Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Sage: Slacker 2.0

I'm finished working, so I decided to post something here. FIRST I would like to give a congratulatuions to Heather, who has reached over 50, 000 words. Next, I would like to apologize to Ned for not being able to come skating ...AGAIN...because I have a vocal rehearsal that runs late. I would like to read all of your NaNoWriMo books, because I need something to do and because I know they'll all be amazing!

I should probably go now... and do something productive.


Sunday, November 28, 2010

Heather: NaNoWriMo.

Only one thousand words left until I reach 50 000.
Sorry for the pointless post...

EDIT! I just reached... 50 006 words!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! :)

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Kas: I believe...

Its time we have another episode of "Those crazy things Kas and Heather say on Yahoo!Messenger. "


Kas: Hahahaha. That is rather depressing... Im kind of hoping for it to be the zombie apocalypse though, that would make my life.
Heather: Unless, you know, you died. Then, it would be the end of your life.... until you came back.
Kas: Yes, but then i woudl get to be a zombie, which i think is totally underestimated by most people.
Heather: Hahahhahaha
Heather: As long as you didn't eat me,
Heather: we'd be just dandy.
Kas: If i have to be a zombie, you have to be a zombie.
Heather: FINE
Kas: yay.
Heather: Just be nice about it. Make sure I don't come back missing an eye, or something
Heather: Or you know, any major internal organs.
Heather: Like ... A brain
Kas: Hahahaha. You wont need them anyways...

Heather: TYPO!

Kas: Your like a freaking Nazi...
Heather: GRAMMAR NAZI! I attack with big words and semi colons!

Kas: hey, i know you!
Heather: Hmm.... I don't think so...
Kas: Oh, my bad...
Heather: WAIT... Do you know any Bobs ?
Kas: Yes, i do believe i know a bob....
Heather: Last name?
Kas: Shluckerman.
Heather: No no, it's spelled Shluccermen.
Kas: ohhhh...

Heather: It was so fun!
Kas: Hahahahaha. Uhm.. wtf?
Heather: Hahahahahahahahahah
Heather: he's a male chauvinist
Heather: just a minor character
Kas: Oh, i totally thought you meant a real pig... wow.
Heather: Hahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahha

Kas: Dem bitches be crazy!
Heather: ?
Kas: I don't know. Hahahaha
Heather: ... fail.

Kas: Mrs. Bowman is a freaking Nazi. I want to shoot her, in the face.
Kas: Twice.

Heather: Wat happened with lover boy?
Kas: Ehh.. hes a douche. hahaha/
Heather: Whyy? haha
Kas: He didnt like my fingerstache.
Heather: Hahahhahahahahahahahahhahaha, always a valid reason.
Kas: Yep. I showed him, and he no like it, and i could never be with anyone like that...
Heather: Hahahaha, nope, definitely not... Unless you know, he was the vampire
Kas: Well, of course, vampires are allowed to have such prejudices.
Heather: of course

Kas: See... anyone who doesn't see the beauty in the 'stache' has no place in my life...

Kas: Dooo itttt!
Kas: Or i will write obscenities all over you Facebook wall!
Heather: HAHA
Heather: Okay. Fine.

Heather: BUT! He ain't got no boat...
Kas: He has a tractor.!

Kas: OMG! who is that smexxy chick?
Heather: Smexxy isn't the word I would use...

Heather: How'd you do?
Heather: And how do I bring up the paper route with boner boy?
Kas: What??
(Later in the conversation...)
Heather: But, I don't know how to approach the topic with him..?
Kas: "So.. Boner Boy, how about that weather yeaterday, eh? Alright, so I hear you'd like to get rid of your paper route, because your falling behind on boning people, and we all know thats your #1 priority these days, eh?"
Kas: Perfecto!

Heather: hahaha, do you like him?
Kas: I haven't decided.
Heather: Oh?
Kas: He has many faults..
Kas: But hes a bad ass... like me.
Heather: And ?
Kas: So, i haven't decided if he has more pro's than con;s yet..
Kas: I guess.. i could just sleep with him and then decide...
Heather: This you could do.
Kas: Hahahahahaha.

Heather: Soo... every time I read the words 'Yahoo! Messenger' in my head, I mentally pause after the exclaimation mark...
Heather: Every time..
Kas: Hahaha I scream YAHOO! in my mind... and then its just like... messenger...
Heather: Of course you do....
Heather: Just like you say, 'Saaa-WHAK-EM!'
Kas: Hahahha. Its like 'Soooo.... WACK THEM!'
Heather: I'm not surprised. You DO like to wack people.
Heather: Mainly, because you're WACKED!
Kas: Im not wacked! YOU'RE WACKED!
Heather: Well, now I feel bad.
Kas: How'd you like that highly creative comeback?
Heather: It failed

Kas: Hahaha Im making a new Episode of 'Those crazy things Kas and Heather say on Yahoo! Messenger... '
Heather: Of course you are....
Heather: Hahaha...
Heather: BANANA!
Heather: That was just for you, baby.
Kas: YAY!

^This is my life... EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.

I know that just made you ROTFLYAOANIJPRLTCY! (Translation: 'Roll on the floor laughing your ass off, and now im just posting random letters to confuse you!')



Sage: Header

Okay. So I don't know when or who made the last header, and for the record I LOVED IT. So please, if you would like to change it back.

I just wanted to take a stab at designing one, so please by all means take it down lol.
Tell me what you think.
Hangin there guys! I know your books are all amazing!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Nat: Quick Post

Okay, I have 4 important things to say:

Important Thing 1 - Love love LOVE the new SAAWAKM header, so good job to whoever made that. :)

Important Thing 2 - NaNoWriMo. I am 14000 words behind. Hooray.

Important Thing 3 - I miss all of you girls because you are lovely and wonderful and don't post nearly enough.

Important Thing 4 - I have to go, because I'm going to try and write 14000 words tonight before I have to get up at 5:30 tomorrow morning.

[Edit:] Important Thing 5 - First person to comment on this post gets their name in my story. :)


Ned. My Father is Getting Married.

The title really has nothing to do with this post... but its true.

Also, I was confused, because everyone was saying Happy Thanksgiving, and then I was likeee OH YEAH! Thanks giving is in novemberr in the states. (October in Canada...)
Did this confuse you other Canadians?

And last, I appologize, but with writing, school, and volenteer hours, my life is very hectic. Sorry. But I won't be posting a lot..

P.S Who Watches Dexter?

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Cori: Holy crap!

I've been grounded :P
Sup, guys? Mind giving me an update on all that's been going on? lol.
Oh, and happy Thanksgiving and all that jazz! xD!
Yay, 27,660 words in NaNoWriMo so far!!! Which really isn't a lot; I hate having been grounded...

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Sarah: Good Ol' Turkey Day

Here's a schedule of my Thanksgiving (which we're celebrating on the Saturday after this year...)

9:00 AM: Rise. Grumble. Shower. Grumble some more. Eat breakfast while grumbling. (I'm not, like, a morning person at all)
10:00 AM: Turn on the Macy's Parade and start helping Momster with the fixings. I like to make the Jell-O because I'm good at it.
10:30 AM: Contemplate going back to bed.
10:37 AM: Decide that wouldn't be a good idea. After all, Momster needs all the help she can get.
11:00 AM: Set the table (I'm, like, super OCD about the knives being perfect and the napkins being folded and plates all facing the same way...so they let me do it)
11:30 AM: Decide what to do with my hair and face.
12:00 PM: My bestie arrives right in the middle of straightening my hair or putting on mascara. We laugh a little at my ridiculousness.
12:30 PM: Finish helping Momster with the food.
1:00 PM: Help my dad fry a turkey, which involves a lot of "Oh my God!'s", "It's hot, it's hot, it's hot!'s" and "Put the damn bird in the oil!"
2:00 PM: Greet family and receive hugs. This is difficult because most of my family is about five feet tall whereas I am a giantess.
4:30 PM: Dishes.
5:00 PM: Board games. My family is very competitive, so this can get intense. Especially with UNO or Apples to Apples.
6:00 PM: Celebrate my birthday with presents and cake. (Even though I don't blow out the candles until the 7th of December, my family is lazy and don't want to come up again).
7:00 PM: Me and the bestie play some Wii or watch a movie(s).
10:00 PM: SLEEP.

So tell me, what do YOU do for Thanksgiving? Even you Canadians, eh, who already celebrated it. And Nicole, is Thanksgiving celebrates in Aussie?

Heather: And Everything Just Keeps Getting Weirder...

Especially my cast of characters...
But it's really fun to write this way. I just got to chapter sixteen; I'm around halfway done now. :O Gasp! Haha, really though, even I am shocked. This is the farthest I have ever gotten on any one thing I've ever written. I'm so happy! Hahaha.
And I only have... 7 000 words left to 50 000!
I love my chapter titles. Here are a few;
Volatile – Someone who is explosive; flighty.
Innate – An instinctual desire.
Insanity – A condition of the derangement of the mind.
Those are just a few of my favourites.., just to give you an idea of what goes on in my mind.... :) 

Maiah: I have a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore..

Btw, that title was verrrry random.
It just sorta popped up into my head. Hahaha.

Anyways, I have OFFICIALLY gotten my freakin mojo back.
I'm dying to write right now.
I'm listening to some amazingly inspirational music..
and I'm excited to start writing.
I'll probably post what I've written on OSWAAKAM after I'm done.

I've been waiting for this day for a while now. Hahaha :)

Monday, November 22, 2010

Nat: Hell Week Begins

Today was Day 1 of what we affectionately call 'Hell Week' at my school. Well, in the theatre/drama world, anyway.

Our Drama 30 production of A Christmas Carol officially opens in 8 days (!!!), so cast and crew are at the school every night until at least ten, and then we're there from 7am til midnight on Saturday and Sunday. I'm part of the set building crew, so this basically means that I come home covered in paint and saw dust every night.

To top it all off, I am exactly 11,172 words behind on NaNoWriMo.

A few sleepless nights coming up? I think so.


(c) Sarah Goebel 2010

I sat in my room, staring off into space, unconsciously stroking my braid. I stared up at the ceiling, watching the barley-there light dance. It looked pretty.

Something hit my window. I sat up and watched as another stone hit the glass, causing it to shake. When I opened the window and looked down, I didn’t see anything. I looked all around, but there was nothing.

That’s when it happened. Something in the corner of my eye caught my attention, and I spun my head that way. Under the streetlight, I saw a figure standing there, watching me. I couldn’t see much, except that it seemed to be a man about six feet high, well built. It was just a shadow really.

“Ethan?” I whispered. No answer. I called once again, this time louder, but the figure just stood there, face upturned.

I jumped at the sound of the phone ringing. Strange, for someone to call this late at night. Or, rather, this early in the morning. I ran to it quickly, picking it up.


“Zoe? Zoe, are you all right?” It was Ethan, sounding very, very worried. Why on earth would he use a phone? Why didn’t he just pop in, like he always did.

“I’m fine,” I picked up the phone cradle and walked back to the window, looking out again. The figure was gone. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” He said the word too quickly; obviously he was hiding something. “Nothing…weird has happened since I dropped you off?”

I licked my lips, contemplating on how much to tell him. On one hand, something was obviously going on. Was it weird? Yes. It had me a little spooked. But on the other, more reasonable hand, telling Ethan there was a weird shadow figure outside my window would only earn me a night of his constant questions.

“Well…” I finally said, twirling the phone cord around my fingers. “Not really.”

“Not really?” He obviously didn’t believe me. “What happened?”

“Nothing,” I insisted, staring into the darkness again. No one was there. “Just…well…I found some stuff out about my family.”


A horrible feeling suddenly rose in my stomach, the source unknown. Dread, icy and fearful, creeped up into my body and shot up my veins. I instantly became freezing cold. “Ethan?” I asked. “Were…were you here?”

“What do you mean?” I could see his face in my mind, looking frustrated since he didn’t understand what I was trying to ask.

“I…I thought I saw something.”

There was a pause. A pause that seemed to last for days, months, and years. The silence on the other end of the phone was so deafening I thought I might lose my hearing.

“I’ll be over in a few minutes,” he said quickly. “Don’t leave the Institute.”

I still held the phone in my hands as it went dead. I stared at it for a moment, wondering what Ethan had been doing and why he had felt the urge to call me. Worried, I put the phone on the cradle and set it back on my desk.

When I turned around, I screamed. Standing directly behind me was the figure. Except now, I saw it was definitely a man. He looked in his early twenties, with a shock of curly red hair. His skin was very pale. Much too pale.

He slapped a hand over my mouth, cutting of my shriek. He then pulled me close to him, wrapping his other arm around my waist. I tried to get away, squirm out of his grasp, but his arms were like vices.

He held me a little bit away and I saw his eyes. Soft blue—too watery to be human eyes. The exact color of periwinkle. Instantly, the dread I had been feeling all fell into place.

A freaking vampire was in my room.

I could see under his glamour now. He wasn’t exactly beautiful. In fact, he looked like a rotted corpse that had decided to take stroll around town.

Biting back the urge to vomit, I worked through ways to escape. He was clearly too strong for me to get out of his hold and my Azele was nowhere to be seen. My best bet would be to play innocent and hope to God he didn’t kill me.

I wasn’t exactly fond of that plan.

He ran his fingers over my hair, stroking it. Before I knew what he was doing, he leaned down and pressed his icy cold lips to mine. I didn’t have time to react, save for feeling acid ride to the back of my throat.

After a few moments, he pulled back, a small smile on his lips. Then, he cocked his head, listening. He put a finger to his lips in a “don’t tell” way, then slinked back over to the window, jumping out.

“Zoe?” Jude’s Irish accent could be heard from the other side of the door. “Zoe, what happened?”When I didn’t answer, he started beating on the thick wood. “Blast, Liam. Get through the damned door!”

Gently, I pressed my fingers to my lips, still able to feel the kiss lingering there. My entire body felt cold and violated, as if I had been sexually assaulted instead of kissed.

The door burst open, revealing Jude, Raven, Gwen, Liam, and Jason. Raven’s nightgown was twisted around her small body in a way that was clearly uncomfortable. Gwen’s hair was falling out of its dark braid. Liam was holding a large circle of keys, his pajama pants and t-shirt clearly wrinkled. Jude, clad in only a pair of boxers, was staring at me with worry evident on his features.

I had a hand over my mouth in horror, pointing at the window. All that came out was muffles and half-words, none of which made any sense. I couldn’t form a coherent sentence.

“What’s wrong with her?” Gwen demanded, scanning the room for something out of place. When her eyes came to rest on me, I felt a whole new wave of shock. “What happened, Zoe?”

I worked through my vocabulary, trying to calm down. My heart was pounding wildly in my chest, as if it might burst through at any moment. A word rose to my lips, a word that caused my blood to run cold.


Kas: Sigh...

Yes, yes you are...

Heather: Day Twenty-Two.

Who's all still doing NaNo, myself aside?
I'm at 40 000 now, and I'm still going. :)
How's writing coming for you guys?
I'm so excited. In exactly one month I will finally have my beginners. Just one month until I am sixteen, and can start driving!
Hahah, I've been thinking about that all day.
It's exciting!
I'm getting my book for the written test this week. :)
Whoop, whoop.
I can't wait until December 22.
Just saying.
How are you all?

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Heather: Proposition.

I think everyone should make a post on OSAAWAKMS with just a small, like... 2-3 paragraph excerpt of what they're writing.
 Just so everyone has a better idea of how the others are getting along, and what their stories are about, etc. :)

Heather: Nicole.

Nicole, yesterday I was told that an Owl was a must-have pet in Australia, because everyone is obsessed with Harry Potter.
I thought that was kind of really stupid.
And generalized.
And so, I had to ask.
Is this true?
I feel like this is a stupid question.

Maiah: Hey there

We've made 900 posts total. Whoa. Let's aim for 1,000 and then throw a party! :D

So anyways, I'm pretty sure I'm the only one here who hasn't seen the new Harry Potter movie already. AND YET I'M OBSESSED. Muahahahaha. So I gotta see that ASAP.

I thought I'd make a quick post.
Oh, and also...
I have all week off of school.
Therefore, I'm gonna write my butt off.
Wish me luck :)

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Heather: Just A Few Answers To Some Questions.

1) If you were a zombie, I would still talk to you. :) I do it now, don't I?

2) Milk chocolate, dark chocolate, white chocolate, caramel-ly chocolate, chocolate ice cream.... this list is never ending..

3) Two dogs, Lucky ( I came up with that name when I was three... I AM NOT TO BLAME) she's 13, but still awesome, and my puppy (she's two, and she sleeps with me every night, haha. :) ) Callie.

4) What do I want for christmas? A copy of my completed NaNoNovel. ;)
But I get the feeling it will surpass 50 000 words. By a lot...

Nicole: Harry Potter!

I forgot to tell you guys that I went and saw Harry Potter a few days ago(: It did drag on heaps and they talked for about 30% of the movie, but I loved most of it! It was really quite depressing though and I cried, and my friends called my a little bitch. IT WAS SAD, OKAY!?

Anyway, here's Scabior for you. Pretty much the best part of the movie, except when I found out that the actor is actually 40. Oh well.

Nicole: Question timeee.

1. If I was a zombie, would you still talk to me?
Yes! You could eat my brains and we could be zombie buddies :D My new life goal.

2. What is your favorite form of chocolate?
I actually don't like chocolate that much, but I do love peppermint. It's all green and gooey inside, yummy!

3. Do you have any pets?
I have a puppy. Well, she's not actually a puppy, she's six years old :P. She's a Chihuahua though so she's tiny, maybe I'll post a picture one day(:

4. How often do you check Facebook?
I actually don't have Facebook, and I'm not ashamed of it. Everyone at school keeps telling me to get it, but I just don't really care about socialising over the internet. Obviously I don't mean I don't like socialising with you guys, but it's different because I can actually speak to these people in person. Why would I want to be "friends" on Facebook with people that I secretly hate at my school, or people I hardly know?

Now, tell me what you want for Christmas?
A DLSR camera :D! It's a few thousand dollars, and that's why I'm working my butt off at my Uncle's pizza shop now. With my birthday six days before Christmas, I'll have money from that and Christmas, too! And my Dad's side of the family does KK, so hopefully I'll get a portrait lens from that too!

That's all bros and hoes(:.

Nat: Visiting the ghost town...

To answer your questions, Sarah (and by the way, that puppy is adorable):

1) Yes, I most definitely would still talk to you if you were a zombie.
2) Favourite form of chocolate? Any and all. (But especially from Roger's Chocolates. Mmmm.)
3) I have a puppy. He's actually like 7, but I still call him a puppy. He's a border collie German shepherd cross, and his name is Bandit.
4) At least once a day, if not more.

I don't really know what I want for Christmas yet. But I guess here's a few things:

-A job
-A vacation
-To finish my NaNoWriMo novel and get it published (I'm reallly far behind...)

I'm on vacation right now, and it's a lot of fun, but very cold and snowy. I had a snowball fight with my family this morning - it was awesome.

I miss hearing from you girls all the time. Start posting more often! :(

Kas: Questions...

1. If I was a zombie, would you still talk to me?
Yes. But if you tried to eat, I would have to stab you in the face... multiple times.

2. What is your favorite form of chocolate?
Any kind that has carmel in it. :P

3. Do you have any pets?
I have 3 cats. Halo, Baby J, and Jazzy. Halo and Jazzy are my sister's, and Baby J is mine. He's also a god... :D

Oh, and I have 2 dogs. Odie and Jewell.

And an imaginary Ninja. If you count that as a pet...

4. How often do you check Facebook?
Multiple times a day. And I tend to Like everything...

Now, tell me what you want for Christmas.

1. Kindle! Haha.
2. Jensen Ackles.
3. Money.
4. Tom Felton.
5. Laptop.
6. A published novel.
7. James McAvoy.

Somehow, I also don't think i'll be getting everythign on my list either... but someday, :)

And now, for your viewing pleasure... Jensen Ackles, Tom Felton, and James McAvoy.

I'd tap that.


Sarah: To get you all posting...

Here is a list of random questions. You have to answer them in a blog post.
1. If I was a zombie, would you still talk to me?
2. What is your favorite form of chocolate?
3. Do you have any pets?
4. How often do you check Facebook?

Now, tell me what you want for Christmas.
Here's what I want.
1. A kindle
2. Clothes
3. This puppy.
4. Supernatural Seasons 1-5
5. books.
6. A million dollars.
7. A condo.
8. A brand new car.
9. World Peace.
10. A published novel.

Somehow, I doubt I will get all of these things. :(

Anyway, answer the questions, losers!

Kas: I agree.

We all need to start posting a lot more often... myself included.

Anyways, the plan for today is basically just to write as much as possible. I've lowered my NaNo expectations, though. Now, instead of writing the 50,000, im just going to try and finish the first "part" of my novel. Since my story basically splits into three parts, i figured finishing one part of it, which will come to about 31,000 words, is more realistic. :P


Heather: Day 20

I'm just about to start writing. I'm at.... 35000-ish now.
I wrote zip in the passed couple days, but, I'M BACK.
This post is really just to hopefully restart the flow of them.
I still check SAAWAKM at least five times a day, though. :)

Friday, November 19, 2010

Nicole: It's official...

... SAAWAKM is a ghost town.

I was getting excited because you guys doing NaNoWriMo seemed to bring everybody together again, but now it's dead :(.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Nicole: Just an update.

Just a little update since it's been over a week since I last posted. I still haven't really been writing, just planning. I'm getting more excited about it as it all grows in my head though, I've even developed my characters a bit. That's really all for now, Sarah I've read your chapters and they're amazing! I don't have time to critique them now, but I'll write one up tomorrow(:

I have a new future husband now, too (yes, I have a lot of them). This guy I work with is reallyyy cute, and today he had his sleeves rolled up. Yup. We will marry one day.

I'm gonna go watch My Name Is Earl now, byeee!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Nat: Disney is the greatest thing EVER.


Greatest Disney song of all time. ^^^

Question of the Day: Who is your favourite Disney character?

I just spent the last half an hour watching Disney songs on YouTube. Hope NaNo is still going well for everyone who's doing it.


Well, I posted my first two chapters on OSAAWAKMS. Since you all love and adore me, I just know you will read them and tell me what you think (in the form of a blog post, of course).

Oh, and by the way, you're going to hate me. Just saying.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Sarah: YAY!

5,901 words in three hours! My first and second chapters are complete and my third is 3/4 of the way done.

And this is a cover I made...

Sage: What should I title thiss..

I haven't written in so long. but that's okay. Because I love you all and continue to read all your posts.
Just a quick update.
I got hair extensions (XD)./ See picture above
I am officially finished my play... where the first line I said was "Fuck".
I am very tired right now as I am trying to write three different essays for different classes.
You should all check out my youtube account tomorrow night because I am adding TWO NEW SONGS that are originals, and also possibly a couple of covers.
I love you all and hope your NaNoWriMo novels are going well.

Nat: To Write Love On Her Arms


~"When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile."

~"Everything is okay in the end, if it's not ok, then it's not the end."

~"True love stories never have endings."

~"I love you. I am who I am because of you. You are every reason, every hope, and every dream I've ever had, and no matter what happens to us in the future, everyday we are together is the greatest day of my life. I will always be yours."


P.S. I'm 5886 words behind for NaNo.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Kas: Bitch stole my fish...



Heather: A Song.

Most amazing song ever. :) Not only that, but Joel Plaskett is from Halifax / Dartmouth, same as I am! I miss it there. And the Dartmouth ferry... :(

Hey good lookin', why the frown?

You always look better when it's upside down
You say you got nowhere that you're going to
Can I go nowhere with you?

I took the Dartmouth Ferry into the town,
Spent my pennies bumming around,
Tryin' to find a way to tear a strip off these blues,
Can I go nowhere with you?

Paid the cover, saw the show,
Sat at the bar where the drinks did flow.
Didn't see a single face that I knew,
'Till I went nowhere with you.
Can I tag along tonight?
We'll kill some time, it looks like you might
need a little company,
I'm so cheap I might as well be free.

Hey good lookin', why the frown?
You always look better when it's upside down
You say you got nowhere that you're going to
Can I go nowhere with you?

Joel Plaskett - Nowhere With You

Kas: Fingerstache...


Definition- "AWESOME!"


Sarah: Quoteee

“Per me si va ne la città dolente,
per me si va ne l'etterno dolore,
per me si va tra la perduta gente.
Giustizia mosse il mio alto fattore:
fecemi la divina podestate,
la somma sapienza e 'l primo amore.
Dinanzi a me non fuor cose create
se non etterne, e io etterno duro.
Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'entrate”

English Translation:

'Through me you go to the grief wracked city;

Through me you go to everlasting pain;

Through me you go a pass among lost souls.

Justice inspired my exalted Creator:

I am a creature of the Holiest Power,

Of Wisdom in the Highest and of Primal Love.

Nothing till I was made was made,

Only eternal beings. And I endure eternally.

Abandon all hope - Ye Who Enter Here.'

—Dante’s Inferno

Sarah: Made a post on OSAAWAKMS.

Check it out if you value your lives. Otherwise, Talia will be forced to hunt you down. And trust me, you DON'T want that to happen. She's absolutely bloodthirsty and missing her morals.

Oh, and the first person to comment on this will be in my book. I'll let you know how once you comment... :)

Friday, November 12, 2010

Heather: Day Twelve.

The last two days have been horrible for me.
I got barely anything done.
But now I am back.
And I have so many people out for my main character it's not even funny.
In fact, it's kind of awesome.
I love this story a lot.
A million points goes to whomever can guess what story I'm doing. Without looking at my blurb on NaNo, or Kas guessing, because she knows. Haha. :)
How are guys doing?
Catching up alright?

Maiah: NaNoWriMo FAIL!

It's been a long time since I've posted anything. But I swear, I've been reading everyone one of your guys' posts! Haha soo we're all good. :)

I'm pretty sure I'm the biggest slacker. This month, as you know, is NaNoWriMo. Everyone has gotten like...10,000 words. Me? Ha. I've gotten about...hmmm...zero words? Yeah. That sounds about right. In fact, (pardon my french) I haven't done shit in the past few months. And I'm sick of doing nothing. I hate feeling like I've given up. Soo...starting as soon as I can, I'm starting back up with my writing habits. Because I really miss it.

However, in the absense of my usual writing of Blood Red Rose, I've been writing a lot of poems, quotes, just a whole bunch of random stuff. Hey, it's better than nothing!

Anyways, I'll be making posts more often than I have been... Just not a ton. Hopefully soon, I'll be able to pick up with the posts and writing again. I've just been very busy, and I have so much going on right now, it's hard to concentrate.

I just wanted to let you all know I hadn't died.
Even though you probably wouldn't care. Haha just kidding. Hopefully....

Nat: DaY eLeVeN aNd SoMe InSpIrAtIoN

Day 10 Word Count: 101
Day 11 Word Count: 1673

I'm 2553 words behind...


P.S. Where is everyone?!?
Did you all die? Because I am going to be seriously pissed off if you all died...

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Nat: Day 10

We're 1/3 of the way there, ladies! Only 2o more days to go!

So far I've written 101 words today...

How are you all doing? (Those of you doing NaNo)

I also have a question: do any of you have playlists/specific songs that remind you of the book you're writing??

Sarah: Your new book sounds great, I think that's an awesome preface. I'm pretty excited to read about Zoe Lennox. Oh, and Talia of course.
Nicole: Email me back!!!
Heather: Uh...hi!
Kas: Uh...also hi! And a smiley face. :)
Maiah: I miss you! Come back and make a post soon!!!


Sarah: Is this too...?

The planning, the deception, the secrecy…it had all been in vain.

With ice in my heart, I watched him prepare to defend himself. I knew I should be doing the same thing: readying my weapon, working through strategies, attempting not to think that everything we did would be wasted.

Yet all I could do was stare. His intense concentration betrayed no hint of doubt, though we were grossly outnumbered. His hands didn’t shake as he gripped his blade. Yet I knew—as if I could read his mind—that he was just as scared as I was.

I wanted desperately to touch him. Take his hand, brush the hair out of his face, wrap my arms around him…something, anything, to comfort him.

It was silly to think such things as we were preparing to die.

We could expect no help. At that moment, everyone was fighting for their lives just as we would soon be fighting for ours. Would I ever learn the outcome of that battle?

The odds of that didn’t look so good.

Bright blue eyes, wild and fierce with the craving of my death, watched for the moment when I would make a mistake. The moment I would surely die.

(c) Sarah Goebel 2010

So, this is my current preface. Is it too 'foreshad
ow-y'? Or is it okay to have something like that in the beginning? Should I throw it out?

My first chapter starts off with a newspaper article describing the recent murders in NYC. Would it be better just to dive right in with that? Or is the preface good?

By the way...this is my villain.

Her name is Talia Ambrose and she's the most kick-ass villain I've ever written. Don't tell Zoe, but I'm secretly rooting for Talia. (Yeah, like that doesn't make me sound crazy...)

Anyway, let know what you think about the preface thingy.