Sunday, February 28, 2010

Nat: SAAWAKM Challenge One

She is…

A writer, an author, a poet –
A rebel, an optimist, and a hopeless romantic -
A sister to 4, a daughter of 2, and a friend to many -
A lover of life, and all its little miracles -
Afraid of never taking risks or accomplishing her goals -
In need of love, laughter and family -
Waiting to see less greed, no fear, and more compassion -
Passionate and ready to make a change -
Looking for the good of the world -
Hopeful for the future –
A dreamer -
Certain that there are angels, and that dreams do come true -

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Ned- SAAWAKM Challenge One

Hi everybody!
Well as ou know the challenge this week was to write a poem about our selves but in third person.
Okay, so here's mine!

Blue Eyes

There's a girl I know

who loves the world of wonder

but dreads the cold snow.

She reads way to much,

and every weekend she

goes roller skating.

She likes to believe

being a klutz is normal

although she cannot.

An insomniac

teen, dreaming away

all night and all day.

This blue eyed girl is

going to follow her dreams

and be all she can.

She has the know how

the power, the friends, the guts

to be who she wants.

With her family

she will not give up easy.

In being the best.

There's a girl I know

who loves the world of wonder

but dreads the cold snow.

Okay, hope you like it!


Maiah: SAAWAKM Challenge One

So for the first SAAWAKM challenge, I decided to write a poem about me, what i've been through, things that I love, physical apperance, etc.
I hope you enjoy! (:

Long blonde hair; baby blue eyes.
She still believes that
there is such a thing
as a fairy tale ending.
Music is the air she breaths,
but not the beating of her heart.
Her eye sight is terrible.
Just like her cooking skills.
Her fingers run across the keys
black and white
singing out a beautiful sound.
She still wishes; wishes on a
shooting star.
She loves
the smell of the forest
beside her house.
The raw ancient bark
the emerald leaves hanging from branches.
The clouds rumbling.
Brilliant explosions of light.
The wind whipping the naked trees.
Rain falling from the heavens.
Sparkling crystals.
Like the tears she released;
let run down her cheeks.
In a sense, she was beautiful
In a sense, she was wild
In a sense, she was bright
In a sense, she was shy
In a sense, she was disguised
as the thing everyone once
wanted her to be.
Finally free
she lets herself soar.
Through the skies, the clouds
and more...

Sarah: inkpop

Forgot to put this in my other post! I found this great website called inkpop. Every month, people choose their 'top picks' and those picks get sent to actual editors for HarperCollins! I want you all to check it out!


Sarah: Update


So...This is my first blog for SAAWAKM, so let's get to it.

About me: I guess I should introduce myself first. I'm Sarah. I'm an avid reader, writer, and chocolate eater. I've got a bit of a thing for gummy bears because they are just so gosh dark good. My favorite thing in the world is laughing, and yes, I know that sounds corny. I adore sarcasm and anyone who can do it correctly. I also like the paranormal: things like vampires, werewolves, and ghosts.

Update Info:

I haven't really been committed to my 500 words. In truth, my creative juices are refusing to flow. I think maybe I should call someone about that...I'm really trying to get back on track. Right now, I'm torn between which story I want to be committed to, since I have three potentials. Stressing out over here!

So I figured maybe you guys could help me out! My first story is about a superhero, my second about a psychic girl, the third about a girl who can control people's thoughts. I have more plot points for the third, but I'm not sure if that's the one I should work on or not. Let me know what you think!

Oh, and I'm having trouble with some names. If you guys could help with this too, I'll love you forever! It needs to be a girl or unisex name that's only one syllable. Thanks again!

Oh, and I wanted to let everyone know about my other blog. I posted a link!

Maiah: Update


I haven't really been keeping up with my 500 words. (Which is ridiculous, I know.) But today, I'm going to try and make it up by writing 2,000 words! Haha.
Probably won't end up with much of a success but whatever.

So I'm working on the very beginning of chapter 3.
(Read chp. 1 and 2 before reading about chapter will just catch you up.)

So far what I have is, Rose is laying on her bed doing her homework, and her phone rings. It's Aimee, and she's just asking Rose how PE was. (Btw, Rose isn't very fond of PE, and the teacher is a total perv hahaha)
So they have a short conversation, and then I'll have Rose go over to her piano and start playing.

So I want chapter three, to basically be about Rose, and not just all about Tristen. So I'll probably have a scene with Griffin in there and what not.

So my question is, should I have something of Tristen in there?

i want it to end with Rose taking a walk outside because she can't sleep, and she runs into Tristen. (Which will be really weird because it's late at night) So should I use this idea, or...?

Also! I'm renaming Alyssa. (Which is one of Rose's best friends)
I want her to have a boy name.
So which one do you prefer for a girl?

Shawn, Johnnie, Tommi, Tyler, Michae (Mike-uh), or Porter?
Or any other suggestions?

Thank you! Haha


Friday, February 26, 2010

Nat: Story Update

Hi guys!

Thought I'd let you know how my story is going.

So, I haven't exactly been sticking to my 500 words a day, but I've been doing around 3500 a week, which equals the same thing. I just started writing Chapter 5 today, and I think I finally figured out the rest of my plot, so yay!

I introduced a new character in Chpt. 5, she isn't a main character, but I found a picture that looks exactly like her. Her name is Lily Carter and she's 4 years old. Here's the pic: Isn't she a cutie? =)

Anyway, that's about all that I've been working on. Oh, I also have a question for you guys. I'm looking for a name for a school in my story. It's run by the bad guys, and they hold the main characters prisoner there. I want something fantasy and unique sounding. If you have any ideas, let me know.

Thanks, and talk to you guys later!


Kas: Update

Alright, i just thought i would let you guys know where i am with the novel.

As of right now, i have the first chapter finished, and im in the middle of ch 2.

I haven't been doing my 500 words a day lately, because i've been so busy i just never can find the time. But, i promise to get back on track. I try to use times like these- where i have a few hours i can spend on the comp.- to write as much as possible.

But lately i haven't been able to write anything useful. Its mostly because i cant figure out what i want to happen in chapter two. I know how im ending this chapter, i just cant decide how to get it started...

So, im going to ask you guys! Haha

If you guys haven't read ch 1 of my story, im asking you to go read it before reading the rest of this, so that your pretty much caught up.


Ok, now in chapter two, basically all that im going to have happen is that Carter will go to school, and there will be four new boys (There are only going to be like 30 people in her class, so this is pretty surprising) She is going to meet them, and one will be sat next to her, his name is Tyler. He is very quiet and doesn't talk to anyone. She is going to be kind of intimidated by him. After class, she will be walking outside and she runs into Tyler. He is fighting with another one of the new boys, his name is Axel, and im basically ending this chapter with the fight just about to end.

Now, my question for you guys is, how should i start it?

Should i start with her on her way to school? at school? waking up in the morning?

I know whats going to happen, i just cant get started! Haha


Ned- Savannah

Hi! It's Ned.

Finished 625 Word today!
Finally I started working on Ella's story. I mean, well I've wrtten things before but this one is longer.
I introduced a new important character and need your guys help. Her name is Savannah, she five. She got a really interesting ability, she can shoot Neon purple lightning bolts from her hands that melt whatever it hits.
She's got dark purple eyes and light lavender skin. (Yes. I know it sounds weird. I'll post an edited pic below.)
Okay, so now the help part.
I would really appreciate it if you guys could read what I have of my story so far, at this link;

And then tell me if you like Savannah's character, and if I should right a POV about her.


P.S I got glasses. They're cool.


P.P.S This is what I picture Savannah kindof looking like, maybe darker purple eyes.

Okay, Thanks Again!

Bye For Real!


Kas: Chat

Alright, just to let you guys know, I will be on for tonight's chatroom meeting.

I know that there are a few of you who cant make it, so i've decided to have another meeting for tomorrow afternoon. If you cant make that one either, its fine. I just wanted to give everyone a chance to be there for one of the chats.

Also, im almost finished with my poem-thing. How are you guys doing on yours?


Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Kas: Chat Room Schedule.

Alright guys, i've figured out the best days for everyone-Who posted a comment- to log into the chatroom.

The only days we all have that are compatable are:
Mondays 7:00 or later.
And Fridays 5:00 or later.

Now, im going to make those two days the official days we're going to meet... So try to remember those two days.

Also, just because its not an "Official" group time, doesn't mean that you shouldn't log on just to see if anyone's on. Im going to be staying logged in the entire time im on the comp. So i'll be on a lot. If you want to do this too, feel free. ;D

Now, on a different note, i've been thinking lately, and i want to know how you guys would feel about doing challenges.? I was talking to my friend today and telling her all about SAAWAKM, and she had the really good idea of doing weekly challenges. I know everyone is wondering, what kind of challenge?

Well, we only came up with one. Its a challenge to help everyone get to know each other better...

write something about yourself,
Anything you want,
It could be:
A poem,
A paragraph,
A short-story,
Anything that you think shows a bit of who you are.

My friend's idea was to have everyone write a short poem-like third person narrative about themselves. (It doesn't have to rhyme.)

Something like:
She is the quiet one
with the brown hair, blue eyes.
A dreamer
caught somewhere between
a woman and a child,
living a life united
by stirrups and manes.
Wanting to do
everything, with never enough
time for it all,
she rails against the
frustration of being only human.
Wanting to believe
in the good of man yet
so often disappointed -
wanting to let passion
shine through in everything
she does, never satisfied
with half-hearted effort.

I didn't write that, i found it on google.
But thats exactly what im talking about.
It doesn't have to be that long, or it can be longer.
No need to rhyme.
Just show a bit of your personality. who you are. what you love.

And we can share them at friday's official meeting. Haha.

I cant wait to hear them!

Maiah: Blood Red Rose

Okay, so my names Maiah! I have an interest in photography, and I've played the piano for several years now. I'm only in middle I'm really young. Haha. But I don't care. Age is but a number!

So my novel is titled Blood Red Rose.
It's about a girl named Rose, who falls in love with her new neighbor, Tristen. But Tristen isn't normal, or even human for that matter. Rose doesn't completely understand why she loves Tristen, she just can't stay away. Almost as if she were addicted...

Well.. I created my own world. Which is named Corara (Core-are-uh). In Corara, there are two bodies of land. Nokail and Azure.
200 years ago, all of the races and immortals were banned from the mortals land, Nokail. They were killing all of the mortals, and transforming them into their own race and mating with them. So they were banned and forbidden from coming to Nokail. And 200 years after, a few plemencas and a couple of other races escaped Azure (the land they were all sent to) and have come back to Nokail. So that's how Rose meets Tristen. Her whole life she'd known that there were other races, other people, far across the ocean on a different land. Forbidden from coming to Nokail. Tristen and his family are one of the few families of the plemencas to be able to escape to Nokail. Some of the plemencas came to Nokail to capture a few humans, and bring them back to Azure to torture them, add to their races, mate with them, etc.

The plemencas main power/ability is they have a toxin that they release on human women, that makes them become addicted to them, and fall in love with them. So that's how Rose falls in love with Tristen.
And the females eventually will die from fighting for their love for the plemenca, or an overdose of the toxin...

Well that's it for now. And that's not all there is to my plot! Trust me, there's much more. Isn't that right, Kas? Haha. (:

And also, I have a WOP account:

I only have the first 2 chapters completed..and I'm currently working on ch. 3! (:

My favorite/very inspirational quote:

“No more words, no more lies. Let it go, before it dies. Hear the words, feel the pain. Last of love, dies in vein. Sweet in start, bitter in end. Hearts will break, never bend."

-Maiah <3

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Kas: Chat Room

Okay, so i know that most of you SAAWAKM-ers know about the Chatroom (if not, theres a page on the blog for it, its in the right hand corner, its titled chat room.) and i was thinking that we should all figure out a day where we can all get on and talk, get to know each other, and kind of figure everything out. Because i really want everyone to be talking to everyone, not just everyone talking to either me or maiah... Cause thats not what the groups about... its about getting support and feeback from everyone. I know that everyone has things to do during the week, and that no ones schedule are going to be alike, so what i want to do is figure out a time that is best for everyone, or if we need to we can have multiple times during the week to get "together" Haha.

So what im asking every SAAWAKM member to do is to either make a post or comment this post telling me what days and times during the week you are most likely to be on the comp or able to log into the chatroom.

Heres mine:
I can get on,

Monday: from 5:00 to 9:00

Tuesday: from 5:00 to 9:00

Wednesday: from 3:30 to 5:00

Thursday: i spend every thursday with my sister, so i most likely wont get on, but if i do it will be around 8 or 9

Friday: most of the time i cant get on on fridays...

Saturday: I mostly dont get on saturdays either...

Sunday: from 12:00 to 4:30 And from 7:00 to 9:00

Thats my schedule. Also, i need you guys to tell me what time frame your in, because it could be 6 here and 9 there. So i need the time frame to make the schedule
I live in Central Time Zone (CST)

Okay, thanks guys.

Nat: About Me


So I'm Nat, I'm almost 16, and I'm writing a book! =)

I'm really excited about it, I have about 3 chapters finished. My book is called The 13th Sign, (as of right now, but the title might change) and it has to do with the Zodiac. It's a fantasy book, but it's kind of hard to explain. I'll tell you about it in a bit more detail in later posts.

About me: I love writing. (Obviously.) I also love acting, snowboarding, music and my friends. I can be really spontaneous and crazy a lot of the time, and I love to be the centre of attention. I have 4 siblings and a dog.

I'm really happy about being part of SAAWAKM, I'm trying really hard to write 500 words a day. So far, I've pretty much kept that goal. I guess that's all I really have to say, so I'll talk to you later.


"Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart."
-William Wordsworth

Ned- Unwanted

Hi! I'm Ned Flow! My story is called Unwanted.

This story is about the human race... sort of, we don't take change very well. It has six different POVs

Casper Sims

A fifteen, short choppy black hair, blueish grey eyes, always wears yellow rubber boots.

Casper has the power of telekinesis. (She can lift objects, people and animals with her mind.
Her mother hates specials.

I picture her looking like Selena Gomez, with Blue eyes.

Noah Winter

A 16 year old boy by the name of Noah Winter, he has brown shaggy hair and green eyes.

Noah is a teleporter.

He wants to tell his parents but he's to scared.

I picture Noah, kind of like a young Jackson Rathbone.

Lily Grake

A 15 year old girl name Lily, She has long blonde hair, bright blue eyes and a over protctive mother.

Lily can walk through anything. (Walls, Floors, couches, doors, people, anything) She calls it phasing.

Lily's Mother Dr. Grake, is always encoureging Lily to practice phasing, she wants to help her, but she a little too over protective.
I pictured Lily looking like Dakota Fanning.

Ella Martin

Ella Martin, age sixteen has red hair and green eyes.

She has a fire power, in which she can create and monipulate fire.

She's got a bit of an anger isue.

I picture Ella looking like Anna Sophia Robb, with Red hair, like the picture below :)

Darien Hays

15 year old Darien, has dark brown hair and bright green eyes.

Darien can disapear. (Turn invisible)

When his mother found out she sent him to a childrens home and moved across the country.

I picture Darien looking like Logan Lerman.

Nicholas Bolton

16 year old Nicholas Bolton, Nick, Has blond boy cut hair and brown eyes.

Nick is super strong, Super fast, and can sense if you are a special or not.

Nick's parents died before Nick was aware of his ability, he now lives with his brother Cameron who except him.

I picture Nick as looking like Lucas Till but a little younger and not as skiny.

So those are the POVs You can read the story at;

I really hope you do! :)

So far, I have kept my goal of 500 words per day! :) It's not as hard as it sounds, 500 is like a page.

So that's all I can think to say... So, Bye for Now!


Kas: Malkini

If you are a member of SAAWAKM please read the post below this first. ;D

Alright, so to start off, my novel is called Malkini. Which is actually the name of my main race. The Malkini.

The story is about a girl named Carter, and she lives in the land of Validus, in the country of Nilah. Which is basically where all the mortals live. She lives with her father and brother.

The first chapter starts off with carter walking through the forest near her house... you can read the first chapter here,

After that, carter goes to school and there are four new boys (Tyler, Axel, Callum & Thade.) she meets them, and then after school there is a fight between two of the boys. Afetr the fight she asks one of the boys if he is alright and he is very rude to her.

I'll post the next part when i get finished with this part. ;D

Note: There WILL be a vlog by me up tonight, so to hear more of whats going on with the novel, watch it. :D



Okay guys, this is it! This is the blog i will be sending to eveyone in the SAAWAKM group. Everyone will get the email and password, and then you will make posts about your novel and how its going. Before posting a blog, put your name in the title so everyone knows who it is, Just like how mine says KAS: SAAWAKM in the title.

I think the first thing everyone should do, is make a blog telling us who you are, what your book is about and just anything else you want to include! Also, put if you are going to be making vlogs too so that i can send you the youtube accout info. :)

I'll go first, and make a post about my novel right after this! So that you have an example, but you dont have to do yours exactly like mine, do it however you like, because first impressions are important! Haha. But no pressure... :D
