Ashton & Cori.

Introducing: ASHTON

Hi. I'm Ashton. You can call me Ashton, or Nat if you prefer.

I am a sixteen year old Canadian girl with an unhealthy Harry Potter obsession and not enough to do on a Friday night. A lot of my time is occupied with writing blog posts that nobody ever reads, getting addicted to Facebook games, and watching YouTube videos. 

Despite my nerdy obsessions, I am actually pretty awesome, if I do say so myself. I'm an author with big dreams, and a goal to be published by the time I'm 21. My future husband will be Leonardo diCaprio, Jake Gyllenhaal, or David Boreanaz. I love acting and anything to do with theatre. 

You could say I am opinionated, stubborn, dramatic and creative. Or you could say that I'm a rebel, a dreamer and an optimist. You wouldn't be wrong.

If you're interested in me (which you should be), you can find me on my personal blog or you can email me at


~"Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon." 

~"Keep your eyes on the stars and your feet on the ground."

~"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."

~"If the future is looking dark, we are the ones who have to shine."

Introducing: THE STORY
(It doesn't have a name yet...suggestions are welcome.)

Claribel Lovell's life is torn apart when her little brother Gallagher disappears. She will do whatever it takes to get him back. But Clary never expected the truth: that she will be given a choice, a choice that she never wanted to make. Her choice will determine Gallagher's fate - and her own.

Little does Clary know, she is part of an ancient prophecy that names her as Lady Rose. She is one of the Promised Ones, who are prophesied to overthrow the dictator of the world where she lives, Gavriel.

Wanted by many, and hunted by some very dangerous people, Clary takes a journey across Gavriel to find Gallagher, never knowing about the danger that shadows her at every turn. Clary, however, is fighting her growing feelings for a boy that she is supposed to hate, Alec, and no longer knows what is right or wrong. Time is running out for them all.

How far would you go to save someone you loved? And what would you be willing to sacrifice?

Cori x)

30 Seconds to Mars
Three Days Grace
Breaking Benjamin
Within Temptation
The Book Thief
Harry Potter
Anime and Manga
My big sis, Jamie
My other big sis, Larysa
My little sis, Grayce
Loveless, the manga
Loveless, the poem
Final Fantasy 7 *drools happily*
My puppy, Coco
My kitten, Weezer
Weezer, the band
Pixie Cuts
Brown and gold eyes
Fried chicken
Slytherin green
Bright purple
French class
Auburn hair


SHORT PITCH: He was a demon, a devil, a voice of the past.
He didn't belong here.
FULL PITCH: Fifty four years have passed since the tragic nuclear war, and the world of Utopia is finally settling back into everyday life. That is, until Altrius Dial pays a visit to a man he hasn't seen in years, and sets out to recover a lost prophecy. A group of demon warriors at his side, Altrius rushes to confront an old enemy with a plan to stop the foretold apocalypse...but only if he can survive the encounter.


Something, far into the darkness, was whispering. A child? thought Altrius. The pitch was far too high to be an adult's. He leaned forward onto the railway and peered into the subway tunnel. There should not have been a child in Dén Raven...In fact, there should not have been anybody - including himself. Squinting his eyes in order to focus his night vision, he scanned the tunnel.

It was empty.

With a frown, Altrius turned around and nearly smacked into a pair of saucer-sized, black eyes.

Any whispering stopped instantly.

The Lost grinned at him, displaying a mouthful of wickedly sharp, serrated canines and a tongue as long as his forearm. It lolled horribly out from its maw and dripped black liquid. Altrius quickly leaped away from the Lost and looked it over.

This was different from the one he had fought in Driagor. Its torso was level with his head, having been twisted and bloated until it was several times bigger than his own. Where its arms and legs should have been...

Well, they can't really be called arms and legs anymore, the voice in his head commented. A chill ran down Altrius's spine; it sounded pleased.

They started out normally, but at the point where the elbows and knees would have been, long, wicked claw-legs of hardened bone split painfully out of the skin and extended all the way to the ground, seven feet below. The net effect was something akin to a giant, grotesque spider with what was once a human head.

Hahaha. Enjoy that lovely description, and mosey on over to everyone elses excerpts, too! They're the shit. x)


  1. Dude.... You can COMMENT? :D
    You guys need to add your story synopsis/blurbs soon. :D

  2. Wait wait wait... why can we only comment on this page?

  3. Hahahahaahahah!

    That's hilarious. >:D

    And... I know why.

    It's because I'm an evil freaking genius.

    That is all. >;)

  4. Good.


    (Only four months late.)
