Saturday, April 28, 2012

Cori: Congrats to H&K!

I myself freak out and start bawling when I finish a novel xD! It's such an awesome feeling.
Unfortunately, Caged won't be finished for a little while longer. I've been having dreams about finishing it...I usually wake up crying my eyes out, because I was so overjoyed in my dream haha.
But ugh...I can't bring myself to write right now. I mentioned in my last post that I was stuck on one part; I can't think of what to write next. No matter how many times I rewrite the scene, I can't get any further.

Me: "Okay, this is going great so far...*typing*...wait. Why did I put...? Noooo, that's way too out of character...Ew, Mirabelle sounded like Bella Swann there...did Altrius just make a joke? Why did he make a joke? Cut that out...DAMMIT I CAN'T THINK OF WHAT TO WRITE NEXT!"

And that's basically what's been happening for the past two days. Sad, isn't it? xD

Heather: Favourite!

Today's list is my favourite accomplishment!
It's just one thing.
Drum roll please. Kas, you'll appreciate this.







Okay, deep breaths, and... no caps.

So, Silver is officially written. *squeal. Sorry about that. It ended up being 87,775 words long. But don't forget that we still have to edit. So, now, instead of complaining about writing, we'll be complaining about editing. Totally different.

We'll most likely decide exactly how we'll be editing later, since i'm not really sure how that will work.We'll most likely go in order with the scenes though, so we have 139 scenes to edit. And i'm sure we'll do it more than once...

Heather just informed me that it's been 1 year, 2 months, and 16 days since we started Silver... wow.

So, yeah, this is extremely exciting! Ahhh! I just want to get it edited and start on the sequel! hahaha.


Cori: Cats are evil.

I love my cat to death, but he's getting quite annoying - especially since he keeps trying to eat my cell phone.
Also, have you guys ever heard of a type of cat called a Savannah? They're half cat, half leopard...and illegal in a lot of states. I'm getting one when I'm older; they're absolutely gorgeous, and kind of dangerous haha. A perfect way for me to get my daily dose of needed adrenaline.
Only problem is that I think it's illegal in Ohio.
So...I'm getting one anyway! And if they find out and tell me I can't have one/try to take it away...I'm getting a panther. Because panthers are my favorite animals; they're b-e-a-utiful. Either way, I'm getting my dangerous cat.
Anyway, I'm stuck at a certain part in Caged. I don't have writer's block, because I've got plenty of ideas, and I could start writing at a moment's notice, but...I'm stuck. I can't find a way to make the part I'm at move forward. I've rewritten the part I'm at about three times so far, trying to make it so that it ends it different ways, but nothing is working. Help?

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Nat: 3 Lists In One.

So some of you guys know that I love drama/acting/technical theatre/anything related to theatre. I've been watching a lot of plays/musicals in the last few weeks, and it got me thinking about roles that I would absolutely LOVE to play sometime in the future.

List One: Dream Roles To Play (Movies/Plays/Musicals)
1) Elle Woods (Legally Blonde - musical)
2) Max (Maximum Ride - movie)
3) Eponine (Les Miserables - musical)

List Two: Things That Bother Me
1) When people freak out that Facebook/Tumblr/Youtube/whatever social media site has a new layout. Seriously, you complained just as much when they changed to the previous layout. This really doesn't affect your life that dramatically.
2) Being sick and never actually getting a good sleep.
3) Not being able to find a pen that works when you need one.
4) Tangled headphones.
5) Everything that Heather said in her list. Seriously.

List Three: Reasons That Life is Awesome
1) I bought my grad shoes.
2) Our Cappies gala (kinda like the Oscars for high school theatre) is on June 10, and I'm SO EXCITED!
3) My sister's wedding in 1 week!!!
4) Strawberry milkshakes.
5) I've worked out 4 days this week, and I feel great.
6) The really cute guy in my class that kinda gives me butterflies...
7) I love my friends.
8) I'm going to try being vegetarian, starting in June.
9) I have a month off work!

Love you guys.

Heather: The Things That Bother Me.

Today's list topic is... the things that bother me.

1. People who use incorrect grammar and claim to be all-knowing about all things... grammatical.
2. When I sit next to someone, and they move their leg up and down, and I can feel it, and all I want to do is move away because it's driving me crazy but I'm squished next to them on the bleachers, or it would be rude to move and all I want to do is scream. 
3. When doors are not all the way closed. Either leave them open, or shut them. If I don't hear a little click noise, I go over and push the door all the way shut before it frustrates me half to death.
4. When people use the word 'hate' and obviously don't (or shouldn't) mean it. For example, saying you hate the colour pink; you don't hate it (I hope) but merely harbour a deep dislike for it. Hate is stupid.
5. Group projects.
6. Total silence, by this I mean no tick tock from the clock, no creaking in the house, not noise at all.
7. Creepy strangers that park outside of your house in the middle of the night, freak the shit out of you for ten minutes, and then walk into your neighbour's house, because as it turns out, they have a long lost son.

... I just realized how obsessive two and three are. Hehehe...

What bothers you?


Monday, April 23, 2012

Heather: List.

My list for today, is why Homer Simpson should be president. (Note: not prime minister, Canada is much too politically correct for that.)

1. Doughnuts. Every where.
2. 'Doh!' would become a common expression. (Perhaps not a good thing.)
3. People would have no qualms following the hedonistic (pursuit of pleasure) way of life of their president.
4. Doughnuts.

Need I say more?


Sunday, April 22, 2012

Kas: Writing mood.

So, i'm in a major writing mood right now, and Heather isn't online. Her Y!M has been messed up lately so I haven't talked to her in a few days. Which sucks, cause Silver is super close to being completely written.

Anyways, I think I'm going to pick a random scene and edit the hell out of it, since that is pretty much the only hing I can do without her. Haha.

Also, I like this list thing you guys have going on.

Heather, I should be one around 5 my time tomorrow, so I hope you are too! :D


Nat: List!

I told you I was gonna do one (almost) every day. And I am. Here we go.

Today's List: Recent Obsessions/New Things I Love
-Legally Blonde music
-Friday night improv downtown
-Dr. Horrible's sing-along blog
-Lace (dresses, shirts, etc.)
-The Titanic
-Going to the gym


Saturday, April 21, 2012

Kamie: I like the idea about the Celebrity list!

However, since I have too many favorite celebrities, I'll go through my favorite voice actor list instead! I'm happy to see people posting again! And congrats Ashton to having a date to grad! :D

VA List:
1. Aaron Dismuke
2. Vic Mignonga
3. Travis Willingham
4. Colleen Clinkenbeard (I think I spelled that wrong)
5. Chris Sabat
6. Caitlin Glass

I have more but that's it for now folks! xD That is somewhat stolen from somewhere on Looney Toons. Anyways, that's it for me for now! Night!

Cori: The Sick List

I mean this literally. For the second time in a month, I'm sick. So here is my absolutely, positively, terrifically, brilliantly cheerful list!

1) Coughing so hard that I taste blood
2) Extremely dizziness
3) My arms and legs going numb (yeah, I don't know either)
4) Insomnia
5) Headache
6) Nausea
7) Absolute hell

And the best part? Well, it's the fact that my parents think I'm faking! =D! Either that, or I'm supposedly a smoker.
Yeah, uh, Mom...I'm allergic to cigarette smoke...I would kind of die if I inhaled too much of it...
But enough of that haha. I've been spending the last five-ish some days watching the entire Avatar: The Last Airbender series. The reasons for this?

1) Zuko is a sexy beast
2) The soundtrack is totally awesome
3) Zuko is a sexy beast
4) The fight scenes are really inspiring
5) Zuko is a sexy beast
6) The plot is amazing

There! Two lists for everyone. Go me! xD

Nat: Another List :)

Today's list: 10 Celebrities That I Love (not necessarily hot guys...but probably mostly hot guys..)

1) Emma Watson
2) Misha Collins
3) Jared Padalecki
4) Emma Roberts
5) James McAvoy
6) Zac Efron
7) Robert Downey Jr.
8) Leonardo diCaprio
9) Karen Gillan
10) Bo Burnham

Alright, that's all for today, I'm off to see two theatre performances today. Hooray!

P.S. I have a date to grad. ;)

Friday, April 20, 2012

Heather: Another List.

Today, I was thinking, how many stories have I ever started? (Too many to count, it would seem.)
How many have I ever finished?
Sadly, that question does not have such a good answer, being a big, fat zero.
But hopefully Silver will remedy that soon. :D Very soon, it would seem.
So, my list for today will be why I love writing. :D

1. I can't describe it.
2. Still having issues.
3. This list is getting pointless.
4. Oh darn.
5. Well, I'll post another later.


Thursday, April 19, 2012

Heather: List.

I'm going to follow Nat in the themes. :D

So, ten things I want to do?

1. Travel the world; I want to experience the place, not the resort.
2. Encourage Nat to go veg; seriously, everyone that assumes it's difficult is being dumb. It's totally easy (beyond easy, and I'm not just saying that) and it'll make you as awesome as me. Infallible argument there, eh? :D
3. Donate blood.
4. Go to as many concerts as possible.
5. See Ed Sheeran, Mumford & Sons (again), The Tragically Hip, Barenaked Ladies, or the Avett Brothers live. Along with a million more I don't have time to type.
6. Be happy. Be happy with myself, with my job, with my life.
7. Make others happy.
8. Have the confidence to finally tryout for my school talent show, and hope not to bomb it.
9. Be published.
10. Fall in love; so cheesy, and yet so absolutely true.
11. Steal as many as Nat's answers as possible, while remaining inconspicuous.

Well, ta ta for now, folks.


P.S. Watch this video and cry and/or lose all faith in humanity.

EDIT -- Finally found an interview where they said they it was a joke... but seriously. Listen and laugh. Or cry.

Nat: List of The Day

So this is a thing I'm gonna start doing. A different list topic every day (or every few days because I can't promise I'll post every single day). You're welcome to join me in this endeavour if you'd like, but I'm gonna do it anyway. (It was actually kinda Heather's idea, so I won't take credit. Thanks Heather!)

Today's List: 10 Things I Wanna Do
1) Donate blood
2) Pay It Forward
3) Fall in love
4) Rescue an animal
5) Try being a vegetarian
6) Get hypnotized
7) See Les Miserables in London
8) Take a sign language class
9) Drive/ride a motorcycle
10) Sleep on a beach

I would love to hear your list of Things You Wanna Do. Or any other list, really.


Heather: MIA, and other things.

Hello again, fancy seeing you here.
So, I read Kamie's post and realized A) I need to get my butt back in gear, and B) I haven't been on OSAAWAKMS since I posted that poem. By the way, thanks for the comments, I just saw them, haha. :) Cori, I'm going to comment on your review too, in a minute.
And Kamie (Cori too), I'm going to comment on all the stuff you posted too. :D
Alright, so, as you may or may not already know, Kas and I only have two colours left until Silver is complete (though not at all edited) and since I have tomorrow off, I'd say we'll most likely be finished incredibly soon. I'm pretty freaking excited. :D
I miss you all, and I'm sorry.
I think I'm going to start posting random lists, and commenting on all posts from here on out. If I do not, harass me on facebook. :D

EDIT- Commenting complete, and a really... creepy/odd/weird/metaphorical?/weird poem posted. Woo. Haha.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Kamie: Is everyone still alive????

So, I don't know why but it seems as if there's been a large decrease in posts around here... and I know it's true. I'm trying, but I lose motivation since nobody comments on my posts or give their own opinions. :/ Yeah, that's a loss of a want to post. Nobody even goes on OSAAWAKMS anymore, and I've been waiting for the next Vlog idea for quite awhile now. So yeah... I would love to hear from ya'll! Hope everything's going alright for you guys! Got to go!

Kamiella Maze

P.S. This wasn't meant to sound so angry, I'm just curious. :)

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Cori: Woot! 50,000 words!

I just hit 50,000 words last night in Caged! I had 50,000 words from NaNoWriMo, but then I took out three very long chapters and it pushed me back down to about 35,000 words. So I've been working hard on Caged lately, which has brought me to chapter ten. I've even got this chapter planned out (go me!).
I mean, I usually have a rough idea of what the next chapter will be about, but usually I don't actually plan anything. So the fact that I did this time makes me think that chapter ten will be a good one. Haha.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Cori: Lack of confidence

It's sort of annoying, how little confidence I have. I mean, I can't even pee anymore if someone else is in the bathroom, because I think they'll ridicule me somehow. (So I was proud of myself today when I managed to tinkle with someone else in the room. I had to shut my eyes and cover my ears, but...)
And now I can't even bring myself to post something on a forum on figment. I actually had to dare myself into doing it. And then I started trying to click the 'stop' thing, next to refresh, to try and make sure that it didn't post.
I can't talk to people, I can't get called on in class without freezing up, I can't do anything. I'm getting sick of it.
On a cheerier note, I'm on like...chapter nine of Caged (I use roman numerals, which I always forget how to read, Mirabelle gets shot at the part I'm at, and since Altrius's saliva has healing qualities he freaks her out by licking her arm and healing the wound. xD
Go Al and his freakishly long tongue.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Cori: Unpredictable weather

So, it's finally springtime and stuff! Yay!
Unfortunately, the weather in Ohio seems confused by the sudden change in season. It's been hot out. Horribly hot - up in the 80's.
Then, yesterday, it decided that it wanted to be cold again. In the 40's/30's. This morning, there was snow on the ground.
And now it's all cool and breezy. I'm sure tomorrow it'll be back in the 80's.
Ohio, your weather is so unpredictable...

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Kamie: Cosplay or Crossplay?

So, I have no excuses except for the mere fact I really have had nothing to say. So let's see what I can come up with.

I'm entering the poetry read aloud/contest thingy here in my town and I have six poems I'm trying to decide upon. Four of them I have posted up here, the other two I have not. I'll see if I can post those soon. If you could go check those out at OSAAWAKMS, I would love that!

This August I am hoping to go to Kin-Yoobi Con, but my problem now is who do I cosplay as? Le gasp! I have absolutely no idea! DX Here's my list so far, though I'm open to other ideas. I don't mind the idea of crossplaying, however I might want to stick to my gender... hm...
1. Misty from Pokemon
2. Luna Lovegood from Harry Potter
3. Edward Elric from FMA or FMA: B
4. Kaoru Hitachiin from Ouran Host Club
5. Kyoya Ootori from Ouran Host Club
6. Haruhi Fujioka from Ouran Host Club

I love them all and I don't know which to do!

So, what do ya'll think? I'm really thinking about doing Misty... Or Luna... those are my top two... it sort of goes in order, which I didn't mean to happen. Let me know! I have more to add, but I'll do it when I'm not manning the store!

Kamiella Maze

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Cori: Happy Easter, all!

Yay. Candy and eggs haha.
Since I'll be going to my grandparents' today, I had to put on my good clothes - which, in other words, means that I have to put on makeup and a nice sweater.

Mom: "Wear some nice clothes for your grandparents."
Me: "Uh, okay."
Mom: "No t-shirts."
Me: "Mom...I have nothing but t-shirts."
Mom: "What about that sweater? The green one?"
Me: "...I own a sweater?"

Uh, yeah. I got that thing two years ago, and have worn it once. Whoops. So then I had to go and find it.

Me: "Mom! I can't find the sweater you were talking about!"
Mom: [from downstairs] "Keep looking! Is it in your sock drawer?"
Me: [digging frantically through my dresser] "No, I looked there!"
Mom: "What about your pajama drawer?"
Me: "It's not--oh. Found it! Wait a second...IT'S BLUE, NOT GREEN!"
Mom: "Oops!"

So I'm now wearing my pretty blue sweater. It has a turtle neck thingie, which is keeping my throat toasty warm haha.
What are your guys's Easters like? Hopefully they're not as hectic as mine.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Nat: {don't know what to title this}


I'm just gonna jump right in - I finally tallied up the SAAWAKM Contest. (About time, Ashton, it's only been over for 3 weeks...) But here are our results.

Cori - 20 pts
Kamie - 8 pts
Heather - 6 pts
Nat - 5 pts
Kas/Ned - 4 pts
Sage/Nicole - 1 pt

So, Cori is our winner. Yay! Now I just need to figure out what your prize is. Maybe you can have some kind of imaginary prize, like being the Best SAAWAKM Frequent Poster or something. Haha. I'm kinda broke right now, so, yeah...Let me know what you think, Cori.

Kas and Heather - congrats on writing so much of Silver! I just want you to finish it so that I can read the whole thing!
Cori - Congrats on writing Part 2 of Caged, can't wait to read that, too.

I saw the Hunger Games. It was excellent. Not to perpetuate a stereotype but...Team Peeta.

Anyway, talk to you all soon! <3

Cori: Part Three!

I just finished part two of Caged! I'm really proud of it right now, and I'm hoping to get part three finished soon.
Altrius's new outfit is finished, and I think I like it even more than the old one. This one, I think, is a keeper!
Well, I'm going to write some more, and hopefully finished another chapter. Altrius says bye! xD

Friday, April 6, 2012

Kas: Friday

Well, we did it. we managed to write two full colors today. 14 scenes. 5,000 words. :)

We worked for... 8 hours. Hahaha. Thats what we get for waking up early.

So, now, silver only has 21 scenes left until we've written the entire thing. We're still not even close to being done. Which i'm kind of happy about honestly. I'm not ready to be finished with it yet.

we're going to try to get some more done tomorrow and the next day! And, we both have monday off as well, so i would expect the writing to be finished by then. :D

But, I have to go, bye!


Cori: A slight problem.

So basically, Altrius has decided that he wants a new outfit. I haven't changed his outfit in about a year or so now, a new record for me, so to change it now will make me upset. lol. But I'll change it anyway (damn you, Altrius). Only problem is, I have no idea what to make him wear. I don't even know what color he should be wearing now! It was navy blue and black. I want black still, but I'm thinking of red...I'm very partial to red, since it's my favorite color.
I don't know. Any ideas, you guys?
Also...have you guys been switched to the website's new look? It's different, but the change is kind of refreshing. =D

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Kas: Thursday.

So, today Heather and I wrote another entire color! :)

Yellow, if you were wondering. It brought us up another 3,000 words. Bringing our total to 73,756. :) So close... And yet so far. Haha.

There are officially five colors left, and because nether of us have school tomorrow we're going to try and write two tomorrow. So, wish us luck! :) We're even getting up early! Hahaha.

We also discovered, thanks to my amazing writing program, that the most-used word in our book so far is 'the.' Haha. We've used it 3,408 times! :)

So, i'll post again tomorrow and update you guys on what we get done!


Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Kas: Today.

Heather and I spent most of today writing. so we managed to get an entire color done. Which is seven scenes. :D

Silver is now 70,000 words long. Which is amazing. We ended up writing about 3,000 today... which is about twice as much as we usually get done.

We have 96 scenes completed, and 42 to go. We're exactly 1/3 of the way done with part 3, and more than 2/3 of the way done with the entire thing.

Fun Fact: If we wrote the exact amount of scenes that we wrote today, everyday. We would finish Silver in 6 days. :)

Grint is our favorite, at the moment, but that only because Sebastian isn't in this part much. But yeah, I just love Grint.

Honestly, if we keep going at this rate, I could easily see silver being done within two weeks. which is scary and amazing an really scary. It definately doesn't feel like it been more than a year since we started...

Anyways, we plan on writing just as much as we did today, maybe more who knows, tomorrow. So, expect an update then as well. It probably wont be until late at night though, so I know what our daily word count is. :)


Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Kas: Heyyy.

So, I know I haven't posted anything in a while, and I'm sorry.

I feel like thats all any of us say anymore...

Anyways, I'm waiting for Heather to get online. we both have been busy for the past week and haven't gotten much writing done, but hopefully we'll get a lot more done this week.

I only have about 4 weeks left of my senior year, which is exciting. Prom is a week from this Saturday, so i'm excited for that.

I don't have much else to tell all of you, really. I'm going to try to post everyday this week, even though I doubt i'll have much news. It'll probably just be a bunch of Silver updates. haha.


Sunday, April 1, 2012

Kamie: Spring Break at Long Last

So it's finally spring break for me and can I say that I'm excited? It's been awhile since I've had a good ol' fashion break without being sick. It's refreshing to say the least. Through the wind I was able to have my good friend Chelsea go out and shoot my recurve bow with me and it was a blast! She actually hit a bullseye! :D She says hi, also. So yeah I've been trying to write more but I'm not quite sure what to do. The ideas I'm inspired with are all ideas with someone else, and most are too busy to actually want to write with my for the time being *cough* Cori *cough.* Just playing! :) I understand and from what I've heard she's doing a great job on Caged, and I hope she sends me the first few chapters soon.I've also had a strong thirst for roleplaying soon so, Core if you're available don't be afraid to text me! We can do a roleplay of some sort. I keep thinking, hm... maybe I should bring the Clan back to life again, I really miss them but I'm just not sure anymore. So I created a new book like I have said off of other posts on a whole bunch of new and old characters which I'm planning on working on over spring break! Woo hoo!

I did happen to post in OSAAWAKMS if ya'll want to check them out. There are four, somewhat, personal poems I created that I posted. Tell me what ya'll think.

I have recently started looking into poetry and have found myself liking it so far along with novel writing, but I don't think that'll ever go away.

51 episodes of Fullmetal Alchemist (the first anime) have been finished by me and all 64 episodes of the second anime Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, which is my favorite anime/ tv show/ everything ever! :D It's so good if you haven't seen it, do so! xD I am personally in love with Edward Elric, while I love the VA who plays Edward Elric, my "celebrity crush" is the boy who plays Alphonse in the first anime. His name is Aaron Dismuke and I think he's nineteen now! Woot! :D I also love the couple pairing of Royai, which is Roy Mustang and Riza Hawkeye. To show ya'll how badly addicted I am to this coupling, I think I have almost read all 215 fanfictions for that pairing in the romance section on . There are some pretty good ones out there not gonna lie! :D

Ouch! My ear hurts! Dx Today's my Tante Joke's birthday... yes that is her name. It's pronounced Yoh-Kah. I do find it highly ironic how she was born on April Fool's Day though. In her defense in Indonesia where she was born there were no such things like April Fool's Day... yeah.... So that's a pretty quick update. What happened to the VLogs? And I know I have no excuse but I would love it if people would actually start commenting, posting, et cetera on here. I'm going to start trying also. I miss hearing from all of you. Cori text me when you can! Ralven va, Kelvi! :D

-Kamiella Maze