Thursday, May 16, 2013

Ned: I think its time to call me Emilie XD

Not that I don't love Ned, I really do, but I started calling myself that years ago, when I was in that paranoid age where if people knew my real name they'd track me down and like, drown me or something aha. So yes, I'll probably be calling myself Emilie from now on.

But I miss you guys like crazy and I know we all sort of drifted apart and maybe one day when we're all sitting around the camp fire I'll share the story of what got in the way of my coming on here, but I can say now that its finally over and I don't have to worry about it anymore. I will say the month coming up is going to be hectic with exams and summatives, I'm willing to put in the effort to revive this place. <3 nbsp="" p="">
I agree with Nicole though, for some reason starting fresh, a new site, a new look, maybe even a new name, seems like it would do us some good. It would feel more official to me.

I regret to say that without you guys pushing me to keep writing my writing has all but stopped and that was one of the reasons I started stalking this place again, I want to keep writing and to talk about it with y'all.

I miss you like crazy, I hope you guys feel the same? 

Nicole: IT LIVES!!!!

Coming on here and seeing no recent posts, or comments, or anything, is a pretty bleak and depressing feeling. I may be watching a few too many zombie films lately, but I imagine it's what waking up in an apocalypse would feel like. You walk out of your house and you're surrounded by nothingness with tumble weeds rolling across the camera. Even if you screamed, or maybe the alternative would be typing a post in capital letters, no one would hear (or, in this case, see).

But, there is still life! I miss this place a lot, it was a little escape where we could all talk about something we loved. I used to get so inspired by you all and I think that's what I miss the most, the feeling of inspiration, even if it was just from talking about this mutual love that we all shared, when I came on here. And I would really like to salvage that, if it can happen.

I was also thinking, if there is further life here than just Heather and I, maybe a makeover or even a new  blog and title might do us good? It's just a thought, but maybe even a title more suitable for the entirety of the group, something exciting to do with writing? Let me know, and let me know if what you think of the idea of a new blog altogether, it would be hard because there's so much history here but of course we'll never delete or lose this! I was just thinking maybe a fresh start, a way to re-introduce ourselves and a way to recreate the SAAWAKM atmosphere we once all loved, and maybe to even start inviting people again.

So, if you would all care to join me in this imaginary zombie apocalypse that would be incredible.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Heather: Curious.

It's been a long time.
6 posts so far this year, and now it's May.  There's nine of us here (supposedly, and if my mental math isn't totally off[scratch that, it's eleven apparently]) and we've all just faded. I see most of you on facebook (hell, I practically live on facebook) but we don't even talk, at least not usually (even Kas and I have been infrequent of late). (Mutual fault here, no blame being laid, just a statement.)
I just thought I would check back. I haven't been on here in forever and I'd like to say that even if you don't check here very often or don't feel like posting, or we haven't talked in forever, you guys are always going to be incredibly important to me. Life catches up with us: we can't always be bored teenagers with all their time to dedicate toward writing and posting like crazy and I get that and maybe SAAWAKM is done forever. But I still like about you all pretty much everyday. Because this blog helped me to grow and it helped my writing to grow and I got to meet and be friends with all of you and for that, I am so happy.
I'm not really sure if anyone will read this post, but if you do, please comment that you're here.
I'm not really sure what I'm going to do, if I'm going to be lazy and never try to revive this place, or if I'm going to start posting again, but I miss what we have had with this blog -- and all of you too.
Maybe you guys aren't having the same issue, but I've begun to feel that my writing is going the way of the blog: I never seem to have time or energy, ideas are harder to come by: but I love writing and despite this slump I won't give it up, which I think is what really brought me here. This blog is taking its last breath and we can either perform CPR or leave it to die.
This was much more depressing than intended, but I think the message has gotten across. What do those of you that still come here think?
I miss you all!
