Saturday, December 31, 2011

Cori is scaring herself. =D

So. Three posts in a row for me, huh? Ugh...this is making me look like I actually LIKE you guys! xD! (I actually do though, so maybe it's not that bad.)
But anyway...I'm writing a really weird part of my book where my MC is starting to hear voices, and it's kinda creeping me out. Actually, scratch that - it's REALLY creeping me out. I've even got scary-sounding music playing haha.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Cori thinks that we should have a "contact us" page!

I really think we should. It would be convenient (spelled wrong?) for others, if they want to ask questions about the blog and stuff, or need advice on writing. =P
By the way...I accidentally spelled "blog" as "blood" at first xD!

Cori: I am doomed.

My little brother has the flu.
Not that bad, hmm? Yeah, well, I've been sleeping in the same bed as him for three nights now.
That's where the problem lies. So now I feel like crap too xD!
But oh well. Me being sick isn't important.
I've been having a great time at my grandma's, but I really do miss my house. It just really bothers me, being here, because every single thing I do or look at reminds me of my grandpa. And now my grandma has gotten rid of my grandpa's favorite chair, so I'll never see that again.
But whatever. That doesn't matter either.
I want to play Sims...I have like, a craving for the game haha! I got the Late Night expansion pack for Christmas, so now I have vampire Sims that go to clubs and suck blood and drink alcohol all night xD! I REALLY wanna play Sims.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Nat: 2011 Survey

1) What did you do in 2011 that you had never done before? - acted on the main stage, won a video-making contest, connected with people on the Internet.
2) Did you keep your New Year's Resolutions?
- Lead a healthier lifestyle (not really); be a nicer person (I think so...); have the best year yet (definitely not).
3) What countries did you visit in 2011?
- None... :(
4) What would you like to have in 2012 that you lacked in 2011?
- A relationship, self-confidence, a more kick-ass wardrobe.
5) What dates will remain etched upon your memory and why? - December 1st (Closing night of the Drama 30 play); October 1st (Mom and stepdad's wedding); February 22nd (Grandma passed away).
6) Biggest achievement?
- Getting published in our city's paper, getting early admission into university, assistant set designer.
7) Biggest failure?
- deciding to drop out of Math 30 and retake it.
8) Best thing someone bought for you in 2011? - my Canon Elph camera.
9) Where did most of your money go?
- Gas money, iPhone bill, music, clothes.
10) What song will always remind you of 2011?
- Edge of Glory by Lady Gaga, Love is Never Ending by Brad Paisley.
11) How did you spend Christmas?
- At my house, playing Christmas carols on the piano, eating Wifesaver's breakfast, playing cards, taking pictures with my new camera. hanging out with the people I love.
12) Did you fall in love in 2011? - Nope.
13) What was the best book you read in 2011?
- The Hunger Games series.
14) Greatest musical discovery? - One Direction, Rocky Horror
15) What did you do on your birthday and how old did you turn? - 17, and I really don't wasn't one of the most memorable birthdays, obviously.
16) What is one thing that would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
- Hmm...more partying. ;)
17) What kept you sane?
- Like-minded theatre people.
18) Who did you miss?
- My gramma. :(
19) Best thing you ate?
- That is an impossible question...
20) What lessons did you learn in 2011?
- Everyone belongs somewhere; don't judge; perseverance is key; saying goodbye is never easy, but sometimes it's time to let go.

I dare you all to answer this survey too. :)

Monday, December 26, 2011

Cori: At my grandma's.

She has horrible internet. 'Nuff said. But the good thing is...SHE HAS A WORKING WEBCAM! I can finally video chat with Jamie, for the first time EVER!
Does anyone else have Skype, so that we can chat as well? =D

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Kamie: It's Christmas, It's my day, I'm out of school (finally), and It's My close friend's Birthday! Sweet!

So yeah, like I said above it's finally Christmas, so Merry Christmas everyone! I hope everyone's planned a great fun thing to do! :D Like hang with their families and relax... Awh... that sounds amazing right now.

I have recently gotten obsessed with the book series Maximum Ride and yeah AM COMPLETELY LOVING IT! I think Fang is my favorite character, he's pretty amazing, pardon the language. I still love my anime Ouran and Death Note...

I got my mom some amazing stuff for Christmas. My dad's not going to be able to make it this year... oh well, maybe Skype? He's still going to try and come to Cali this New Year's though.

So, Christmas Eve was my Grandpa's birthday, I never met him but I feel closer to him than ever. I love you Grandpa! Today is my close friend Monique's birthday! I already called her up and wished her a happy birthday and a Merry Christmas!

I've been going through a lot of stress and drama recently and haven't been able to post so my apologies. The drama's getting fixed and now that this week of Hell is over I think I'll be more relaxed. My mom owns the UPS Store here in my small town and her little bit of help quit in October so I was her only help... Talk about hectic. And then finals and the week before that 90 second book talk... yeah, I've been extremely busy, so busy that I haven't had ten minutes of spare time to post. But I can now! I'm hoping my life will calm down this semester... no guarantees though, just saying.

As for writing, I've been interested in a new idea I've had recently... I don't know much about it and am hoping to develop it over the course of this break. Probably won't work out the best but hey all I can do is try right? So yeah, now I think I have enough sense in me to go to bed now. So good night/morning everyone. I'll talk to ya'll later today!

~Kamiella Maze

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Heather: A little late...

By six days. I'm sorry!
Alright, so I don't really have much to say but it is my birthday, so you aren't allowed to be mad. :)
And I also wanted to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY NICOLE!!  Because I'm fairly positive it was the 19th, and I missed it, so, I hope it was amazing, and I hope so is everything else about being seventeen.
Also, I miss your posts.
... The song 'Baby Come Back' just started playing in my head. Is that awkward?

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Ned. Actual Excuse.

Alright, I know everyone is upset that everyone isn't posting so much but I'm like 75% sure that its because;

A. Its christmas and everyone is SUPER busy.
and B. We're all lame and have nothing to say. <3<3<3

Alright... well like it says up there ^^ I'm lame, and have nothing to say. lol.

BUT. I'm completely done school after tomorrow, so YEAH<3 I'll probably be writing more.

Currently, other than the thing I can't tell you cause its a secret, I'm working on a script for a tv show that right now I'm calling 'Heavenly' though that will definitely change. Now I actually have to go because I have home work due tomorrow and its already 10:00... <3 love y'all.


Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Cori: Is anyone alive?

Like, honestly? I'm one of the only people updating regularly. I've posted a ton this month. =P
Why can't you guys do the same?! Dx! I feel like SAAWAKM is dying and it makes me pretty upset, since I've been on here for a super long time and we used to post every five seconds. Remember when we would each post like, three times in a day?

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Kamie: I don't have time at the second.

I really don't have time at the moment to post, so I just wanted to say that after finals I will post more. So... talk to you next week all! Bye! :D

Cori: Put something on OSAAWAKMS yesterday.

So check it out and give me some reviews on it, 'kay? x)
I'm slowly but steadily rewriting all interactions involving Altrius. So now he's not as much of a jerk =D! I'm really happy with the results so far haha.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Nat: P4A!

Hello ladies, it's December 17th. And you know what that means...actually you probably don't know what that means.

Well, I'll tell you. It means that it's Project for Awesome day on YouTube!

The Project for Awesome (P4A) was started a few years ago by John and Hank Green (the vlogbrothers on YouTube) and it's a day where YouTubers make videos promoting charities. Anyone can make a video, you can promote the charity of your choice, and it's a great way to raise awareness and raise some money for some of your favourite charities. If you go to, you can donate money there, and all the money goes into a big pot. At the end of the Project, people can vote on which charity they think the money should go to, and all the money gets split up and donated.

If you don't want to make a video or donate money, there's one other thing you can do, and that is comment, like, and favourite P4A videos on YouTube to raise more awareness and get the videos to the front page of YouTube.

I already made my video. You can see it here:

Thanks for reading this, and DFTBA! (Don't forget to be awesome).

Friday, December 16, 2011

Cori: My MC acts like he's PMS-ing...

UGH! I have to rewrite parts of my novel, since my MC has been a little out of character. Like, yeah he can get a bit snarky when he's angry, but mostly he's silent and he speaks in an absolute monotone. He's sort of dead on the inside...heh. Anyway, he's an absolute bastard and I have no idea how it happened lmao.
In fact, he acts a little like our favorite snarky Potions Master--Severus Snape. <3
So now I have to rewrite interactions of his...I'm praying this doesn't count as yet another draft, because if it does then this is my seventh draft (please kill me). xD!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Kas: It's my day.

Heather sucks. :)

And, she is never on. But, because christmas break is coming up, hopefully we'll both be on a lot more in the next few weeks.

I finished my Comp. 1 class today. The final was at 1, and I turned in like 7 different things. it was ridiculous. My U.S. History class ends tomorrow, and the final for that one is also at 1. And then, after that i'm basically done with this semester. Except for my high school classes, but theres only one finali have to take there, which is College Algebra.

So, yeah, my last week has pretty much been focused on finishing these classes.

I don't really have anything else to tell all of you, except POST MORE! :P


Ned. Tumblr

Dear Ash.
Please explain to me how you do not know who Mary and Pippin are. Lord of the Rings? You know they're awesome little hobbits?

This tumble saddened me greatly.

Any hoot like I've been saying I have a secret and I am not going to tell it. And don't ask Sage because she won't tell you ever.


Saturday, December 10, 2011

Cori: A possible reason why we hardly post anymore.

I just sort of figured out why I don't post as often as I used to. I think it's because none of us show much interest in each others' posts. It looks like none of us even read them, and we might think like, "If they don't read them or anything, why bother posting at all?"
Make sense? I think it does.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Cori: Drew a perverted b-day card.

Haha. What's up, guys?
I made a birthday card for my friends last night (they're twins). I'm fairly talented at drawing male chibi characters, so I drew an adorable little boy on the front of the card and wrote: "Hi there, Amanda and Jac! Random creepy chibi here! In honor of your birthday, I will be pleased to strip naked for you. Please enjoy my hotness."
Then, opening up the card, I drew a larger version of the chibi wearing absolutely nothing (I put a censor sign on his chibi bits) and saying: "I hope you're enjoying this as much as I am! Tehe!" and "Sorry about the censorship; you're still a minor. THAT would be illegal!"
Awesome, right? I had a great time drawing it xD!

Heather: To Those of You Still Alive.

Hey! Kas, Nat. Our friends have died. Hate to be the bearer of bad news and all...
So, currently, I have a lot of homework. Kas, as of Wednesday after school, I should have gained some free time back. :/
I miss you all! (That still live...)
And.... I might make a post again later! Haha. :)
Bye ladies.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Nat: 4 Things To Tell You. :)

#1: I fail. I'm sorry I haven't posted in so long...I kept thinking about it, and then I just...didn't...
But at least I'm posting now, so those of you who haven't posted yet, you fail more than me. ;p

December 17th. Do it.
(If you don't know what it is: here.)

#3: My play!!!
Some of you may have seen my picture on Facebook, but I'm gonna post some pictures here anyway. Ready, set, go.

The set that I assistant designed and helped to build. :) (Bad quality picture, I'm sorry...)

My BFF Frances, who played Nana in the show, and also designed the set.

Me as Timothy the lion, and Allister, who played Alex.

Cassandra as one of the dancers in the show.
Yep, so my play is done now, and you don't have to listen to me ramble on about theatre anymore...until next semester! YAY!

#4: This! <---- Click it, trust me!

Okay, that's all for now. Bye ladies, I miss you!!

Kas: I get that everyone's busy...

but it takes like 10 minutes to mke a post.

Here, i'll time myself. Starting now, at 1:14 P.M.

So, Heather and I haven't gotten really anything new done with Silver, because of time issues. However, we are going to be doing some all new writing soon, for some etra credit on one of her classes. We have to write our own greek myth, so that should be fun. Also, I'm working on a way to figure out when we cn both be online at the same time, and a bit of  tweak to our method that will help us work a little faster.

Also, my College classes end next week, and then my High School classes end the Tuesday after next week, so I should have lots of spare time to write, and hopefully so will Heather. I'm hoping to at least get this thing written by the end of the year... It would be pretty cool to be able to finish it sometime around February 7th, which will be exactly one year from when we started Silver. So, yeah.

Uhm, heres a sad fact, we ha 1,016 posts in 2010.  And as of today, we have 471 posts in 2011. I know that last year we had a lot more people, and the blog was fresh and new to everyone, but guys e have to keep posting, or eventually its just going to be completely deserted...

Alright, thats really all I have to tell you guys. Heather, if you get on later, i might be here, or i might not, since i dont know if i have to take my sister to basketball practice today, so i guess we'll see. :P

And... 1:23 P.M.
9 minutes.
I know you have 9 minutes...


Sunday, December 4, 2011

Kamie: I remembered!

Well now! I actually remembered that today was my day to post so I'm getting it done semi-early for me! It's 11:38pm where I live. How have all of you been? Hopefully busy and that's why nobody's been posting on their days. Hm... I don't honestly have much to talk about except how busy I am with homework currently. Oh well, I knew this would happen the moment I took all AP classes, still it's hard on me... but oh well, it come out to be a good thing in the future. Oh! And congrats Kas, for getting into OU! :D

Hope all is well with ya'll!

~Kamiella Maze

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Kas: Come ON, guys!

Where is everyone? We were doing so good a few weeks ago, and now everything is back to how it was before! Ugh.

Anyways, I'm bored, and I wish Heather would get her butt online. Haha. We're  still working on finishiing part 2, and I think we have like 5 scenes left. And then, about half of the book will be written, since part 3 is as long as parts 1 & 2 put together. So, yeah, that will probably take a while. especially if we keep working at the pace we are.

So, today is Bedlam in Oklahoma. And, since I'm most of you ahve absolutely no idea what that is, i'll tell you. It's the last game of the Oklaoma college football season, where the two major colleges, who are rivals, Oklahoma State University (OSU) and the University of Oklahoma (OU) play against each other. It's a pretty big deal around here, and since i've decided to go to OU next year, it looks like I get to join in on all the trash talking on facebook. :P

Also, Like I said before, I have decided to go the the University of Oklahoma next year. For what? I'm still not sure. I'm debating between Biological Anthopology, English with a focus in Creative Writing, Film and Video, and International Studies. I'm most likely going to do two majors, to be honest.. Because I know I'll never be able to choose just one...

I also decided that Sophomore year I'm going to study abroad either in Arezzo, Italy or London, England. Which one, I'm not sure yet. But if I like it enough that year, I can do it Junior year too, so I might be able to do both...

Alright, well I'm hoping Heather gets on sometimes soon, cause i'm in a writing kind of mood. :) But, if not, I guess I'll just have to console myself with barbecue and football. :)


Friday, December 2, 2011

Heather: 20 Days.

Until I am seventeen.
Where are you all?
I missssssss you.
Well, I don't have much to say... so, later! :)