Thursday, September 30, 2010

Sage. I want to cry

^Angst for the Greeks

Not because I am sad. But because I have ridiculous amount of work. I have actually been checking and reading all the posts daily, but I just don't have to time or the energy to write much. And it would consists of me telling you that I have been doing nothing but homework with the odd meal squeezed in between.

Below is a video of me singing and telling you that I love you. I sound terrible btw. BUT PLEASE LET THIS BE HAPPY SO YOU DON'T HATE ME


Heather: Ick.

I've had so much... freaking (but I really mean fucking) work this week. It's been driving me crazy.
And know what my Philosophy teacher said today, about the HUGE project I've been stressing all week? Yeah, it's not due tomorrow anymore.
Guess I stayed up until two for nothing last night.
And I've only written five words in the last two days.
Tonight I am, FINALLY, plotting.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Sarah: What are your favorite names?

Just wondering. I need some to use and I'm totally out of ideas. I really like the name Quincie, which is a female version of Quince, for my new main character. What do you think? Any other ideas?

Ned. Go make an account on my Web Site.

So, I now have a website, and its blog-ish themed.
Go make an account on it.


Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Heather: I'm Thinking, Classic Werewolf.

Just more viscious, uncontrollable, wild, powerful, and larger.
Meaner too.
I want to get away from the cliché 'ooooooh I love a werewolf, ooooh, we're soulmates. ooooh he changes at will.' No, thank you.
I'm focusing on plot work this week.
And stupid, modern versions of your classic werewolf are starting to piss me off.
I don't want to be cliché; therefore, I won't be.
And I'm not even introducing the main guy until like.... chapter 5 + haha.
I still need to plot!
Stupid homework.

ROCKIN' The New Shirt!

Wearing it to school tomorrow!
Im like our mascot!
What do you think???
Sorry. My hair is a mess, and I'm sick, and I couldn't make a good face, so, I cut off my head.
Get over it.

Sarah: What's going on?

Did you guys all die or something. It's been awhile since someone posted something...

Makes me sad. What's going on with you guys and writing?

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Nat: The Chancellor's Daughter

This is the new title/cover of the book previously known as Broken Promises. :)

Heather: For Nicole.

How is this one? I couldn't find any good wolf images...
Haha, if you don't like it, don't worry. I want to try making you another one tomorrow. A better one. I just didn't have as much time to look for the perfect picture as I wanted.
Now, I have to go do my homework.
Again, I'll try to make a better one tomorrow. :)

Nat: Hello, lovelies.

It's been one week since I last made a post on SAAWAKM. I just needed a break for a while, and I think it was good for me. I've written more than I thought possible with my busy schedule over the last few days. I think I might put up an excerpt on OSAAWAKMS later today. I'll let you know when/if I put it up.

My parents are currently in Africa (without me), so I've been staying with my step-sister. We had a Harry Potter movie marathon this weekend. So epic. :)

If anyone has title suggestions for my story (synopsis on my personal page) or wants to make me a cover, you would be my very bestest friend EVER. At least for a little while. =)


Maiah: I fail at life.

So do you remember how a few days ago I made a post about starting a new idea? No? Okay....Well anywhoooo....that idea totally failed. It collapsed.
And believe it or not but I didn't get a word written to it, and yet I've already thrown it off the "Maiah boat".

But I have another idea that I think I might do. And it's not gonna be like most of my ideas...Which is a reason why I like it.

I'm basically gonna be writing a story about my life. Literally, my life. Starting from August 24th, 2010 to now and beyond... My story will be about the start of my new life.

And believe me, it will be quite interesting. Because my "new life" is pretty messed up to say the least. Hahahah. So it will kinda be like a very detailed description of my day... Sorta like a diary.
I've been having this idea for a I think I'll start it. Hey, who knows. It might turn out to be a non-fail. (Doubt it.)

I think I'll start writing a chapter each day or two. Which really isn't that bad if I'm just recapping my life and feelings. So I think its do-able.

Btw, if you decide to read it once I have some of it written and everything...You should be warned that you might feel depressed afterwards. I'm a pretty depressing person when it comes to my life and my YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.

Alright well....I should go.
(I don't know why I keep putting periods...It's kinda annoying.)

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Heather: New Summary, New Cover.

Wolves - Blythe Matthews was forced to pack up her things and move in with her eccentric, widowed aunt in the middle-of-nowhere, California.
“It's killing me to watch you act like this! You're going Blythe, and that is that.”
She can't touch anyone.
And if she does, they can't help but die.
She feels an uncanny attraction to a certain someone, who just won't leave her be.
“There's no saving me.”
It's beginning to seem like all the odds have turned on her.
It's only a matter of time before she breaks, and someone dies.
Blythe's life is about to go to the dogs.
She flinched as a bloodthirsty snarl ripped from deep within it's chest.

There you have it, folks, the new summary, the new twist, and the new cover.
(C) All Rights Reserved - Heather Johansson
Disclaimer - I do not own the image. I just love it.  

Cori: Resignation...NOT!

Haha, hope I fooled you at first. Because I ain't never quitting unless I'm either A) forced to, or B) asked to! And I hope neither happens, because I think you guys are really cool and good writers, and very nice people. So you can be sort of assured that I'm not leaving.
And while we're on this topic...How come so many people are quitting all of a sudden? It's sort of depressing (I find everything depressing though, so yeah...), you know? I mean, why are they quitting exactly? Did we all do something wrong? I like SAAWAKM...
And while we're on THIS topic, I guess we had been a bit hectic with just telling about our lives, not our writing--which is basically why this blog was made. But hey, there IS the fact that we're all teenage kids, and we have crazy lives that we feel the need to share about. And we ARE teens, as I said before...Not as many responsibilities when it comes to writing. Right now, at this point in our lives, it's all for fun.
God...Maybe my grandma's right. Do you guys think I'm a downer? I mean, I'm an emo/Goth kid, I listen to depressing music about death and sad stuff and actually like it and sometimes cry over it a little bit, I wear a lot of dark clothing and skinny jeans, as well as hoodies and Converse, I hardly ever talk (I know, hard to believe...But it's true), and I always have this sad/angry expression. XD! But that's just my thinking face.
Anyway...I don't know why, but I've been feeling really sad lately. Not that that's very different, when you think about it, but I mean like...I feel REALLY sad. Especially when I think about writing. I miss the old days of my writing, where everything would just pour out of me. Now there are tons of distractions, I've got less time, and I just don't feel like I can do it--like giving up or something. I think it might have something to do with those freakin' Final Fantasy games I'm [literally] obsessed with...
Honestly. Like, I'm always thinking that those dumb [I LOVE THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!] games are so much better than what I can do, with the characters/plot/setting, and I get all angry and frustrated, and start to feel sad.
Ugh...Anyway, I've managed to find a few more agents (I've been rejected three times now XD!), and I've written the first 38 pages of Flight of the Prince, the sequel to Escape of the Thief. So I think things might be going better than usual right now.
I've gotta go...So tired I feel like collapsing. And it's twelve-thirty in the morning, so that might have something to do with

Sarah: A new story and pretty pretty please!

Hey ya'll! How have you been? Judging from the lack of posting, it probably means you're all busy. That's okay, I am too.

I did wanna let you guys know about my new story. For now, it doesn't have a title but I know the story I want to tell. I will be posting the prologue on OSAAWAKMS for you guys. Could you pretty please with a cherry on top read it? Please, please, please?


Heather: YES!

Hello all.
So, I kind of felt like Wolves was going to get all pathetically depressing again.
THEN, I got an idea.
AND, for the first time in my life, I actually like how I started this chapter.
Let's hope I keep it up.
Chapter One, rewrite four.
Fourth times the charm. :)
And this idea is rather brilliant if I do say so myself.
Kind of.
And Kas, I'll e-mail you once I get done with this. :)

EDIT: Sorry, this got me kind of excited! Haha. :)

Friday, September 24, 2010

Kas: Change of plans.

So, as you know, im doing my little writing out of order technique, and its going great... but, there is a certain point in my story where everything shifts completely, every character you've known so far is gone, and you're introduced to an entirely new place.

Well, in my technique, the next scene is right at the beginning of the second part. Everything has just shifted.

But, to me, its going to be difficult to skip from one set of people and places to the next while keeping the same flow...

So, what i've decided to do, is write the first half, with the technique, which is about 25-30 scenes, and then go write the next half.

It just seems incredibly less confusing this way. Haha.

Alright, well thats it for now.


Dustin/Tomizo: Resignation

The Title Says It All.

I do not -resignate- because I do not -like- this -blog-. This blog is run by marvelous<--(Corny Alert) writers, and run by a great motives and ideas. It is not those behind the idea whom cause my resignation but the resignator himself and/or the community. The blog has died down, back in August when this first started, for me either way. It was wonderful, helpful and I gave alot and got alot.

Yet, sh!t happen. (Fail censor). We started with our stories on WOP, or our songs on Youtube or our ideas locked away. Slowly those ideas became open too the bloggers, those songs stayed yet those stories dissapeared. We put our stories into Osaawakm where only we could read and learn from. Where your only source of help was from the people of the blog. Yet life is not an easy one.

Bloggers, like myself got part time jobs, vollunteer work and school starts up again. Slowly IMO we've drifted apart. Thus we only wrote for each other, yet no one read each others. It was like we all picked rock in the classical game of rock paper scissors. We were frozen with no one benefitting from the blog. I am not saying I am not at fault, I am at fault. But I slowly releasize I write best when I write to Express, not Impress. With this blog IMO we wrote to impress each other or for the fuckery of it.

With that also, my time is limited too one -blog- Unlike 95% of you whom now have atleast 2 blogs.

As most of you know I came from W.O.P I ditched that site for this -blog-. Like many of you know im also from Storywrite.

I've got but time for only 1 and I've chosen I am -NOT- asking for anyone too follow my footsteps, I do not encourage you -girls- resignating as well. May the god or Allah or whatever the fuck you believe in bless you all, and I the Ninju shalt leave.

*Edit : Yes I know this sound(s) like im critizing. I am not. I am merely stating that I do not have time for this -blog- and in that I must leave. G'day too you all.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Kas: Whoo.

I just wrote 752 words.. in 20 minutes! Which is a new record for me. :P

Im really in a 'writing mood' today. Haha. I feel like gettign a lot don. Which sucks, because me and my dad jsut got the first 3 discs of supernatural from netflix, so i was planning on watching those tonight...

Hmm... well, i cant do that until like 6 anyways so im goign to try and squeeze out at least one more scene before then..

Wish me luck!


Edit: Somethign i forgot to mention... Is that the next scene in this color is one of the most exciting scene int he entire book! So im psyched! :P :D :) :b

Edit again: Guess who jsut wrote another 735 words? ME! Hahaha... I also finsihed that really exciting scene. :P Onto the next one...

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Nicole: My brain is jumping...

... in my head. And I think my eyeballs are about to pop out. Oh, and a phlegm man named Gustav is living in chest, and his best friend Scratchy is chilling in my throat. :| Yup, true story.

I am sooo sick at the moment, I literally don't think I've felt this bad in my entire life. I was coughing pretty bad yesterday, but today I feel like screaming. Along with it all, I'm getting cramps. WHAT THE HELL!? I finally have school holidays (for only two weeks, might I add) and my body decides to die on me :(.

Do you wanna know how I know I'm really sick? I turned off my laptop at like 3:00 in the afternoon yesterday and this is the first time I've picked it up since. Horrifying, I know. I haven't checked out the posts lately, I think I'll do that tomorrow.

I just want to writeeee >:(! Or plan, or do SOMETHING, but I can't focus on anything. I think I'm going to die. For real.

Heather: It's Almost Upsetting.

I had 43 full word pages of stuff on the old 'Wolves.' Now, I just have two.
Talk about minor setback.
I also just realized that I tend to make my MC's rash and impulsive, like, say, sitting in the middle of the road during a thunder and lightning storm...
In other news, I am 741 words into my new first chapter.
It's not much, but I just completely changed the version I almost finished yesterday. :)
Annnnnd, I'm going to post an excerpt on OSAAWAKMS soon.

Maiah: Hah.

Ahhhhhhhhh! Hey everyone. It's been a while since I've actually talked to you guys. I've been kinda out of it lately...

But anyways, I'm back! Haha. And Sarah...I am SO SO SO SO SO SO (x87) SORRY! I've been a very bad writing buddy. ):
It's notmy fault though! I've just been *insert convincing lie here*.

Well anywhoooooo, we really need to exchange our stories! Like soon. Or now. Now sounds good. :)

Okay well I'm thinkin that later today I'll just send you what i have of BRR and then you can send me your story. And then...yeuuuuuuh. Haha. That's what I'm thinkin.

Well I gotta go. It's six in the morning here in the ever boring state of Maryland. And I have school. Blah. I wish it would die.

Bye! :D

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Sarah: Story

Well, I only got part of chapter one done. My plan failed.

However, I plan on writing a lot this weekend, so all will be well.

Oh, and I'm posting what I just wrote in OSAAWAKMS. Please read it and tell me what you think. That's be awesome and I will love you forever!

Kas: ?

Did I ever tell you guys about my blog??

I dont really remember, so if i did, im telling you again. HAhaha.

Go have a look.


Cori: Sick...

I hate being sick. Headache, nauseous, sore and swollen throat, stuffy nose, tons of sneezing and coughing, and just flat-out tired. More than half the people in my school have it, and people all the way to California have the virus as well. Oh, and it doesn't help that I have severe allergies as well, so it's double the "fun" for me!
Ugh...I feel like something is sitting on my chest and crapping for all they're worth...Okay, maybe that was a bit weird, but that's seriously how I feel. I might have cracked a rib, too. Fun, eh?
Not really...
I'm sort of giving up on writing and all for now. Taking a break, and then once I feel better I'll get back to it. Sorry I haven't been on in a few days.

Sarah: Lookie lookie lookie!

Made you look! Hahahah!

Anywho, I've decided to try Kas's technique (the one about shutting down the web) tonight. I want to get AT LEAST the first chapter done in my story tonight. So, I'm going to be writing for TWO hours tonight. Beat that, suckers!

I'll let you know how it goes later.

And I know you guys haven't forgotten either...

Monday, September 20, 2010

Heather: The Summary.

Wolves - Blythe Matthews was forced to pack up her things and move in with her eccentric, widowed aunt in the middle-of-nowhere, California.
“It's killing me to watch you act like this! You're going Blythe, and that is that.”
Her best friend is dead.
He always told the sweetest lies.
She feels an uncanny attraction to a certain someone, who just won't leave her be.
“There's no saving me.”
Something is following her.
I- I would never hurt you, Bee.”
Blythe's life is about to go to the dogs.
She flinched as a bloodthirsty snarl ripped from deep within it's chest.

Idea Copyrighted (c) Heather Johansson.

So yeah - that is the summary. For now.
I like this idea sooooooo much more then the original. Haha. :)
What do you think?

Heather: Wolves Has Had A Face Lift.

A complete and total face lift.
Alana Karlson? Gone. Wiped off the face of the earth.
Blythe Mathews Hello, and welcome to Wolves. :)
Their personalities are different too, Lany was down in the dumps all the freaking time and Bee, despite a pathetically depressing first chapter pulls herself back together with a little bit of added glue.
Bee is courageous, though a bit of an introvert, nice and happy. Well, she tries.
Lany is miserable, depressed, a total introvert, and let's be honest - she was starting to remind me of Bella in New Moon. Not something that pleased me in the slightest.
And then James. I think I actually had people reading it who considering themselves 'Team James.' That makes me laugh. But now, I am sorry to those of you - if any - who liked James. He is now officially dead.
And to those of you who actually bothered reading my other story - Painted Skies - the setting of that story has been stolen. It now belongs to Wolves - and yes, it is a real town, with a real post office, with the clerk who hides under the desk if you come in after five in the afternoon. And yes, I was told this by a person who lives there. Haha.
And then there's Daniel. The prologue describes just a small bit of his past. He's got more depth and there's more to everything. And he's better looking now. So much so.
And Kate... is non-existant.
As are many, many others.
I'll post the new summary later, okay?
Bye, folks.

Sarah: Maiah!

First of all, where'd you go? We need to pick a night to go through our writing, WB!

Also, listen to this song. It reminds me so much of Blood Red Rose. :)

Heather: Wolves.

I think I'm going to start working on it again.
In fact, I already have.
But I'm changing Alana's name. It's been getting on my nerves lately. Haha.
Later, folks.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Sage. Yes I am in fact still living

I do actually realize that I haven't posted anything. But in my defense, I worked all summer and I'm in grade twelve now so I have hours worth of homework because I have decided (like a total moron) that I want to spend my life doing essays for university.

Life is going. Nothing I can really comment on otherwise.

Tired. Stressed. Loving school :)

Keep up the good work everyone!
Love, Sage


Haha. Have i ever told you guys about my love for Zombies?

I do, i love them. They complete me...

No, i really can't wait for the Zombie apocalypse. I will be one bad-ass Zombie killer.

Anyways, so i've been wanting to write a story, just for me, about the apocalypse for a while. But i always feel like i need to work on my 'serious' project more. Which, of course, is Malkini.

But, im going to go ahead and start my zombie story, just because. Haha.

I already have the title, and i made a cover. :P

If your wonding why the 'alice' in Malice is in blue, its because the girls name is going to be alice. haha. I know that the MC in Resident evil is also named Alice, but its whatever hahaa. :P


Sarah: It's official!

I have joined NaNoWriMo. Hopefully, by the end of November, I will have a novel written. I'm really excited about this one and feel like it's something I can finish. When I get an official pitch, I'll post it for ya'll. Who else is doing it?

This has become my official life theme song. Give it a listen. You'll love it.

Also, what songs do you guys like to write by? I have a few picked out that I want to put in a playlist, but I need a few more! :)

Nat: Sorry.

So Cori mentioned on one of my last posts that I seem like I've been feeling kind of down. And she was right. Things are just really stressful and difficult right now. And I realize that it isn't much fun for you guys to read about that all the time. So I'm going to take a break from posting for a few days, just to sort some things out, hopefully work on some writing and get some thinking done.

Thanks for being here for me, guys. This blog is really amazing. Talk to you in a few days.


Maiah: Names and a New Idea :)

I think I'm gonna start a new story. No, I'm not abandoning Blood Red Rose, but I definitely need a little break from it. The dumb story won't cooperate with me. Hahaha.

So anyways, my new idea is about a young girl who is highly allergic to the sun. Here's a short summary. :)

my name is blue montgomery.
i live in fear of the sun.
its touch burns my flesh, and makes me bleed.
the pain it brings is unbearable.
i'm not what you'd call normal.
not in the usual sense.
normal people can feel the warmth of the sun.
normal people don't have to hide away
from something so beautiful.
however, i do.
all i've ever wanted
is to feel the sun on my skin.
but i'll never be able to.
i live in the shadow of the moon.
all because of how i was born...
a daughter of the moon as they say.
my name is blue montgomery.
and the light of the moon
is all i've ever known.

I really like this idea. Like...a lot. I think I'll start writing it tonight. :)

Which name do you like better?

Monsoon or Blue?

I know they're both strange names, but thats the point. Haha. Her moms kinda crazy... :p
Seriously, though. Lol.

And any other suggestions? Thank you!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Kas. My bad..

So, sorry its been a while since i've posted. :O

I've been so freaking busy its unbelievable...

But, anyways, i ahve a few things i want to talk about.

The first, is NaNoWriMo. I am abso-freaking-lutely doing NaNoWriMo thins year. Haha. I loved it last year, even though i failed. haha.

The next, is the SAAWAKM Roatrip girls. So, i need to speak to you guys, asap. Like, seriously, we ahve a major problem...

And the last thing, is writing, of course. :P I've been writing a little this past week, but as i said before, i've been extreamly busy. So, im still doing my new technique, i have three scenes done. Totaling to, 3,2010 words. Which, is great. Im hoping to get at least 5 scenes doen tonight. Which, i know is alot, but its Saturday, so its cool. :P Theres actually only 10 more scenes left in the first color! :D

Okay, well, thats about it. :)


Ned NaNoWriMo + Character Writer = Longest post Ever

Kelley wants me to, what can I say?

I'm so excited!

Does NanoWriMo count as writing stuff, if not, I found a program I absolutly LOVE call character writer, for the most part is free, It does amazing things.

Heres some character creating I did for Casper Sims on it.

First Name: Casper Last Name: Sims
Age: 15 Gender: Female
Origin: Simonshine Type: “The Artist.”


Casper is creative, expressive, empathetic and very intuitive. She has a skill to see what is right in others, though she cannot see it in herself. She needs to believe that she is fine just the way she is. The only time Casper really understands herself is when she is making something, this makes it posible for her to create an expression self-knowledge through music and poetry. It's the way she discovers her true nature. This expression rings the bell of universal truth in other people. Casper 's mistake is that she believes that to continue this flow of self, to avoid a block, she has to be more of whatever she is. Whatever that is (angry, sad, aggressive), can alienate others and make enemies quickly.


Casper may suffer from Mood Disorders->Cyclothymic Disorder
This disorder is a chronic bipolar disorder consisting of short periods of mild depression and short periods of hypomania. Hypomania is a condition similar to mania but less severe. The symptoms are similar with elevated mood, increased activity, decreased need for sleep, grandiosity and racing thoughts. These symptoms may last a few days to a number of weeks. The onset is separated by short periods of normal mood.

The symptoms cause clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational or other important areas of functioning.

Casper may suffer from Personality Disorders->Avoidant Personality Disorder
This disorder is characterized by a long-standing and complex pattern of feelings of inadequacy, extreme sensitivity to what other people think about them and social inhibition. Symptoms include avoiding occupational activities that involve significant interpersonal contact, an unwillingness to get involved with people unless certain of being liked and restraint within intimate relationships because of the fear of being shamed or ridiculed. He or she has a self image of being socially inept, personally unappealing and inferior to others.

Casper may suffer from Sleep Disorders->Nightmare Disorder
Someone with this disorder experiences repeated wakening caused by extended and extremely frightening dreams, usually involving threats to survival, security or self-esteem. The awakenings generally occur during the second half of the sleep period. On awakening from the frightening dreams, the person rapidly becomes oriented and alert (in contrast to the confusion and disorientation seen in Sleep Terror Disorder and some forms of epilepsy). This causes clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational or other important areas of functioning.

Casper may suffer from Sleep Disorders->Insomnia
People with this disorder complain of difficulty initiating or maintaining sleep or experiencing non-restorative sleep. The associated daytime fatigue causes clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational or other important areas of functioning.


Casper never identified with either parent as a child, culminating in a sense of being abandoned, and, as a result, had to look internally to find out who she is. Although, she struggled with it early in life, at this stage, she has discovered some of what she is, though mostly she wishes to be liked by others. Her past is full of exploratory experiences, most of which she is probably pretty embarrassed or ashamed about. When these come out, however, she is quick to confess to them and claim them as all part of who she is. An artist.
Casper's father left when she was six. She hasn't seen him since. Casper's mother never wanted children. When Casper was born her mother tried to make her grow up to fast. Learning that Casper was Special didn't help. If it wasn't for the love from her father, she would have been disowned at the age of five.


The extroverted artist is hard to keep down. Casper is the Mozart type; she can create amazing things and at night go out and play, talk or create with others. She is a communicative artist primarily concerned with how she looks to others, as well as whether this artistic gift will disappear soon. Casper can be insecure which may interfere with attaining her goals. She can be self-revealing and emotionally honest.


Casper can be sensitive and emotionally honest in a relationship. Other characters may be drawn to her depth of feeling, but later feel that she subtly rejects them when they get too close.


Casper will move psychologically toward being even healthier, finding a stronghold to rest her identity on, possibly a love that understands Casper or a regained connection to a person from the past who knows her. Through this experience, she becomes "whole" by appreciating what is here and accepting herself as is, which makes self-expression more of a desire and less of a need.
When Casper can fully except that she is Special, she will be truely happy.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Nat: I don't make sense when I'm up late at night.

It's not actually that late. It's only 11:30. :(

Um..I don't have a reason for this post. Although I did go to a funeral today. And my mom and stepdad leave tomorrow for Africa.

I wrote 114 words today, started reading a new book (An Abundance of Katherines by John Green), and didn't go to school.


Dustin:New story. Blah!

Yep, I'm starting a new story. First it was The Dark Lord's Reign. (Which I stopped working on because Fantasy isn't my genre too write). Then The Jesus Of Suburbia. Which I'm sure none of you read anyways. I can only write that specific tale when I'm feeling crappy and pissed. Lately (A.K.A) for the last 3 months I haven't been in my usual. Least usual back then punk mood. So now I write Eternal. Bassically it is a story which will be detailed too the maximum. It is made too seem like a complete dream, yet scary at the same time. Also mysterious.

It is about the main charater - whom isn't classified as boy nor girl. Not by name or by looks. Least in the Prologue which I've written. Eternal I first wrote a 700 word short story version for English 8. Back in September/15/2009.(Legally published November of 2009). It's been a year and 2 days since it's first copy. Now it is extended too 1500 words, and now a prologue. Either way on Osaawakm I have the link too it. (Through its time on a specific site that you will be lead too it has won honorable mention in several contests). So if you want too read it and critque it for me please do. I realy want to know what others think of it - as for now I'm confused as too how a reader see's the story compared too my view as the author. (Yes it is written very weird). Anyways, thanks for even reading this post. One of my only formal ones upon this site.


Nicole: Nanowrimo?

I know I'm posting a lot today, but I'm genuinely curious about this. Is anybody considering doing Nanwriomo on here? If you're not sure what it is, it's National Novel Writing Month (November) this is their website:

I remember Kas, Maiah and I tried it last year, and I failed dismally, but I'm thinking of trying it again. Even though I was way off 50,000 words, it still made me get a few thousand out.

Are any of you doing it this year? I just worked out that it's 1,666 words a day, so what if we made it a challenge thing for November? I know it's not for another few months though(: Let me know what you guys think.

Nicole: Writing, writing, writing...

... was the plan for today. It got totally knocked down by other plans though, which might be better! Lol, okay, that's a lie, nothing's better than writing. But I do get to see the boy I like :D!sdGU;sdgjah (if anyone is wondering why I always do "sfiauhsd", it's because when I get really excited I have a spas-attack and my fingers go crazy over the keyboard. True story.)

Anyway, on to other things. I don't have a name for my new idea yet, and it's kind of making me go insane. I love my idea, I love my protagonist (who's a boy, btw. :( He's probably going to end up sounding gay when I'm writing him), but I just can't think of a title! Grr, any suggestions you guys might have, and I'll love you 4EVA <3. (:, okay not forever, just for two weeks.

I'm really hyperactive today, I think it's because I had coke for breakfast. Remind me not to do that again. Anyway, I better go and try and get a little bit of writing today. Bye(:

Oh and I dyed my hair purple :D.

Sarah: Names (again)?

All right. I have the last name (Applegate) for my character picked out. And the name of the "love interest" (who I shall call Nate Fairweather). But I still need help for the first name of the MC.

I have these in mind. Personally, I like Sophie the best, but give me your opinion.

Ophelia Applegate

Cleopatra Applegate

Olivia Applegate

Sophie Applegate


Thursday, September 16, 2010

Nicole: New Idea

The town of Klaksvik on the Faroe Islands is dull in the eyes of sixteen year old Kal Adey. The only remotely exciting thing about the small fishing village are the folktales that circulate through the townspeople. They're wonderful and magical, but Kal knows they're all just silly stories.

He decides to wander the docks one day, and there he notices a girl he's never seen around before. She's beautiful, with a silky mane of hair. He stealthily follows her around the entire day, completely mesmerised. He's determined to catch her name, one way or another.

Little does Kal know, he has a week to woo her before she leaves forever.


That's not a very good synopsis, sorry I'm exhausted atm. I've found out that Mikladalur (the origin of the folktale I'm basing this off) is populated with only 23 people O_O. So, I've changed the town temporarily to Klaksvik on the Faroe Islands.(: That was also a temporary name, just for now.

Nicole: Names(:

I had a whole long post before, but I decided to shorten it.

I haven't been posting much lately because of Work Experience. I'm doing it at a primary school library with one of my Mum's friends and I thought it was going to be a complete drag, but I ended up loving it. I'm thinking about being a Library Technician when I finish school(:.

ANYWAY, I was on my break at snack today and I wasn't comfortable in the staff room, so the librarian said it was fine if I just stayed there and ate. She said I could look at the books too if I wanted, so I went to their Folktale section. They have a bigger selection than the regional libraries around here so, as you can imagine, I was pumped. I picked up a book called "Scottish Folktales and Legends", and it was sooo amazing.

I only had time to read one story, but that's the one has sparked a new idea :D I love my new idea and I'll post a synopsis soon! I haven't looked through the recent posts, so I'll do that too(: I need some help with names though, which of these first and last names do you like?:



(If you think any of these are a bit strange, it's because they're Scottish :P)

Ned. Sarah.

Dear Sarah.
I found something on your blog that worried me slightly.
Introducing me- Nick Jonas, GREAT SONG. (I don't like the jonas brothers...) But great song!

You're trying to grow a mustach?
Okay! :)
Let me know how that works out.

Heather: For The Love Of Sophie

For The Love Of Sophie.
Neil Kingston was as good as invisible.
None of his peers understood why the gangly seventeen year old boy preferred old Star Trek episodes to football, Archie comics over computers. And god forbid anyone learn about his collection of lightsabers and his mint-condition Luke Skywalker action figures.
Everyone he came in contact with thought he'd end up as the manager of a McDonalds, or Wendy's. No one noticed his A average, or the way his blue – green eyes had the ability to light up his face and make him into an entirely new person.
And no one ever knew that he, Neil Kingston, was going to make something of himself.
If he didn't, he was determined to die trying...
That is, until Sophie came along.

That is the idea (reference post below,) it'll still be subject to change though, and it's a romance. :)

(C) Idea Copyrighted to Heather Johansson.

Heather: For The Love of Sophie.

I just got this idea.
Inspired by, of course, Philosophy.
Philos - Love of.
Sophos - Wisdom.
Philosophy - Love of wisdom.
Hence, For The Love of Sophie.
It's not fantasy, it's from a male perspective - and it kind of has me excited!
I'll give you more details when I get them.
Wish me luck. Haha.

Cori: Okay, don't yell at me...XD!

I know I just posted something. But this cannot wait XD!!! It's awesome. In a way. Sort of. Well, it IS funny. But about school. Aw, just read it...
Here's a list of things that have happened in the first three weeks of my school so far: a kid got arrested for smoking and selling pot. A kid had a seizure today and had to go to the hosptial. Two girls caught the bathroom on fire. Our favorite sub was reduced to tears by the seventh bell class. So many kids have written on the bathroom walls that they're all black smudges now. Somebody smashed a can of spraypaint in the middle of the hallway, and we all tracked it down the halls on purpose XD! There have been so many fights, and one kid got a broken nose and ankle for it. At least five or six kids have been suspended, and one expelled. Three kids were caught smoking.Aah...Lebanon has such class. Lmao!!!!
Oh, and don't forget that somebody pulled the fire alarm right before the bell rang today, and we all freaked out XD! Mr. Walsh, my writing teacher, was shouting at that kid, and it was like he was PMSing or something.
I love my school. It's never boring, that's for sure!!! But I do hate troublemakers...

Cori: Goodie, eh?

Aah...the thrill of being rejected by an agent XD! I can finally relax, Goddammit! That stupid query/agent business was driving me insane. And now I can be freaked out again because I just queried a DIFFERENT agent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Muahahaha. I hope this one actually replies correctly, instead of just sending me back the email with absolutely no writing on their part. I mean...rude.
Anyway, lol, now I can get all stressed out again! And I rewrote my query and all; it's a lot better, lol. Before it sucked, I have to admit, even though I hadn't wanted to at the time XD!
Well, I should probably...idk. What are you guys up to (I'm extremely bored, if you can't tell) lately???


I just started school on the 7th. I've been busy!
And yet, I've managed to write, be social, make a whole cookie jar of friends, get sick, throw up in Wendy's (a fast food restraunt...) and get a NEW idea!
This idea... isn't really new. It's been in my head for... EVER!
Here, I'll give the blurb.

My name is Harlow Tabatha James. My mother told me she had leukemia one thousand three hundred and fourty nine days ago. At first, it wasn't that bad, she'd be in the hospital somdays, at home others and I could live with that, as long as she was recovering. But now, everything has changed. It's not just sometimes that shes not at home its all the time. And shes never coming back. My step father is a mess, my family is broken, and everything seems to be crumbling a long with it.
My name is Harlow Tabatha James. My mother died of leukemia One thousand one hundred and fourty four days ago, and it was all my fault.
(I don't really like the cover so if anyone else wanted to make one I'd be eternally greatful!)
School. Is. Awesome.
I love highschool, mostly cause I'm going to an art school.
Next week, I'll be away at camp from monday till thursday, so, I won't be able to be on SAAWAKM. :(

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Nat: Not in a good mood.

I'm sorry if this post is bitchy or whiney or full of complaints - but I don't care, because I'm in a terrible mood right now.

I'm not even going to bother explaining it all, but I had an awful day full of people that I can't deal with. When people don't show up 2 days in a row to present a drama project, I get pissed off. When I find out that I have a second drama project that I have to prepare and present tomorrow, I get a little more angry. When I spend TWO AND A HALF FREAKING HOURS in a room full of people I hate and that love to hear themselves talk, it just tops off the day.

Now, it's almost 9 o'clock, I just got home. I still have to study for an English and Chem final tomorrow, do my Physics homework, prepare/practice a full mime drama project, make a cover page for my sketch book, plus get to bed at a decent hour so that I can wake up extra early tomorrow morning for Student Council. I also got two really awful pieces of news today. I feel like dying - I'm getting sick and I have a stomachache. Plus, my dad is mad at me. Again.

Yes, it has been an awful day. Thanks for listening.

Heather: No Time.

I just realized.
Life is ridiculously stupid.
Just like my schedule.
This semester - Intro., to Anthropology, Psychology, and Sociology, Chemistry, Advanced English, and Philosophy. So much homework.
Basketball too.
And then next semester ; Canadian History, (ew.) Civics (blah), Advanced Mathematics, Advanced French (ew times two.)
And next year, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Advanced Math, Advanced English, Pre-calc., (possibly calc., too,) Advanced French, Philosophy, and World History. A few may vary.
I have had like, no time to do any writing - at all lately.
Screw school.
Even though I love it.
I'm going to die because of this, I know it.
Anyway,  felt like saying all that, because everyone else said their schedules, and it allowed me to escape my Chem., homework for a while. :)
Later. :/

Kas: Hahaha.

Who wants another excerpt!?

I know each and everyone of you jsut screamed "I DO!"

Right? Right.

Well, if you insist.

Im going to post the next scene that i've written on OSAAWAKMS. Its still towards the beginning of the book, but its farther than the last was. I really like this one, and i think you guys might be right about the whole action scene thing. Lol.


Kas: Ned, we have a problem.

Hahaha. Okay, so Ned, your shirt came today. (Its awesome!) And i was going to just turn around and mail it to you... only i think i deleted your email on accident. :O

Oops. My bad, lol. so, i need you to re-send it, or write a new one, or something. Because i really want you to see this shirt... its freakin-tastic. New word, love it! :P

Anyways, yeah. Uhm... so far, i've finsihed two scenes since i started my new method, resulting in around 2,500 words. :P Which is good, im hoping to get around 1,500 written tonight, which is only one scene, but its whatever. :P I really like this new method. :D


Sarah: excited!


Okay, now that's out of the way.

Do you guys remember a couple days/weeks ago I told you about the story I'm planning to write? I've decided a title (Jinx) which will ultimately be part a series (the downworld chronicles). It's very exciting, hence the scream above.

AAANNNDDDD...I've figured out how it will start.

But, I need some help. Should the protagonist's name be Violet or Marti? Thanks in advance!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Dustin: Intresting Facts About Saawakm. Do read.

So I hit design when I meant new post. You all should explore the design of Saawakm.
Instructions (Just do it)
Hit New post.
You should be directed too Posting>New Post. Beside it should be Comments. Go too stats.
At the top should be Overview. Then a chart of blue and spikes. In the center top of this should be week, day, month year, alltime. Hit All time.

It states in July of 2010 we have had 12,662 page views. I do not know how acurate this is. However there is about 12 of us. If we visit twice a day. 24 views a day. 24/30= 720....So either we all check it out about 50 times a day or..we have random viewers or. Every time we refresh, click comments or a diffrent section it counts as a pageview I do not know.

Next scroll down, you should see a globe with some countries highlighted green. This means where our pageviews come from I'll infer. Most from CA/USA.

We have some from Australia. I think someone on here is from Australia.


If you look closely, we got views from Spain, France, Japan Germany and Georgia or something of that kind by Russia's border...On Osaawakm we got some from the middle east.

For some other realy useless information, Then under New posts and all that crap are other sections. Posts, traffic sources and Audience. Jesus christ my mind is having a nerd-gasm. That is all make of this info as you will.

Nat: I came to a conclusion today...

And decided that all SAAWAKM members should go to my school. And then school would be a much more epic place to be.

[Edit]: RE Writing
I wrote the final scene of my book today!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm actually really happy with how it turned out, and now that I'm all organized, I'm finally getting at least 1000 words written every day. At this rate, my book should be finished (first draft) within, like, a year. Hahaha, I've still got a long ways to go. But it's a start. =)

That's all I wanted to say. :)


Cori: I love writing...So much...

All right! I did what I threatened to do, and made a bad guy possess one of my good guys! =D poor Altrius, he already thinks he's a monster, and now his mind is being taken over by a demon just like him XD! I love tormenting people I make up. I mean, sometimes it's so amusing. And then you get extremely attatched to them and freak out when people diss them in any way. Ah, the sound of somebody freaking out over a to my ears.
Yes, I know that sounded a bit disturbing.
Ooh, hey, I found the Tylenol!!!...Behind my laptop. All right, that's not strange at all o.O
Anyway, lmao, I am getting totally high on the awesome smell of my perfume XD! It spilled onto my carpet, and every few seconds I breathe it in and make this really weird face and keeps making Max crack up, and then I go like, "Mmm..."
Okay, I think I'm ranting.
Anyhoo, I wrote a little scene from the sequel to Escape of the Thief. Ooh, and don't forget, Corinne, you wanted to ask them something...And tell them something. First of all, do you think it's a good idea for me to have the world in my series be almost completely medieval, and then in the second book (which takes place more than one hundred years afterward) in a half medieval, half futuristic setting? Same world, just advanced (no, I'm not being unreasonable. You find out that they had been developing the tech stuff for more than one thousand years, so yeah). Do you think that's a good idea, though? It's a hell of a lot of fun to write about XD!
And then, somethin' to tell ya! You guys can call me either Danny or Cori. Or Corinne, or Danielle. I don't care. Because my name is Corinne Danielle (I ain't giving out last names, lol), and a lot of people call me either. So it doesn't matter what you guys want to call me. Just thought I oughtta let you know, lol. Oh, and since my friend TayTay (Taryn) loves my character Charlie, that's what she calls me. XD! I love that. Charrrrrrlieeeeee =D!!!!
Okay. Well, I sorta gotta go right now...Oh, and I posted that little scene I mentioned on OSAAWAKMS hahaha. Check it out if you want!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Dustin:Opinions On this Snippet?

So in my story, I have my main Charater John-Lucas talking too his only or best friend; Clara. So I made up some pledge they said in grade six, but it sounds realy phony to me....I want to know if its just me. So for a 6th grade quote, that they made up is this too phony or too Mature?

My tears stopped as her voice brought back my child hood, how she’d always yell at me and make my ear drums ring. I felt like a child again, my stomach even stopped its acrobatic act for the Mr. Liver and Ms. Heart. I looked up and I stared at the old lady. Her face was covered in wrinkles, and I said into the phone, “I cross my heart when I say I speak of no lies. I will speak of none, above the skies or beneath thee skies. Have god question thy, if I speak of lies. If so execute me for treason, but I’ve made my choice with reason. I tell you true when I say, I will. Amen.”

(Im talking about the words in the 66 and 99 "", Im so keeping mr.Liver and Ms.Heart in 'dere! xD)
Thanks ahead of...Time

Maiah: :)

Hey you all.
I just posted a scene I wrote on OSAAWAKM.
I would love it if you were to read it.
And comment it. :D
That would make me very happy.
Yes indeed.
It's not long.
And it pretty much sucks.
But oh well.

Okay bye! Hahaha :)

Cori: Did I lie?

The answer: Naaaah. I just got so flippin' bored that I decided, "Hey, what the goat. Let's create the blog just for the hell of it!!!"
So, I made a blog, lmao. Oh, and I changed my screen name to Khardan Jakk, my epic book character =D!
Khardan out XD!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Nat: Blog Links

So a lot of us have been starting personal blogs lately, so I put a list of blog links in the sidebar of SAAWAKM. I added a few, but add yours if you want to. :)

In other news, I wrote 2570 words today.

Heather: the philosophy of heather

I started a blog.
It's make out of it what you will.
And I' working on Nalin again - thank goodness. :)
I should go to sleep soon.
I don't want to.
Sad face.

Sarah: The New Look

I just wanted to remind you all, once again, of my blog, Sarah Serendipity. I just gave it a major makeover. Check it!

Also, if you have a blog, I want to follow it! Put the link in the comment so I can!

MWAH! :)

Nicole: WBs and work experience.

Ned is my writing buddy, yayyasudhai(:.

In other news :|. I've finished school for the term, but I can't stay home and write :(. I have work experience where we have to go to some workplace and, well, work. They can practically make us slaves if they want because we've signed some contract. :( I just wanna write it's the perfect weather as well, all gloomy and stuff. At least I'm going to a library (a school library, though). I'm nervous :(, dun wanna go.

Dustin: Gettin' Back Into The Daily Grind XD

Wow, I looked over my two stories which I havent even -thought- about for a month or so. Its a weird feeling, almost creepy. You get attached too the charaters then you ditch them. Its like a withdrawl xD.

Anyways I uploaded Chapter one onto Osaawakms of my current story/novel book...piece of shit thingy? Whatever you see fit too call it. So I was wondering if anyone could read it and give me some feedback, because I know that i've fucked up alot...

Oh and also. Im learning Japanese xD So damn cool! Itchi ni, ya go so roku nana hachi kyuu jyuu. 100 imagninery points to whoever knows what I just said in Japanese..


Nat: WB & Writing

Cori! We get to be writing buddies! Yay!

I'm spending today writing. :)

I was rereading SAAWAKM posts from a long time ago, and I read Kas's post about her writing space. It also mentioned a program called yWriter, which I installed and am now in love with! I've written 1388 words in the past hour or so, and I don't plan on stopping anytime soon. So thanks Kas!


Heather: WB & Nalin

I made a new contact page for e-mails so WB's can contact each other, you can find it by going to 'Edit Pages.'
Okay, now that that's done...
I'm about to work on Nalin.
I just can't not work on it.
So yeah. I also got rid of all the exerpts of it I've posted on here, because well, yeah. /But I think there were only like... 2? Anyway.
Okay. Bye! ;)

Cori: WB

First of all, I'm just putting WB for writing buddies, because I'm lazy and don't feel like putting down the whole words...XD! So just bear with me here, all right?
Anyway, I guess that we'll pretty much have to tell our WB's what's going on in our stories, like Maiah said, so they can help us. How do we do this? Like, in a chat room or something? Because I for one, don't exactly feel like posting and having them answer a few hours later or something, lol. Things like that usually drive me nuts. And you can never tell if they're online or not...
Just wanted to know about that.
And then, MUAHAHAHA! I got rejected from the last agent I queried, and now I'm going to query a different one!! Yay!
Now I need to go bother my daddy into taking me to a bookstore so I can spend thirty bucks on books and read the day away. Hahaha, Cori out XD!

Maiah: WB

Umm....Okay. So obviously our writing buddies need to know whats going on in our story, and whats gonna happen, and all of that jazz. Otherwise the won't be of as much help as they could.

The problem for me, is that it's gonna be really hard for my writing buddy (Who I think is Sarah...right?) to understand whats going on. because in all honesty, im not even all that sure where my story is ending up. Ohhh well I guess. You'll just have to bare with me. Haha :)

Kas; Writing buddies.

Okay, so im ready to start the whole writing buddies thing. Hahaha.

So, if you guys dont mind, im going to go ahead and draw names. If you guys do mind, we ca always pick in another way later...

So, the people participating are... Me, Sarah, Maiah, Ned, Ash, Heather, Nicole and Cori. Right? If theres anyone else, that will be an uneven # so they can jsut pick the group they wan tot be in... Hahaha.

So, im going to use this website to do the picking...

Alright, and the results are...
Ned & Nicole!
Cori & Ash!
Kas & Heather!
Sarah & Maiah!

There we are. Haha. Those are the writing buddies! :)


Kas: Sharing. :)

So, i've decided that im going to wait until i've finished the entire novel, since im writing out of order, to edit anything. So, that would usually mean i would get to share anything with you guys... but i dont like that.

So, what im going to do, is everytime i finish a scene, im going to post it on OSAAWAKMS. The only thing is that you gys usually wont understand exactly whats going on, since every scene will be at a different point in the book. I mean, you might be able to piece it together, but it might be confusing.. haha.

So, anyways, i have almost got the next scene done, i have around another 500 words to write on it, and then i'll post it.



Dustin:FML much.

Sorry I havent been on for nearly a month! Or so..
You see I completly ditched writing for awhile...My bad -facepalm-
Let me explain. I left my current highschool and went to another, in which I know no one. I had to on 7 occasions deal with the administration about legal crap, and then I also got a shit load of Japanese homework and other shit, then I had too go to my grandmothers for 2 days and alot of personal shit. Sorry! (Also all internet was down for 3 days..W-T-F)..

Anyways Just thought i'd drop back in and tell y'all Im still here! As i've notice you guys have been kicking people? =O holy shit?

And yes I'm back into writing now. Or more like video design. You'll see later. what have I 300 posts? Fuuuuuuck?

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Nicole: Webcams?

Hey, just wondering how many of you have webcams? One day it'd be cool if we could figure out the time difference between everyone and organise something on Tinychat and officially "meet". (: What do you guys think?

Cori: Hey, mates!

Wanted to know something. And wanted to update on what's happening lately. Actually, I wanted to know about two things. First off, what do you say to me tormenting poor Altrius, my character, by having his worst enemy take over his mind for multiple periods of time and try to make him kill his best friend at one point? I think it sounds fun to write about =D! I love Al, depressive emo asshole though he is. Pardon my French XD!
Anyway, now I have another thing to ask...Do you guys think I'm going insane? Like, let me explain. For about three months now I've been getting these really weird memory vision things, and then this really bad feeling whenever it happens. Each time it keeps getting worse--the feeling, that is. And every time I sort of have a break down, which I'm successful in hiding from people--after all, I HAVE been practicing my Happy Mask for three years now, so nobody knows that I'm not really happy at all. But do you guys have any idea what's going on? I really want to make the things stop because each time I feel like killing something. Sort of disturbing, yeah.
Just wanted to know...And then, I LOVE THE IDEA OF A WRITING BUDDY XD!!! COUNT ME IN!!!

Sarah: i NEED your help, ladies (and gents, if you're still around).

Alright all. I need some major help.

I'm about to write something that has been gnawing at my brain for, oh, I don't know, about TWO YEARS now. Taking on this project is huge for me, because I'm about to bring to life the people that have haunted me for, like, ever.

I have a pitch, character names, characters, and fhagiohgfI'mfinallywritingthisstory!

Here's where I need your help. I have NO CLUE what to call it. It makes me so frustrated that I have all this figured out and NO TITLE. And, usually, I make at least one cover before I start a project.

So, I need your ideas on what to title it

Here's the pitch, since you need to know something about it, of course.

Violet Finkle never thought her life would get more interesting than the random people who show up at her part-time job at the New York Private Records and Relics. As a secretary for the manager, she sees all kinds of strange things that she is not allowed to question.

One day, her boss sends her to a super secret room in the basement of the NYPR&R to retrieve a special object. When she returns, Violet finds her boss dead and a very disturbing note written on the wall in blood.

While trying to solve the mystery, Violet finds out some very disturbing facts about her workplace and the secrets it holds. Her own curiosity lands her in terrible danger and throws her—literally—into the hands of Benjamin Banner, an expert in all things weird.

With non-stop mystery and action, Title Here will keep you on the edge of seat from beginning to end

Thanks! And please hurry, because I'm itching to write this story!

And here's a picture of something we all think every once in a while...