortal.
Finally, he pushed against the ground and let out a groan of agony. The ache up his back felt like a violent fire was burning into his spine. Once he’d gotten his feet, the boy arced his neck and let out a wail, as if that would cease his hurt and sorrow.
It was then that he noticed his eyes were clouded with liquid… tears. He’d never once cried, but the misery of knowing that his fall was definite made anger grow in the boy, and he needed an outlet for his fury.
As if on cue, she landed beside him with grace, almost as if she’d foreseen her descent.
The boy whipped around to face her. “What have you done?” He bellowed, grasping the front of her dress and hauling her against the nearest brick wall.
His piercing blue eyes were like daggers, and they stung her more than the uneven bricks digging into the open wounds on her back. She let out a humorless chuckle, sparking more rage within him.
“What have I done? I have done what was needed!”
“Was I being included in your punishment neededsister?” He spoke the last word as if it were vermin, practically spitting it out of his mouth.
“Involving you wasn’t our intention, it was a mistake.”
Those strange yellow eyes held sincerity, and that only caused his fury to rise. With merciless force, he tossed her to ground, more filthy water staining her silk garments.
“You know we did the right thing, don’t deny that fact.” She hissed.
He glanced down at her, disgust pulsing in each and every one of his veins. “You may have, but now we all must pay the consequences.”
The boy turned away, unable to look at her any longer. He glimpsed something on the wet path and it took him a moment for his weary eyes to completely focus on it, realising that it was a feather. Slowly, he bent down to examine the frail object, only to find flecks of now dried blood splattered over it.
This made him cringe; suddenly remembering the almost unbearable throbbing in his back. His hand enclosed around the silvery feather, salvaging the last remnants of his wings.
The rumble of thunder overhead caused him to look up. Dark and dreary clouds were visible in the night sky, the moon hiding behind them.
Their time had come.
He murmured under his breath, "'How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning. How art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations.'" He turned towards his fellow renegade, revulsion flickering in his eyes. "It’s time for our punishment.”


Kas: Split.

So, remember how i told you guys that my first chapter is 6,115 words words long? Yeah, well i've decided thats WAY too long! It takes me almost twenty five minutes to read it all the way through! And im a very fast reader...

So, i've decided to split it in (almost) half. :D Now, the first chapter is 3,731 words long and the second chapter is 2,384 words long! Im going to leave chapter 3 (previously ch 2) at 5,663 words though, because i cant find a decent place to split it! But ohhh well...

Theres around 12,000 words total now, and im hoping to get a couple thousand more by the end of this week. Yeah, i know thats a pretty hefty goal...

I ahve about an hour of spare time now, before i have to leave. So im going to try for about 600 right now. thats 10 words minute! :D

I'll post before i leave and tell you how many i finished. :D


Sunday, May 23, 2010


No matter how many breaths that i took i still couldn't breathe.
Where did you go?
My heart has forgotten to beat,
My eyes have forgotten to see.
White hot fire spreads through my veins,
Let it all burn away.
I will never forget you,
I will never regret you.
I will be waiting right here all alone,
Like there is no tomorrow,
Cause im never gonna belong to another.

Yeah, im not quite sure about that ^ but i think i like it. :D

Okay, so...
# of days out of school= Four.
# of words written= Zero.

Ugh, yeah, i haven't written anything! :(

So, i think im going to try writing abour five hundred to a thousand+ words tonight. Probably wont make it, but at least im setting a goal. :D


Sarah: MORE QUOTES!...and an idea?

"I feel like I just found out that my favorite love song was written about a sandwich." ~Jane (27 Dresses)

“You are so lime green Jell-O and you don’t even know it.” –Jenifer’s Body

“Someone asked me what I want to do with my life and I said, ‘I WANNA ROCK!’” --?

"And yet I knew I was lying to myself. If the opportunity knocked, I would open the door and throw myself at him again. It was funny how someone could break your heart and you could still love them with all the tiny, broken pieces." --Bandit Jones (The Misadventures of Bandit Jones)

“‘You have so many books…’ her voice trailed off as her fingers grazed the spines.

She was amazed by the variety of the titles and sorts: Fantasy, Science Fiction, Horror, Thriller, and even a few stray Romance. Every genre, every book…it seemed to have a place here. How appropriate, that all these titles exist in The Land of No Names.” –Sinema 13

The last one is from my latest story, called Sinema 13. Tell me what you think of this...

Remi has ran away from home, boarded a mysterious bus, and ended up at Sinema 13: a place in The Land of No Names where pixies, fallen angels and creatures of all sorts live together when they simply can't blend into society. It's not a place for humans though. In fact, Remi is the first human to ever waltz through the doors of Sinema 13. But she's determined to fit in at Sinema 13, even suffer through the dank rooms, an unbearable group of creatures, and the zombies who just happen to run the snack counters.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Heather: Grrrr...

Know the new story summary I posted two days ago? Yeah, well, I've been writing that, and I really like it, but I can't think of a name!

Nat: All the best guys are fictional...

Hello everyone!

I pretty much just have one thing to say: I think I'm in love with a character in my story. =)

I'm just kidding. But actually, if he was a real person, I would seriously fall in love with him. I started writing Chapter 2 last night (I was babysitting until 1 in te morning, and I sat at the kitchen table after the kids were in bed and wrote 14 handwritten pages of Chapter 2. My hand cramped up and it was all really fun.), and it's going really great. The new character's name is Jesse, and he's a badass, and he's really hot, and funny and just amazing! I can't wait to start writing more about him, because his dialogue is just so much fun to write!

Now that I'm done with that little rant...I really don't have much to say. But it was great to hear from Heather/Lany, and from everyone else, of course.

Oh yeah: and I'm sorry I didn't do the Challenge from last week, but I was out of town and really busy, so I'm sorry. And by the way: I still have a month of school left, so I am incredibly jealous of you, Kas!

K, I gotta go. See you guys later!


Friday, May 21, 2010

Nicole: Holy cow... MY CHARACTERS ARE REAL!?!

WHAT? Okay, so I have this character in Blood Splattered Feathers named Thatcher Kinderhook, and he's my protagonist's love interest. I'd always pictured him with blonde hair (tousled curls), fairly tall and these striking pale blue eyes that are almost translucent.

So, I went into the bookstore in our local shopping centre, and oh my gosh I nearly died from hyperventilation. I'd seen him working in there before when I went in with my friends, but I hadn't bought anything then and when I went up to him with my Mum... I nearly died. Literally. No. This is no over exaggeration. Okay, maybe a bit.

Seriously, he was so gorgeous, and lovely, and sigh. My Mum instantly noted afterwards about his eyes and that they were freaky and almost clear (without me even mentioning anything). His hair was blonde too, but not curly. It was just so weird, and uncanny. I'd always pictured his eyes, but I'd never actually seen anything like them, I guess I have now. They'll also be seeing a lot more of me(:<

Anyway, that's about as far as writing goes with BSF right now (hmm, I think I'll use that acronym from now on, it's too hard to type it all out), but I have written exactly 4670 words for another project, and it's fifteen word pages long. It's something I'm working on for myself and I don't think I'll be posting it online anywhere. It's just so frustrating because I can write something like that so breezily, but it ends up being nothing serious and just for the fun of it. I guess I'm yet to figure out my weird working mind.

That's all(:


Thursday, May 20, 2010

Sarah: Quotes!

1. Lany: I'm not sure which you'd rather I call you. Do you prefer Heather or Lany?

2. "And yet I knew I was lying to myself. If the opportunity knocked, I would open the door and throw myself at him again. It was funny how someone could break your heart and you could still love them with all the tiny, broken pieces." --Bandit Jones

I thought you might like that. I was very proud of it, and I figured you might like that too.

Heather: New ideas..

Alright, so I've had a couple ideas bouncing around in my head for the longest time now, and I finally merged them, and started writing. I'm still working on Wolves, I just had to finally start this one.
So, here's the summary (It may seem rather lame, but bear with me, I'm bad at these. :S ) :

List of things to do :
Dethrone Bethany and her clones.
Figure out just what exactly Connor is hiding.
Find my stalker.
Have a great junior year.
Yeah, right.
Kassady finally has a good feeling about school. It's the start of her junior year and she's determined not to be brought down by last years rumours. And to get back at Bethany and her clan of narcissists, the girls who started them.
The new boy, Connor? He just makes everything better. But Kass knows he's hiding something. Something big. And she wants to know what.
And then there's her stalker. The one that stands out like a sore thumb in her small town, and no one seems to notice.
Add in her AP schedule and, well, whoever said highschool was easy?
Let the games begin.
Just so you know, I had already be planning on her name being Kass, before I 'met' Kas.
So, I'm going to give this a chance, see how it works out.
By the way, Wolves has almost reached 30 000 words! 28 505. I'm excited.

Maiah: french toast

Sorry I haven't been updating a lot. And I haven't been doing much writing. At all. Hahaha. But luckily I just recently finished my first chapter. Now I've probably said that like, what, 23 times before?? But I'm serious. I think it's finished. All I probably need to do is edit some of it, and it should be done. Yay!

Yesterday was my best guy friends birthday! He's the one that called me an ugly hag that uses urinals. hahahaha.
Well anyways, I would absolutely love it if you could read my first chapter, and give me feedback. I know you're probably just sick of basically reading the same chapter over and over again. But I promise I changed a lot of it. Ok...maybe not a lot. Haha. But it's definitely different!

Click..the button.
Click click the button. Whaat?
Yeah. You should click it.


Sorry for the caps, i just wanted to get my point across. Hahaha.

Btw, I started school in the beginning of September and it ends June 16th. How dumb is that??

Ok bye! (:

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Kas: I hate waiting!

Ugh. I could be leaving this damn school right now, but i have to wait on my friend Nicole to get done taking her last test. You see, the students are allowed to leave after we finish our tests, but she is taking forever! She's in a different class and i told he rto text me when she finished, but its been like 30 minutes! Grr. Im just ready to blow this popsicle stand...

Anyways, im done ranting. I still cant believe tommorrow is the last day of school! (For me at least.) I dont really know if you can call it a "day" though. Since im only going for the first two hours. ;D

Im sorry to everyone who is still in school! But hey, that just means you started later than we did... :D

And i dont have anyhting else to talk about... bummer.


Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Sarah; yeppers

Just got one of these!

Ask away people! Oh, and if you have one, add me or whateversss.

Heather: Kas. >:(

Ugh, Kas. No. Not cool.
You get out of school May 20 ?!?!?!
You only have TWO days left?
Dude. No.
I still have still have 26 school days, not counting weekends.
Man. That sucks.
Just wanted to get that out there.

By the way, Ned, I updated Wolves. ;)

Kas: And the last day of school is?!?!?!?

May 20. At least for me it is... What is it for you guys?

Hmm... well, im reading a new book, that i absolutely love! Its called FIRE, by Kristin Cashore. Yea i know, her last name sounds like Cash-Whore. :D

Anyone read it?

Well, welcome Heather! You now make number 8! Since Sydney never commented or posted. What ever happened with our guy member?

"Sing it out, sing it out loud. I can find the words to sing, come be my remedy... My song! My song! My song! I sing with whats left of me. " - Sing it out, Switchfoot

"Breathe. Your lying near to me, i can feel you. Im falling, falling faster. Breathe. Your lying near to me. I still need you. Im falling, falling breathe into me. " - Breathe into me, Red

"And maybe someday, we'll figure all this out. Try to put an end to all our doubt and try to find a way to make things better now. And maybe someday, we'll live our lives out loud. We'll be better off somehow... someday." - Someday, Rob Thomas

Those were two songs that were playing on my ipod at the moment. :D

Hmm... okay, i really dont have much to more to say. Oh, i added some quotes from the novel onto my page. And i put up a new picture, even if it was taken like six months ago. Haha. Fail...


Sunday, May 16, 2010

Heather: Blogging Inept

As I put before, I'm completely blogging inept and I would totally write something on the 'Heather.' page... If I knew how. Which prompts the question... How?

So, I took the time to look through the stuff on here, and I think I'll definitely fit in. :)

All of you have such interesting and unique stories, and in contrast mine just seems so blaah. I haven't read everyone's books yet, and I plan to, just not today because I have a project due tomorrow, I forgot the binder with my stuff in it, notes, what exactly the project is on... etc., and I figure, if I read it now, half of my mind will be on what I should be doing and not on what I'm reading. But soon I will.

Oh, and I just felt like saying that for each of the two days I have been a member of SAAWAKM, I have written 500 words. And yes, I am proud of that. XD

Friday, May 14, 2010

Heather: Lany, Introducing Myself.

Okay, so I guess I should introduce myself. I go by the pen name Lany on WOP, but my real name is Heather. Ned invited me. Thanks for that, by the way.
I joined earlier today, but I didn't have time to post anything, sorry if I confused anyone.
I'm fifteen years old, I like writing, (duh,) I'm blogging ... and technology inept. I can use the internet and well, suffice to say, that's basically it.
I once blew up a plate in the microwave. It takes serious talent to do that, let me tell you.
The three things I do most would probably be listen to music, write and read, not necessarily in that order.
I'm accident prone, as in, I've had a T.V and cabinet fall on top of me. Neither of them were very light... I've broken multiple bones and had several sprains, and needed stitches at least two times (not that I got them...) I'm actually pretty lucky though, considering how I've done all these things, it could've been way worse.
Right, okay.
My main story is Wolves.
It has been way too long since I've updated it, and hopefully this will help get me back in the motion. I always think that the plot line is just too generic, and I'm trying to change that. I guess I'll post more about it later, because it's rather late here.
I'd say it's nice to meet you, but considering I've never really 'spoken' to any of you but Ned and Sarah... yeah.. Ah, whatever, it's nice to meet you. :)
(Yes, I really am this lame.)

Sarah: Challenge Six (Bio Poems)

Bandit (Prudence Ann)
Who is smart, funny, and hurt
Who is the daughter of Jenny Jones
Who loves her friends, her mom, and acting.
Who feels hurt, happy, and loved.
Who needs hope, drama, and love
Who gives her heart too easily.
Who fears getting hurt and losing her heart.
Who would like to see Midnight…out of the school.
Who is a teen, a girl, and a theater nerd.
Who is a resident of West Barrier.

Kas: Quick Question?

So i don't know if i was just not paying attention or something, but could someone please inform me who Heather is? Im thouroughly confused here...

If you don't know what im talking about, scroll down to the thing titled SAAWAKM-ERS and theres a Heather listed amoung the names. ?


Ned- OMG Sarah! You're TALL!

Pretty much all I wanted to say ^^^^^


Ned- Hi N0t0ne0fThem!

Haha, random title.
I was bored, so I clicked on followers, and we have one. N0t0ne0fThem... So, seeing as she/he is our only follower, HI!

Kay, well, that's that.

I'm SO stuck on unwanted. Like, I know where I'm going. and I know what gonna happen next but I have NO idea how to write it, and like always. As soon as get stuck on a story, my brain goes in to hyper mode, so, me and my sister, (She's an amazing artist!) Are thinking about making a graphic novel. So, I'm kinda of working on that, I found a story I wrote last summer, it's terrible. I want to burn it.

Not to meantion I'm redonculusly sick! I had to get two puffers and sone antibiotics. YUK! I haven't been to school since Monday and I'm bored out of my mind!

Yeah. Okay!


-Ned. (Sick. Yuk.)