Saturday, April 28, 2012

Cori: Cats are evil.

I love my cat to death, but he's getting quite annoying - especially since he keeps trying to eat my cell phone.
Also, have you guys ever heard of a type of cat called a Savannah? They're half cat, half leopard...and illegal in a lot of states. I'm getting one when I'm older; they're absolutely gorgeous, and kind of dangerous haha. A perfect way for me to get my daily dose of needed adrenaline.
Only problem is that I think it's illegal in Ohio.
So...I'm getting one anyway! And if they find out and tell me I can't have one/try to take it away...I'm getting a panther. Because panthers are my favorite animals; they're b-e-a-utiful. Either way, I'm getting my dangerous cat.
Anyway, I'm stuck at a certain part in Caged. I don't have writer's block, because I've got plenty of ideas, and I could start writing at a moment's notice, but...I'm stuck. I can't find a way to make the part I'm at move forward. I've rewritten the part I'm at about three times so far, trying to make it so that it ends it different ways, but nothing is working. Help?

1 comment:

  1. Hm... that is a hard one, and unfortunately I don't have a way through that. I'm sorry, I still thought I should comment though and say I love "illegal" animals! I want a Fennec fox and a hedgehog when I get older!
