Monday, February 28, 2011

Sarah: Because I'm bored and it's late.

So so so- STUCK IN MY HEAD. (Ned.)

Yeah, so... Its all Heather and Kas' fault. if you hadn't posted Scandalous on WritingSilver, I would have never seen Rupert sooo... Um, yum! And I wouldn't have gotten the song stuck in my head, so now, not only does my mom think I'm weird, so saying Rupert was gorgeous, because, I quote "He's a ginger! They're not sexy!" Unquote. Her words not mine. And I wouldn't randomly keep going, "So so so scandalous!" In the middle of classes. lol.
So yes. I blame you.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Sarah: Cast Change!

Ned: My Mother has a Blog. Go Follow her.

Uh... Yeah. Here's the link.

Sarah: Oh my gosh!

Sorry about leaving you out, Ned and Sage! I blame my lack of sleep...

I got it!

They all have to get caught! OHMYGOD. I am the smartest person ever.

Paranormal Activity Two

Scariest movie I've ever seen in my entire life.

And you should know,
I don't get scared easily.

Kas: I fixed the header.

I fixed the header, so now Sage and Ned are on it, and I added it. Hope you don' mind Sarah. :P

Oh, and Cori, I absolutely lose the two things you have on OSAAWAKMS, they're really, really, good.


Saturday, February 26, 2011

Cori: I feel so evil...

In my novel, Between the Lines, I'm at this part where the Company (that's what I call them, my little group of demon terrorisits) is at this village called Ansek. The chapter's called The Fall of Ansek, so of course it's going to have a lot of death in it.
Well, in every village there's something called a Stone. It glows green and protects them all from the poison air in the world. In Ansek, their Stone has a disease called the Aeriation--coincidentally, the same disease my main charrie, Altrius, has. Well, basically, the Stone dies and the poison comes in to kill everybody. The Company is all protected because they have something called a chalice that protects them from the poison. It's a mini Stone of sorts. Well, the entire time they're watching the town die, and I felt so evil the entire time...I described everything.
At one point, I actually started crying.
If you wanna read it, I'll post in on the OSAAWAKMS. By the way...nobody goes on that anymore :( makes me sad. So yeah. If you wanna read it, I'm putting it up on there.

Sarah: Made a header? Should we use it?

It's kinda sucky, but whatevs.

Sarah: My thumb is bruised from hitting the space key too much.

Completing an essay that could win me a trip to DC? Check.
My mom buying me Megamind as a surprise? Yay!Check.
Working four hours today? Check.
Writing as soon as I got home? Check.
Parents getting a little concerned for my sanity? Check.
Writing some more? Check.
Wrists aching? Check.
Early stages of carpel tunnel? Ow. Check. Ow.
Exhausted teenage girl who still has to write two papers and a short story for school? CHECK.


Am I writing? Je ne sais pas.


Sage: Ye Old Alma Mater

At least, that's my hope. I have an audition for the University of Windsor coming up soon so I've been working on monologues and I have a show on March 9th and 10th so i'm going crazy with no sleep and lots of coffee and creating far too many run-on sentences :)


Kas: Guess what?

Silver is 33.3% done! (The writing, at least.) We have yet to edit, but I think we're just going to wait until its all written before we jump into that.

Also, I've been re-creating scene from the novel into pictures on our blog which is fun. So go look at that!

I'm finsihing up the finishing toughes on the gifts today, and I'll mail them monday. So Maiah and Nicole, I need you addresses as soon as possible. :)

Sorry I ahven;t been posting much, whatever time I have on the computer is spent writing wiht Heather. Hahaha. The other 3 hours of the day are spent try not to fail chemistry... so i've been kind of busy...

But, we'll keep updating you guys on Silver. We're hoping to have it written (not edited) by mid-april.


Maiah: udheryfbwefyioddufw

OKAY. So it's been too long. And I'm sorry! I've just kinda been wrapped up in school, and theres been a lot goin on lately with me.. So I haven't been posting much at all for te past few months. But I promise, I'm gonna start again! It's really been way too long!
So if I don't post again in three days, I give you all permission to come hunt me down and slap me in the face.
Oh and also, nothings new on the novel. WHICH IS VERY SAD. But I was in class the other day and I was kinda in my own little world just daydreaming and thinking about it (Like I used to all the time hahahaha) and I think I have a few amazing ideas? So I'm gonna try workin on that :)
And I'll let you know how that goes! Hahaha

Friday, February 25, 2011

Cori: People keep mistaking me for a boy!

I got a haircut. xD!!! It looks very awesome, if I do say so myself, though I got mistaken for a dude once or twice. Gah...for some reason, I hate my novel all of a sudden. I keep thinking, stupidly of course, "Nobody's ever going to read it, anyway...why would they?"
Which is something I think often. Ah, the joys of being a pessimist. =P one of my thought-so-be-friends likes to tell me that I suck at writing. A few days ago, before I quit being her friend, she picked up the Sacred Writing Notebook and was looking through it. She ripped out a page of my favorite story so far and tore it up, saying, "This sucks." about encouragement. Thanks, Faith -_-
I got in trouble for hitting her.

Sarah: Why, oh why, do I create such amazingly hot characters?

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Sarah: Meet the new and improved Zoe Lennox cast!

Zoe Lennox.

Chase Doyle.

Andrew Reed.

Talia Ambrose.
Lucian Ambrose.

Gwenevere Freddison.

Peter Lennox.

Amanda Beckett.

Hal Winters.

Sarah: Oh, the brooding and pensive faces of hot guys!

Hey, wanna help me name my character's love interests?

The first one is a dhampir. He's downright hilarious, sarcastic, and smoking hot, complete with tall, blonde and handsomeness.

The second is a warlock, who has a few more secrets than most and a dark sense of humor. He's got dark hair and "a downright gorgeous smile". My main character's words, not mine.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Hey girls.
My grandma passed away last night.
Thanks for just being who you are.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Kas: my bad.

Well, I missed the one year yesterday. :O

It wasn't because i wasn't on the computer, on the contrary i was on the computer, but i was working on Silver with heather and forgot to post. :(


The gifts have yet to be sent, i was hoping to get them sent today, but i woke up witha huge migrane so i didn't go to school.. and now im at work and i forgot to bring them with me... so, i should absolutely have them sent by either tomorrow or thursday, just depending on how things go.

Just a little update,
Silver is going amazing, we have decided to use my old color technique, where you color code your outline and them write once full color and then the next etc., and now, we have officially finished two colors, (Around 11,000 words.) And its only been a week! :O

Im actually working on a new cover now, which i'll post if i ever finish it.


Monday, February 21, 2011

Cori: La la la...

You guys never post anymore!!! o: it makes me sad. Does Kas ever get on, even? I hope she hasn't deserted us, like I deserted you guys for a while DX!!! Anyhoo, I named my laptop =D! It's now named Chester. I've also named my cell phone Jasper, my Nook Stanley, my PSP Johnny Boy, and my DS Bob.
I like naming things xD!!! So like...what's up? I expect you all to answer this, or Chester will get his ass kicked >:O!!! (He likes to freeze.)


I was planning on making a super-epic video for SAAWAKM's one year anniversary, but then life kinda happened and I just didn't have time.

But just wanted to let you all know how much I love each and every one of you! We've accomplished so much in one year. Who knows, maybe this year one of us will get published??

So Happy Anniversary, SAAWAKM!!


(I also figured I would let you girls know - my grandma is in the hospital and she's really sick, so I might not be posting for a while.)

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Sarah: I got a job!

WEll, it's true. So I'll be working most weedends and since midterms are coming up, I won't be posting much. Sorry! I miss you all!

Oh, and Kas! TEll me when you send the gifts! I can't wait! :)

Cori: Wow...

I haven't been on in a while, I've noticed. Tons of things have changed, too. Since this is a blog about writing, I think I'll start with my book xD!!!
I'm writing a fifth draft. And it's completely, crazily different. Even the title has changed...from Escape of the Thief to Between the Lines. Have you guys ever heard of inkpop? It's awesome =D!!!

EDIT: Anyhoo, nobody's been on in such a long time, I've noticed. Where'd you all go? :( It seems even Kas hasn't been on.
I've been having tons of problems lately. It's one of the reasons I haven't been on; to put it lightly, I've been worrying that I may have a mental disorder. Even now, I believe I might have one. My parents have been keeping a close check on me because I turned a bit suicidal, and pretty much I've been very troubled. But enough about that, I'm not in the mood to be depressed right now.
So what's up with everybody lately?

Heather: Well Then...

I have a pretty good reason for not posting: my laptop went off and murdered itself.
The only computer I had access to was my moms, and I never had time to do anything but write with Kas- and even that wasn't much time.
But I got a new one, so all is well again.
I also, thankfully, managed to save most of my writing...
What's your excuse?
Just to reiterate.
Just so you all know.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Ned. Post people!

So, I am disapointed in you all. It's like you don't exsist. I love you, but honestly. POST

So, you know Witch?
Well.... since I was writing, I went back to UNwanted, and now, HAVE AN AMZING idea for it, and I won't be telling you, cause YOU ARE ALL GONNA READ IT.

love you.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Nat: My heart just broke...

I just watched Episode 1 of Season 5 (three guesses as to what show)...and now my heart is broken. made me want to cry.

But aside from that - <3<3<3 Castiel.
He's my favourite!

Kas: good news ladies. :D

Yes, I am 17 now... an old hag...

But, even mmore exciting news... Your gifts came in! Hahaha.

Now, the main gift actually ended up having my letter to SAAWAKM thing twice... So just ignore that. :P

And the other gift is proving to be a pain in the ass to put together... hahaha. But, ill do it.

So, once I get them all put together and blah, ill send them to those of you who i have addresses for... (Cough, everyone but Maiah and Nicole, Cough) But, Sage/Ned, I need Sage's letter thing like, today, or its not goign to be included, the same with Maiah. :D


Sunday, February 13, 2011

Heather: Happy Birthday Kas!

If I had time to write more I would.
Expect an edit.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Nat: WoP

Hey girls.

So, a long time ago I put 30 Letters up on Worthy of Publishing, I'm sure some of you remember it. (
But anyway - I kind of forgot about it for a long time, and I just found out today that it's the featured book on WoP. =D

Just wanted to share that with you.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Kas: :P

Okay, well the gifts still aren't here, but they're all shipping to me as we speak, so im hoping within the next few days...

Nat, Yes, Sebastian is a beast, but Grint, well, lets just say her was inspired by this video...

and Silver is coming along amazingly. we're hoping to have it completely finished by June 1. So.. you just have to wait, 103 days. :D

Actually, i think we might be nice and share the chapters as we go... maybe. :D Right now we're using my old technique, the color coding one, to write the first half of the outline and then we'll start on the actual writing.

We also now have a new cover! :O

I don't think we've ahred this one wiht you guys yet?

Edit: Sage! Yes, still e-mail me the paragraph you wrote! Haha. I have ordered the presents, but i have a way of getting those who didn't get it to me before i ordered's in it! :D

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Nat: Freaking Gorgeous...

Heather and Kas: It's decided - I am going to marry Sebastian. He is so freaking gorgeous. Please write

I have like 6 days off school now, so I have grand plans to do lots and lots of writing. I'm working on something that I'm temporarily calling DreamWalkers (because I can't think of anything better). Maybe I'll let you read the prologue of that some time...if you're lucky. :)

I am ridiculously excited for Kas' presents - like, you have no idea how excited I am. :D

Talk to you soon??

P.S. Why is there nothing in the sidebar of our blog anymore? Or is it just my computer being messed up? But I don't know how to fix it and it's really bothering if someone knows how to fix it - you can have one imaginary chocolate chip cookie.

Ned Hello.

For Heather. :D


I checked Writing Silver, and I've made up my mind, I am you and Kas' biggest fan. Seriously. Hurry up and write.

Kas, Sage wrote a paragraph, but she isn't sure if she should still send it. Let her know. <3

And Heatherrrrr. Wolves?
Just for me? Pweasee.


Heather: Hello.

Hello ladies,
You're dead, I've concluded.
All except Kas, as she's talking to me right at this moment.
Anyway, come online and POST, POST, POST!
I don't care if it only says 'Hello.'
Just post! Haha.
In other news, Silver is going to be awesome.
Just saying. Hahaah.
Now, right now, I think that you all should go click on the link, and go to the blog, and read all about Silver. :'D
Writing Silver.
Go on, we both know you want to.
Come on, we do.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Kas: Two things

One, I ordered the gifts, and they are all being shipped to me now, and then, one i get them, ill be shipping them to all of you! :D

Two, I made a new picture for Silver..
(If you don't know what Silver is, read the joint post between me and Heather below)
It says Writing Silver because thats the name of the blog im creating for this new story...

Ned. Witch (Yeah Stupid name, I know.)

There are powers in this world, bigger then you could imagine. We don’t like to talk about it much, humans are power hungry, and many of us fear that if they learn of the endlessness of power that they will try an conquer it. Not to mention those who can separate the strands of magic, well, we’d be hunted, killed most likely. You don’t agree?

Think about it? The wars, the chaos human’s cause everyday. It might not be the nicest solution, but we are much safer in secrecy.

My family is no better then humans. They believe Witches are far better then any other race. I disagree. They believe we should rule. I disagree. They believe human life is insignificant. I strongly disagree.

My name is Arianna Blue, and I am a witch, and I have to get out of here.

So yeah. i know, that was a terrible synopsis. It so difficult to explain. So, Here's a story to help me out. (It's told by Arianna...)

There is a story my people tell, from the old days, when Humans were aware. In the old days, the world was at peace. There were the Witches, the Wizards, the Daemons, the Faeries, and the Shifters.

Human’s could use their own strands of magic, just as everyone else, but a certain king wanted more. He called forth a nomad witch who had stopped in the village for the night. You see, the king believed that Witches has an easier life then humans. He believed that the strands of magic weren’t equally divided among the races.

When the Witch arrived, the king demanded she teach him her magic.

The Witches apologized to the king, saying she was born being able to manipulate the world the way she could. There was nothing she could teach. The king was furious at this. He order her arrest, and the next day, she was hung.

When word of the witches death spread to a neighboring witches town, the Queen was furious. She knew there was nothing she could do without the help of other races, so she called a meeting.

There, she explained to her fellow rulers what the king had done. The Daemon king, agreed with the queen at once, telling that the king had also taken the lives of many Daemon warriors that had passed threw his village.

The others were hesitant to do what the Queen asked, and requested a week to think. The queen granted them this. However, the Daemon king protested. He said if they waited, more innocent lives would be lost.

The meeting ended, and the Daemon king stormed from the room. On the first day of the week, the Daemon king led a Shifter into the kings village. He told the Shifter to stay one night in the village, and when the king called him forth, to go.

The Shifter did as he was told, and the next morning, the Shifter King was informed of his death.

The Daemon king did this twice more, until each race had agreed to the Witch queen’s plan.

Each ruler, called upon their magic, and combined their power to take that of the humans.

Humans have since then, lost the ability to use magic, and in time, have forgotten the exsitance completely.

Ned. I wish I had money.

I swear, if I had money, I would be buying you something! I SWEAR it. lol.
But I don't. So.... I cant... So here is my cyber gift.

Cyber Hug.
You get to name the main character of my story!


Soo um. Yeah.
You might have guessed, I have a new idea. And until Kas names the main character... (I can't think of ANYTHING) I will tell you about it. It also doesn't have a title.


I'm downloading Y!M again, on my new computer, and I will be making a new Yahoo email to go along with it, mostly cause I can't remember the password, and also cause the email I had before keeps getting spamed.
Heather and Kas I know have Y!A I also believe Sarah does, and everyone else, are they in the contact info?
Let me know.

And Kas.
I <3>

(Slash I love you all, but Kas is all "I'mma buy all my buddiesss GIFTS, so yeah.)

Monday, February 7, 2011

Heather & Kas: Yeah, Another One of THOSE Posts.


Hahaha, hi ladies! This is nothing important, welll not really, haha.
So. Now that Kas finally has computer access, we got back to more of those crazy things Kas and Heather say on Y!M... Yes, those ones. Where we talk about old spice commercials, and cowboys turned pirates.... Talk about the life, eh? Haha.
Anyway, we were talking and BAM. We decided to try writing together again. Even though Ember was kind of rushed, and then Fire came out, and it was like, whoaaa, 'she stole our story?!?!' Well, no, not really. But anyway, we both really loved it then, so we decided to start again. But, it's not Ember, and it's an all new idea, and I think we're BOTH in LOVE with it...
Yes. Again.

Whoop! Yeah, we know you're excited! Hahaha. Anyways, Heather pretty mcuh covered it all... Except, she forgot to tell you its called Silver. And that its chock full of awesomeness. :D

Here is the blurb:
Silver Roric is not a spy. At least, not yet. Thrust into a mission that if failed could cost her people the war that has been fought for centuries, she is anything but prepared. Kidnapped by the cruel daemon race, and trapped in a castle where she is nothing more than a prisoner of war, Silver must act as the princess she was taken in place of.

With her sole goal to gather information to be sent to the capital, and gain the trust of as many daemons as she can; Silver’s life is not going as planned. With the kings nephew, the mysterious Sebastian, impervious to her every move and an entire castle out to get her, even the most simplistic mission can seem impossible.

Then Grint comes, a dark human with an even darker past, he is prepared to bring Silver back to the Domanean rebellion; for a price. Silver is once more thrust into an entirely new mission, except this one involves bringing down two kingdoms… From the inside out.

Tell us what you think!

Sarah: Kas!

Will you let me know when you officially ship the gifts from your house? That way I know when to start checking the mailbox! :)

Kas: Giffftttss

Okay, so I know I was supposed to order the gifts last night, and I did order one, im about to order the major gift right now. Cori, your the only one who didn't confirm if you wanted one or not, so im afraid I didn't order you the gift that i bought last night, and unless your on now, and comment in the next 20 minutes, your probably not getting this one either... sorry.

Maiah and Nicole, I need your SAAWAKM things and addresses as soon as possible, if i dont get the SAAWAKM things today they wont be in the gift... I don;t have to to have the addresses pronto, since I wont be shipping these things until they get here, but I know you both want one, so im ordering them today. But I do need the SAAWAKM things today.

Other than that, I've got everyone elses addresses and SAAWAKM things. :D


Sunday, February 6, 2011

Ned. Superheroes.

1. Flying!
2. Telekinesis .
3. Teleporting.
4. The ability to walk through walls.

1. Wolverine.
2. Hit Girl
3. Power pack.
4. (Don't know if this counts...) Percy Jackson!

1. Voldemort.
2. Mega mind.
3. Scar.


Kas: Another thing.

Oh, and just so you guys know, there are now 2 different equally awesome parts to this gift. :D


Kas: Sigh.

Okay, so there ahs been some significant progress witht his gift thing since my last post.

I now have:


SAAWAKM thingys:

So, if your name is Maiah, Nicole, or Cori. Hurry upppp. :D

Sarah: Par-tay!

So, for our blogiversary, I figured we should fire up Chatzy and have a virtual party! We will obviously have to work out timezones, so here is what I suggest:

We meet in the chat room at 7 or 8 Central Mountain Time on February 21st. Can everyone figure out what time it is where they live?

Here are some websites to help:

Yay! I can't wait!

(Edit): Oh, by the way. I have a timezone thing on my phone...don't know if you guys do. And if you're wondering about a good city to use for the first link, try Chicago or St. Louis.

Sarah: BATMAN!!!!

Top 3 Heroes:
>Iron Man.
>Deadpool (you probably don't know who that is. It's okay. I'm a comic book nerd.)

Top 3 Villains:
>The Joker.
>The Green Goblin.
>Lex Luther (Hahaha. I only like to make fun of him. He's, like, constantstly THINKING. It's all he does!)

Top 4 Superpowers:
>The ability to kick ass.

Nat: Letter

Kas, I emailed my SAAWAKM letter thingy to you.

Okay, that's all I needed to say. =)

[Edit]: Superhero stuff for Heather...
Top 3 Superpowers
-Memory Manipulation
(I worked on a story about superheros for a while, and I found this really helpful site if you want to use it:
Top Heroes
Top Villains
-The Joker
(I really only have that one...sorry. <3 Heath Ledger)


Click on it. It's a lot bigger... lol.

Kas: Sarah... Fail.

Hahaha. No, Sarah, you weren't supposed to post it, but its fine. I copied it and put it in a word document, then I deleted you post, so that who ever hasn't read it yet will still be surprised when they get the gift. I hope thats okay with you...

Anyways, alright guys, I have to order these things today, and I only have

& Sarah's addresses

and I have SAAWAKM things from me, Sarah and Heather.

Maiah, I know oyu said you wanted one, but I need your stuff,
Nicole I e-mailed you,
and Sage&Ned, I have ned's address but I wont send you one unless you tell me i should...
Cori, I havent heard anything from you...

So, guys, I need your stuff by like 5 today, or I wont be able to send you one...


Heather: Superheroes

Hello ladies. :')
I need help, hahah.
I need to know what each of your top three superhero powers are, your top three superheroes, and your top three villains.
Yes, it is for writing, but that's all Illl say for now.
Plus, it would be interesting to know anyway.
Hahaha, you don't have to do all of them, but I'd love if you did.
I don't care if it's a post or a comment or whatever, but I NEED TO KNOW!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Kas: DONE!

I finally finished getting the present ready! Haha! Its ready to be ordered, and I have to get it ordered by tomorrow, so I really need everyone's addresses and SAAWAKM thingys.

So far i have,
Heather's address
Nat's address
and Ned I found your Address in my email, so if you want one you need to comment saying so, but you don't need to send the address to me again...

I don;t ahve any SAAWAKM thingys, or anyone elses addresses. Im going to have to order these tomorrow, depite if anyone hasn't confirmed that they want one, or given my their SAAWAKM things yet...


Nicole: Hellooo

So, I've had a new idea! It's to remake my old story about dreams with some new twists. I haven't written up a synopsis just yet, but I'll be doing that soon.

I've also decided to make a video and upload it to the SAAWAKM's Youtube channel. I know I said I was going to do it last time and it never happened, so don't be surprised if that happens again ;P. But, I just wanna try and see whether it helps me stay a little bit motivated.

Kas, could you please email me just because I'm too lazy to look through my old emails when you sent it to me a while ago. My email's

I might do it tonight before I go to bed depending on how tired I am, because I don't think I'll have time tomorrow since I'm starting school in two days. Of course I come up with an idea after I have a month and a half to write. GOODNESS.

Anyway, that's all for now.

Nicole: Headersss

These are the ones that I made and we used(:

(: New post coming soon

Friday, February 4, 2011

Nat: Headers for Heather

Kas: Hello, is anybody here?

Hello, again. So, I was just wondering... WHY HAVEN"T I RECIEVED ANY RESPONSES ON THE WHOLE GIFT THING!?

Come'on guys. I need your addresses! You know, so i can come murder you in your sleep...


Just kidding! :D

But seriously, why is no one as entusiastic about this as I am!?


Thursday, February 3, 2011

Heather: Anniversary.

Well, hello there ladies.
Read the three posts below before this ? Thanks.
Ned's isnt all too important to what I have to say (SHE'S BACK THOUGH!!) but Kas's two are. So read them. :)
Anyway, I know SOME of what she's doing, it's a start though. Haha.
And I know you will all LOVE it. It's best to just let her have her way; she'll get it eventually anyway.... ;')
ANYWAY, I'm trying to help her with it, but I need ALL of our old headers.
So, if you made a header, ANY header, no matter how long, or short, or even if it wasn't the blogs header at all but you still made it, I need 'em!
So, if you made a header, PLEASE,PLEASE, PLEASE, make a post with it asap, or send it to Kas, or something. Post would be best though.
If you do it, I'LL LOVE YOU ALL!
Alright, thanks! :')

Ned. Could it be?

I'm ba-ack!
For real this time.

Wanna know how I know?!
My homepage is now SAAWAKM.
Pretty much a for sure sign!

Also, I got a new computer!

Yes, I know.
Its awesome.
Well, thaat's pretty much it.
Kay. Bye.

Kas: Me again...

So, If you haven't read the post below this yet, go do that now... then read this one. Or you'll be very confused..

Also, along with the things i posted below, I need everyone to submit a picture that they think represents SAAWAKM the best. You should post those on the blog, and then we can vote on the two we all liek best. :D

They can have writing on them if you want, but try to incorporate the word SAAWAKM into it somewhere...


Kas: Who missed me!?

I know, I know... You all did!

Anyways, I still don;t have internet, but im working at my dad's office now so i'll have access to internet alot. Hopefully mine gets fixed soon...

But, what im planning on doing is taking my external hard drive from my computer and just plugging it into this one so that i at least have my writing here...

Alright, on to more important topics. Im not sure if you guys realize this, but the SAAWAKM 1 year anniversary is coming up. Its on February 21st (Which also happens to be my dad's birthday.) And I think we should throw a virtual party! :P Hahaha. Maybe crack open the old chatroom??

Also, I have been working on presents for all of you since liek august for the 1 year, and while they probably wont be done by the 21st, im still excited to give them to you all. I think I told Heather what 1 of them was a few months back, but I doubt she remembers. Oh, and I don;t want anyone complaining about me spending money on the gifts, because, if you haven't realized it by now, im a major over-gifter... its a problem... a problem i love. Im also addicted to internet shopping...

So, I need two things from everyone. 1. Your mailing addresses. I haven't actually ordered said presents yet, so if you are uncomfortable with giving me your address, you don;t have to. But you won;t get your fantabulous giftsss either. So, if you want one of the said fantabulous gifts of awesomeness, email me your mailing address. Ned, I know I should already have yours from the SAAWAKM challenge thing, but im a very unorganized person and i think i deleted it, accidentally, from my email... oops. So, if you want a SAAWAKM anniversary present, send the address to

2. I need everyone, even if you don't want to send your address for the gifts, to write a paragraph/ 10-page essay on what SAAWAKM means to you. Yeah, don;t actually write ten pages... thats a lot to read. HAhaha. This has very loose boundaries on it guys, you can write jsut an overall of what SAAWAKM means to you. You can write individual letters to every member on why you love them so very very much, Its really up to you... But, I do need these as quickly as possible, and since its about to be a weekend, hopefully everyone will see this post soon. I need something from everyone, hopefully, though. This si going to be part of the gifts. Oh, something I forgot to mention, don;t post these on the blog. Send them to the email I posted before, because they are going to be a 'surprise' in the gifts. And yes, I am also writing one.

Mmmkay. So, I think thats all I need right now. So, I need everone's addresses pronto, so as soon as you read this, if you want a gift, send your address to my email. You can send the 'Why I Love SAAWAKM' thing later...


If you have any questions, just comment below. :D

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Sarah: I DARE YOU!

...and we all know you can't back away from a dare.

So, fill this out (in a blog post, of course!). If you get it in less than a minute, you know you're character by heart. Trust me, it's fun!

Full Name:
Astrological Sign:
Fave Food:
Fave Color:
Fave Song:
Fave Book:
Fave Movie:
Fave TV Show:
Hair Color:
Eye Color:
Best Friend:
Shoe, shirt and pant Size:
Secret Celeb Crush:
Fave Website:
Locker Combo:
House Address:

Here's mine...

Full Name: Bandit Independence Jones
Birthday: December 4th
Astrological Sign: Sagittarius
Fave Food: Spaghetti!
Fave Color: Hot Pink or Black
Fave Song: She just can’t choose!
Fave Book: Holden’s Complete Guide to the Paranormal: A Directory for Those Involved in the Supernatural
Fave Movie: Anything Disney or Actions
Fave TV Show: Cooking shows (she’s a major food geek!)
Hair Color: blond
Eye Color: brown
Race: Caucasian
Country: USA
Continent: North America
Planet: Earth
Best Friend: Hal and Venus
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: None yet. Pesky Seth just won’t leave her alone…
Shoe, shirt and pant Size: eight, medium, size two in dresses
Secret Celeb Crush: Alex Pettyfer
Fave Website:
Locker Combo: 32-14-08
House Address: 246